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Will J. Jayalalithaa emerge victorious in the appeal verdict on 11th May

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Courtesy: Politickle by Manjul -Politickle by Manjul | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis
Even Public prosecutor Acharya feels at first sight the judgment is right

சாட்சியங்களை சரியாக பரிசீலித்து சரியான தீர்ப்பை நீதிமன்றம் வழங்கியிருக்கிறது என்றே தீர்ப்பின் மீதான எனது முதற்கட்ட பார்வை உள்ளது. தீர்ப்பை முழுவதுமாக வாசித்து எனது கருத்துகளை கர்நாடக அரசுக்கு நான் தெரிவிப்பேன்.

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For one thing, it is good to see the verdict has gone in favour of JJ. Considering the enormous poojas, abhishekams, vadai malais, yagams. distribution of puliodharai etc. performed for her acquittal, it would become a fodder to pseudo-rationalists to criticize Hindu Gods, if the verdict went against her.
Satyam Raju's sentence is suspended and is out on bail. All ten convicted have got bail. I think the courts are preparing for sonia's acquittl in national herald cheating and acquisition case yet to come up for regular hearing. Since modi govt is challenging collegium system of appointment, we will see more pending cases getting cleared soon.

The post of CVC is not filled, because the court has put a brake, and was not keen to hear it before july when the govt wanted to expedite hearing.

The court and judicial system works in mysterious ways. Chennai high court judge karnan has lodged a complaint, in the supreme court, against his own court's chief justice.
For one thing, it is good to see the verdict has gone in favour of JJ. Considering the enormous poojas, abhishekams, vadai malais, yagams. distribution of puliodharai etc. performed for her acquittal, it would become a fodder to pseudo-rationalists to criticize Hindu Gods, if the verdict went against her.

A similar religious fervor was displayed when MGR was hospitalized in 1984....Good bye rationalism! Welcome spirituality and Bhakthi!
And the slogan by the ecstatic is - satyam may not always win, but dharmam will ways win in the end.
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Judge Kumaraswamy heard the case for 41 days on the trot

Judge Kumaraswamy heard the case for 41 days on the trot
Bengaluru: May 12, 2015, DHNS

Karnataka High Court judge Justice C R Kumaraswamy, who delivered the verdict acquitting former Tamil Nadu chief minister J Jayalalitha, is a native of Malavalli in Mandaya district. Incidentally, Jayalalitha’s birth place Melkote too is in Mandya district.

Sixty-one-year-old Justice Kumaraswamy was born on August 25, 1953 and completed his law degree in Bengaluru and enrolled as an advocate on March 11, 1983.

Working as an advocate for 12 years, he practised civil, criminal and labour law. In 1995, passing the district judge examination, he served as a principal judge for ten years in Bengaluru sessions court. He was appointed additional judge in the High Court on March 07, 2005 and on March 01, 2007, he continued as a permanent judge of the High Court.
In the past eight years, he has passed orders in more than 500 civil and criminal cases and is known for disposing of banking and cheque related cases in two months.

He was appointed judge for the special court to hear the criminal appeals filed by Jayalalitha and her aides on January 1 and started to hear the case from January 5. Leaving the holidays in between, Justice Kumaraswamy heard the case for 41 days continuously.

It was learnt that when he reserved his orders on March 11, 2015 and till the morning of May 11, he was working on the judgement copies and prepared an order having 919 pages with 10 volumes.

Since there was a lot of records relating to banking details in the case, he had formed a team of auditors to help him. He had engaged only trusted officers and staff members of the court to help him in the case.

