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Mundhanai Mudichu
By introducing the simple drumstick as a libido-increaser in a single scene, Bhagyaraj made it famous.
thank uCorrection it is
Mundhanai Mudichu
By introducing the simple drumstick as a libido-increaser in a single scene, Bhagyaraj made it famous.
I cant understand what is a nonveg vegetableTo All, Bottle guard(Suraikai) is best for High BP as a user vegitable and it reduces best for all to blood urea. Best veg Item for BP,Sugar and Weight loss. Olden days this was ref with nonveg vegitable. But today this is chiep and good vegitable. srk.
I cant understand what is a nonveg vegetable
how can a vegetable be non veg?
potatos, chillies, tomatos all have universal acceptance. garlic, cauliflower, capsicums do not. there is nothing wrong in that.
Shri.Kunjuppu, a small correction.
'Onion' commands the universal acceptance. Its the world's most widely/highly used vegetable(Anthony bourdaine often says in his travelogue)..
i stand corrected. i was under the impression that onion was a new world import. my mistake.
so, in the context, that it is an ancient vegetable, known to indian for a long time, i do not understand the reluctance of some folks to cook it.
in my grandparents' house onion was a no no. my mother used it very sparingly, and that too only the small sambhar onions.
i guess it is a matter of taste or taboo. taste, i can understand; taboo i don't.
thank you.
KRS, what you stated is correct as I came across this in a copy of Bhaghavat Geetha I have.
Given that times have changed and so have our lifestyles, we do not have the luxury of shunning vegetables because of certain age old laws.
Garlic eaten raw or cooked lowers BP and helps with Cholestrol. Onion too helps, but is not as much as garlic.
As to the sorakkai question: If it was native to India, then anyone who has access to Ayurvedic books should look it up and see if it was deemed good. From what I have read, it is a good vegetable to eat and are advised to cook it before eating or making juice out of it.
Since it is more like zucchini in texture, I like to make chutney out of it then making kolumbu or anything else.
Also i think brahmins and jains shunned foods that grow under the ground like potatoes, onions, etc because in the age old past, feaces used to be used as manure to grow tubers i heard..sounds yuk now but that was the farming practices in the past. I suppose, onions supposedly act like an aphrodisiac, so they are avoided by brahmins and jains.
hi arun..In India as early as the sixth century B.C., the famous medical treatise Charaka - Sanhita celebrates the onion as medicine - a diuretic, good for digestion, the heart, the eyes and the joints.
- potatoes avoided because its starchy, supposedly makes ppl lazy, sleepy ??
hi kunjappu sir,good points happy. i have just a some queries arising out of it, if you don't mind
- even today human feces is a significant source of fertilizer for the crops. one only has to view the fields in the morning or dusk, to verify the number of squatters. with rural women, i think, it is almost elevated to a social function and time to catch up on the day's events. if one is so sensitive, one should avoid all crops and vegetables. right?
- to the best of my knowledge, brahmins always went for chenai, koorkai, maravaLLi and kaavathu kizhangus. any reason, why the selective avoidance of potatos. i grew up with a steady diet of potatoes, though my mother was not all that orthodox.
- re the aphrodisiac properties of onion - since when brahmins shunned sex? i thought they enjoyed them as good as any other folk. in fact, the madisaar, is a perfect garment for having quick sex, as one has to just adjust one fold between the legs.. i do not mean to be flippant here, but i do believe madisaar improves the grace and elegance of the woman, like no other female garment. perhaps, easy to wear, pre made, slip on madisaar may cause a come-back to the madisaar some time in the future?
thank you.
ps.. i read in the readers digest some years ago, that in one particular region of china, there were a blindness epidemic. the scientist finally found the root cause was the feces of the people of that region, where the prevalent of certain bacteria, which when recycled between the body and the earth, caused certain occular nervous disorder, resulting in blindness. thank God, our indian feces are harmless.
Thanks HHgood points happy. i have just a some queries arising out of it, if you don't mind
- even today human feces is a significant source of fertilizer for the crops. one only has to view the fields in the morning or dusk, to verify the number of squatters. with rural women, i think, it is almost elevated to a social function and time to catch up on the day's events. if one is so sensitive, one should avoid all crops and vegetables. right?
- to the best of my knowledge, brahmins always went for chenai, koorkai, maravaLLi and kaavathu kizhangus. any reason, why the selective avoidance of potatos. i grew up with a steady diet of potatoes, though my mother was not all that orthodox.
- re the aphrodisiac properties of onion - since when brahmins shunned sex? i thought they enjoyed them as good as any other folk. in fact, the madisaar, is a perfect garment for having quick sex, as one has to just adjust one fold between the legs.. i do not mean to be flippant here, but i do believe madisaar improves the grace and elegance of the woman, like no other female garment. perhaps, easy to wear, pre made, slip on madisaar may cause a come-back to the madisaar some time in the future?
thank you.
omg kunjuppu-ji, you have me stumped. clean bowled.
- arun can answer this i guess, he wud know about crops, avoidence, farming methods..
- potatoes avoided because its starchy, supposedly makes ppl lazy, sleepy ??
- never heard of the quick benefits of the madisaar before :embarassed:
- am still :rofl: abt the harmlessness of indian feces...
you've made my day sir, i think i will read this each time i want to cut off from monotony for some smiles, laughter and fun..