Justice Kumaraswamy is due for retirement on August 24 this year.
Justice Markandey Katju on the Jaya Verdict from his FB Page

Jayalalitha has been acquited by the Karnataka High Court. I would not like to comment on the verdict as I have not read the judgment.
But I would like to say, as I have said earlier also, that she never interfered with my functioning when I was Chief Justice of Madras High Court ( 2004-2005 ) and she was the Chief Minister of Tamilnadu, and she always respected the independence of the judiciary. She never asked me to recommend anyone for Judgeship of the High Court, and she never sought to influence the judiciary in any way.
Throughout my stay as Chief Justice of Madras High Court I met her only once, and that was at Raj Bhawan when she came to my oath taking ceremony. Thereafter I never met her while I was Chief Justice, as I had made it a strict rule that I will never go to the house or office of any politician as long as I was the Chief Justice. Ministers of both the D.M.K.( which was in power in the Central Govt. as an ally of the Congress ) and A.D.M.K.( which was in power in the state ) would come to meet me at my residence on 17, Greenways Road, to discuss various issues, but I never went to their houses or offices. I told all of them the same thing : that as Chief Justice I would be totally impartial, and so if the law was in their favour the judgment would go in their favour, but if the law was against them it would go against them.
While Jayalalitha respected the independence of the judiciary, I regret to say the same cannot be said about the D.M.K. A Union Minister belonging to that party repeatedly met me with a list of names of lawyers whom he wanted recommended for High Court Judgeship. I enquired about these persons, and found that many of them were not even practising lawyers. No doubt they had been enrolled as lawyers many years ago, but they were never seen in law courts, and were probably full time politicians. Obviously if such persons were appointed as Judges they would not be impartial.
When I told that Union Minister that I would not recommend the persons in the list he had given me ( and who were all undeserving persons ) he told me that he had given an assurance to these persons that they would become High Court Judges. I told him that he had no business to give such an assurance. He then said that by refusing to recommend his names I was jeopardising my chances of becoming a Supreme Court Judge. I said that indeed I aspired to be a Supreme Court Judge, but for becoming one I would not do wrong things, come what may. The maximum punishment which could be given me was not to allow me to become a Supreme Court Judge, but I was prepared for that punishment.
I have always been of the view that a lawyer who is too close to any political party is not fit to be a Judge as he cannot be impartial. So in the list of 20 persons I recommended ( as there were over 25 vacancies in the High Court at that time ) there was no one close to D.M.K. or A.D.M.K.or any other political party. And I must say to the credit of Jayalalitha that she never objected to the names I recommended, although there was no lawyer belonging to, or close to, the ADMK in my list. She approved all the names I recommended.
The DMK was very annoyed that I had not recommended anyone in the list their Minister had given me, and they stalled appointments of the persons I had recommended for over 6 months. They could do that as in the UPA Congress did not have a majority in Parliament, and was dependent on its allies, of which the DMK was a big one, for survival. Ultimately it was only when a PIL was filed and orders issued by the Supreme Court that the appointments could be made.
As I said before, apart from our meeting at Raj Bhawan at my oath taking, I never met Jayalaitha during my term as Chief Justice of Madras High Court. It was much later when I came to Chennai for some function ( in 2012 or so, after I had retired from the Supreme Court ) ) that I sought an appointment with her, and met her at her office in the Secretariat. I had gone to meet her to request her to give an allowance to retired High Court Judges of Madras High Court for engaging a servant ( as I had got done for retired Judges of Allahabad High Court ).
I arrived punctually on time, and was taken straight to her office. which was perhaps on the second floor. There was no politician apart from herself in the room, but there were about half a dozen senior officers, the Chief Secretary, Home Secretary, etc whom she introduced to me. She then requested me to sit down.
I thanked her for giving me an appointment, and then submitted to her the memorandum I had prepared in which was mentioned the request for an allowance to retired High Court Judges. She read it, and said she will certainly consider it ( it was subsequently granted ).
I then told her that I respected her because she never interfered with the functioning of the judiciary when I was Chief Justice of Madras High Court, and never asked me to recommend any name for Judgeship.
I then told her that Tamilians should learn Hindi, as it was in their interest to do so as they faced great difficulty when they go out of Tamilnadu. She said that there was a reaction in Tamilnadu because some North Indian politicians tried to impose Hindi. I agreed with her that those North Indian politicians were wrong. This is the age of democracy, and nothing should be imposed. However all that is now in the past, and Tamilians should reconsider.
I then said that I was told that she knew Hindi. At this she smiled, and started speaking in fluent Hindi, and we spoke in Hindi for the next 5 minutes.
I was half inclined to tell her that she looked pretty, but decided that discretion is the better part of valour !
I then said that I was told that she knew Hindi. At this she smiled, and started speaking in fluent Hindi, and we spoke in Hindi for the next 5 minutes.
I was half inclined to tell her that she looked pretty, but decided that discretion is the better part of valour !

JJ can speak in other regional languages too ...Telugu, Kannada & Malayalam....A multi linguist!
Other facts about the judge who changed the future of JJ

குமாரசாமியின் பூர்விகம் கர்நாடக மாநிலம் பெல்லாரி என்றாலும், பிறந்து வளர்ந்தது பெங்களூருவில்தான். ஏழ்மை யான குடும்பத்தைச் சேர்ந்த குமாரசாமி அரசுப் பள்ளியில் படித்து, முதல் தலைமுறையாக கல்லூரியை மிதித்தார். தனது தந்தையின் ஆசையின்படி பெங் களூரு சட்டக் கல்லூரியில் சேர்ந்து சட்டப்படிப்பில் பட்டம் பெற்றார். 12 ஆண்டுகள் வழக்கறிஞராக வலம்வந்த குமாரசாமி 1995-ல் பெங்களூரு மாவட்ட முதன்மை அமர்வு நீதிபதியாக பொறுப்பேற்று சிவில் மற்றும் குற்றவியல் வழக்குகளை விசாரித்தார். குடும்ப நல நீதிமன்றம், லோக் ஆயுக்த நீதிமன்றம் ஆகியவற்றில் 10 ஆண்டுகள் பணியாற்றிய பின், 2005-ல் கர்நாடக உயர் நீதிமன்றத்தில் கூடுதல் நீதிபதி யாகவும், 2007-ல் நிரந்தர நீதிபதி யாகவும் பதவியேற்றார்.
முல்பாகலில் முடிவு
உச்ச நீதிமன்ற தலைமை நீதிபதி ஹெச்.எல்.தத்து கர்நாடக உயர் நீதிமன்றத்தில் பணியாற்றிய போது அவருடன் நெருங்கிப் பழகியுள்ளார். இருவரும் நெருக்க மான நண்பர்கள் என்பதால் விடுமுறை காலங்களில் சிருங்கேரி கோயிலுக்கும், முல்பாகல் சிக்கு திருப்பதி கோயிலுக்கும் சென்று பூஜை செய்து வருவார்கள். ஜெயலலிதா வழக்கில் தீர்ப்புக்கு இறுதி வடிவம் கொடுத்துவிட்டு மே 3-ம் தேதி தனியாக சிக்கு திருப்பதி கோயிலுக்கு சென்று பிரம்ம முகூர்த்த பூஜை செய்துள்ளார் குமாரசாமி. அநேகமாக அங்கு சென்று வந்த பிறகுதான் தீர்ப்பின் முடிவை தீர்மானித்திருக்கிறார். இதனை குமாரசாமியுடன் பணியாற்றும் நீதிமன்ற ஊழியர்கள் உறுதியாக சொல்கிறார்கள்.
கடைசி நிமிடத்தில்..
கடந்த 2 மாதங்களாக தினமும் காலை 9.30 மணிக்கு நீதிமன்றத்துக்குள் நுழையும் அவரது கார் மாலை 6.50 மணிக்கு தான் வீட்டுக்கு கிளம்பும். அதுவரை சேம்பரில் இருந்து இயற்கை உபாதைகளை தவிர எதற்கும் எழுந்து போகாமல் தீர்ப்பெழுதியுள்ளார். இந்த பணிக்காக தான் தேர்ந்தெடுத்த‌ 7 பேர்களில் நம்பிக்கையான 3 பேரிடம் முக்கிய பக்கங்களை தட்டச்சு செய்ய கொடுத்துள்ளார்.
ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமைகளிலும் தீர்ப்பெழுதும் பணி நடந்தது. நீதிபதியின் தனி வழி காட்டு தலின்படி நீதிமன்ற உதவி அதிகாரி லாவண்யா தீர்ப்பு ஆணையை பிரின்ட் எடுக்கும் பணியில் ஈடுபட்டார். குறிப்பாக தீர்ப்பின் கடைசி இரண்டு பக்கங் களை (ஆப்ரேட்டிவ் போர்ஷன்) நேற்று காலை 7.30 மணிக்கு வந்து தயாரித்துள்ளார். ஏனென்றால் தீர்ப்பின் முடிவு வெளியே கசிந்து விடக்கூடாது என்பதற்காகவே குமாரசாமி இவ்வாறு செய்துள்ளார்.
அதிரடி தீர்ப்புகள்
ஆயிரம் வழக்குகளுக்கு மேல் விசாரித்துள்ள அவர் அதில் சரிபாதி வழக்குகளில் விசாரணை நீதிமன்றம் வழங்கிய தண்டனையை உறுதி செய்துள்ளார். ஆனால் பெரிய வழக்குகளிலும், பிரபல வழக்கு களிலும் விசாரணை நீதிமன்ற தீர்ப்புக்கு எதிரான தீர்ப்பையே வழங்கியுள்ளார்.
இதற்கு உதாரணமாக முத்திரைத்தாள் மோசடி மன்னன் கரீம் தெல்கி, சர்ச்சைக்குரிய சாமியார் நித்யானந்தா, பி.டி. பருத்தி போன்ற வழக்குகளை கூறலாம். அதே போல நாடு முழுவதும் பரபரப்பை ஏற்படுத்திய கம்பாளப்பள்ளி கிராமத்தில் 7 தலித்துகள் உயிரோடு எரித்துக் கொல்லப்பட்ட வழக்கில் ‘தலித் படுகொலைக்கு போதிய ஆதாரங்கள் இல்லை' எனக்கூறி அனைவரையும் விடுதலை செய்தார்.
வருகிற ஆகஸ்ட் மாதத்துடன் ஓய்வு பெறுகிற குமாரசாமி மீது இதுவரை பெரிய அளவிலான குற்றச்சாட்டுகள் இல்லை. இருப்பினும் தவறான ஆவணங்களை தாக்கல் செய்து இரு வீடுகள் பெற்றதாக புகார் எழுந்தது. அப்போது இவருடன் சர்ச்சையில் இடம்பிடித்த‌ ஹெச்.எல். தத்து, குமாரசாமிக்கு ஆதர வாக செயல்பட்டு பிரச்சினையை தீர்த்து வைத்தார்.
பெரிதும் பேசப்படும் தீர்ப்பை வழங்கிய குமாரசாமியை கர்நாடக உயர் நீதிமன்ற நீதிபதிகளும், பதிவாளர்களும் சந்தித்து வாழ்த்து தெரிவித்தனர். ஆனால் தலைமை நீதிபதி வகேலாவும், ஊழல் தடுப்புத்துறை பதிவாளரும், குன்ஹாவும் சந்திக்கவே இல்லை. தனது தீர்ப்பால் இவர்கள் அதிருப்தி அடைந்திருக்கலாம் என குமாரசாமி தனது உதவியாளர் கனகராஜிடம் தெரிவித்திருக்கிறார்.

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Greetings Pour in from PM, Others

Greetings Pour in from PM, Others - The New Indian Express

CHENNAI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Governor K Rosaiah, Union Ministers Sushma Swaraj, Ravi Shankar Prasad and Najma Heptullah, leaders of various political parties, actors, including Rajnikanth, industrialists and several personalities from different fields greeted AIADMK general secretary J Jayalalithaa on her acquittal in the case.

The PM called up Jayalalithaa and greeted her, while Governor K Rosaiah sent a bouquet. Union ministers, Sushma Swaraj, Ravi Shankar Prasad and Najma Heptullah also extended their greetings over telephone. Top leaders like Union Minister Arun Jaitley, NCP chief Sharad Pawar, CPI secretary Atulkumar Anjan, MDMK general secretary Vaiko, TMC leader GK Vasan and Prince of Arcot Nawab Mohammed Abdul Ali also greeted her.

AIADMK presidium chairman E Madhusudhanan, Chief Minister O Panneerselvam, M Thambidurai, Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha, TN Assembly Speaker P Dhanapal, and senior Ministers R Viswanathan, R Vaithilingam and K Palanisamy also greeted Jayalalithaa. Thuglak editor Cho S Ramaswamy and columnist S Gurumurthy, too, greeted the AIADMK chief. Music maestro Ilaiyaraja, Padma Subramaniam, actors Saroja Devi, Chachu, Vennira Aadai Nirmala, Roja and others from film industry greeted Jayalalithaa.

Leading industrialists Venu Srinivasan, CMD of TVS Motors, MRF chairman Vinu Mammen, India Cements Chairman N Srinivasan, Dr Prathap C Reddy, Chairman, Apollo Hospitals Group, Chancellor of Sri Ramachandra University, VR Venkatachalam, Gem Granites Chairman, Veeramani, Chettinad Cements MD, Ayyappan, Coimbatore Lakshmi Machines CMD Sanjay Jayawardana Velu, Kalyan Jewellers CMD, TS Kalyanaraman , M A M Rama swamy, P R Ramasubramanya Rajah were among those who greeted Jayalalithaa.
I think JJ should not be in a hurry to take over the CM mantle if the threat by Dr Swamy is true..May be she can ask for guidance from SC before taking oath
“The verdict has enhanced her brand tremendously,” said Vaasanthi, political analyst and author of a book on the cult of Jayalalithaa. “Now ‘Amma the giver’ is no longer a metaphor for her followers; it is a reality. She is invincible, blameless, pure and victimised, all of which stands for the perfect woman. So it sells more now than ever.”

“Brand Amma had a dent recently due to various court issues,” veteran journalist and political observer Gnani Sankaran said. “Now that dent is gone. Although corruption continues in the state, people may still vote for her. Corruption is yet to become the pivotal issue for the electorate. It is a very peculiar mindset among the people of Tamil Nadu.”

Since campaigning began for the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Tamil Nadu has been trying to position itself as the non-Dravidian alternative to the main parties, the AIADMK and the DMK. And with Jayalalithaa’s acquittal though, the BJP could stand to lose whatever little traction it had gained lately.

“The BJP will go for an alliance with Amma; it is very suitable for them,” said Sankaran. “They may gain 20-30 MLAs (members of legislative assembly) by allying with her. If they contest on their own, they won’t even get 2 MLAs. In the near future, they can only align with Jaya, they cannot think of doing it alone.”

The BJP, however, continues to insist that they are an alternative force in the state. “We are now the non-DMK alternative, after Jaya’s verdict,” said the BJP’s national secretary, H Raja. “Regarding an alliance I cannot say anything at this stage.”
Nonetheless, Jayalalithaa’s position is now unassailable.
“Jaya is the most powerful politician now in the south,” said Vaasanthi. “She has an absolute, brute majority in the state and has been absolved of all accusations leveled against her. She comes out as a clean woman and the BJP would have no qualms about tying up with a clean woman.”

Jayalalithaa is back again: Bigger, stronger?and with bad news for the BJP ? Quartz
Jayalalithaa acquittal is a setback to anti-corruption movement, netizens feel

CHENNAI: Netizens gave the thumbs down to the Karnataka high court verdict acquitting AIADMK chief and former Tamil Nadu chief minister J Jayalalithaa in the 66.65-crore disproportionate assets case with several of them raising apprehension that the judgment would be a setback to the anti-corruption movement in the country.

Jayaprakash Narayan, founder of Loksatta Party tweeted: "Acquittal of Jayalalithaa in DA case & public rejoicing show the complexity of rooting out corruption & the personalized, feudal politics".

"AP, Telangana, Tamil Nadu & Karnataka witness vast expenditure for vote buying(5-10 crore per Assembly candidate).Corruption is inevitable" he wrote.

Congress spokesperson and actor Khushbu tweeted: "1 word- "Acquitted" can't take away your guilt... you have been making a mockery of the judicial system for the last 18 years. You u walk free, but can u sleep without guilt?"

Read more at: Jayalalithaa acquittal is a setback to anti-corruption movement, netizens feel - The Times of India
ஹைகோர்ட் தீர்ப்பு 'கணித தவறுகளின் சோகம்'.. ஜெ. மீண்டும் முதல்வர் பதவியை இழப்பார்: சு.சுவாமி

டெல்லி: ஜெயலலிதாவை சொத்துக்குவிப்பு வழக்கில் இருந்து கர்நாடக உயர்நீதிமன்றம் விடுவித்திருந்த நிலையில், அதை எதிர்த்து சுப்ரீம்கோர்ட்டில் அப்பீல் செய்ய பாஜகவின் சுப்பிரமணியன் சுவாமி திட்டமிட்டுள்ளார். இதுகுறித்து சு.சுவாமி கூறுகையில், ஹைகோர்ட் தீர்ப்பை முழுமையாக படித்து பாரத்த பிறகு, எந்த இடத்தில் தவறு உள்ளது என்பதை பரிசீலித்து, உச்ச நீதிமன்றத்தில் மேல்முறையீடு செய்யப்படும். இந்த வழக்கை அப்படியே போகட்டும் என்று விட முடியாது என்றார்.

இதனிடையே, இன்று தனது டிவிட் ஒன்றில் சு.சுவாமி கூறுகையில், உச்ச நீதிமன்றத்தில் அப்பீல் செய்ய உள்ளேன். ஹைகோர்ட் தீர்ப்பு, 'கணித தவறுகளின் சோகம்'. எனவே, ஜெயலலிதா முதல்வரானால், மீண்டும் தனது பதவியை அவர் இழக்க வேண்டிவரும் என்று கூறியுள்ளார்.

Read more at: ???????? ???????? '???? ????????? ?????'.. ??. ???????? ???????? ?????? ????????: ??.?????? | WILL APPEAL AGAINST VERDICT IN JAYALALITHAA CASE - SWAMY - Tamil Oneindia
Congress spokesperson and actor Khushbu tweeted: "1 word- "Acquitted" can't take away your guilt... you have been making a mockery of the judicial system for the last 18 years. You u walk free, but can u sleep without guilt?"

Very easy there are pills available if not.
In India you start to question the impartiality of the justice system.
I feel that the Headache of Jaya is not over and it seems there are accounting errors in Justice Kumaraswamy's judgement and now the Opposition ( Mainly DMK ,PMK ) are coming out with proofs of the accounting errors in Justice Kmaraswamy's judgement .For more refer this artcile below :

Are there glaring mathematical errors in Jayalalithaa case judgement? Opponents think so

It has just been a day since the stunner from the Karnataka High Court acquitting former Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalithaa and three others in the Disproportionate Assets case, and political opponents and lawyers have already started pointing out errors in the judgment. DMK leader M Karunanidhi and PMK leader Ramadoss have asked for a time bound re-trial. The TN Congress has also made a statement stating the judgment is full of errors.

The DMK in a press statement said that the party will file an appeal and asked the Karnataka government, which was the prosecutor in the case, to also go for an appeal.

At least two errors have been spotted by political opponents of the AIADMK and lawyers so far.
Are there glaring mathematical errors in Jayalalithaa case judgement? Opponents think so | The News Minute
I feel that the Headache of Jaya is not over and it seems there are accounting errors in Justice Kumaraswamy's judgement and now the Opposition ( Mainly DMK ,PMK ) are coming out with proofs of the accounting errors in Justice Kmaraswamy's judgement .For more refer this artcile below :

Are there glaring mathematical errors in Jayalalithaa case judgement? Opponents think so

It has just been a day since the stunner from the Karnataka High Court acquitting former Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalithaa and three others in the Disproportionate Assets case, and political opponents and lawyers have already started pointing out errors in the judgment. DMK leader M Karunanidhi and PMK leader Ramadoss have asked for a time bound re-trial. The TN Congress has also made a statement stating the judgment is full of errors.

The DMK in a press statement said that the party will file an appeal and asked the Karnataka government, which was the prosecutor in the case, to also go for an appeal.

At least two errors have been spotted by political opponents of the AIADMK and lawyers so far.
Are there glaring mathematical errors in Jayalalithaa case judgement? Opponents think so | The News Minute

I think it looks like the case is reaching the SC door!
One more article on the Arithmetic Error in Jaya's Judgement and it can prove a big headache for her if it is true

Math Muddle in Jaya Case

Math Muddle in Jaya Case | Swarajya

Arithmetic errors by the Karnataka HC could spell fresh trouble for Jaya.

It’s a mathematical conundrum, although not of a particularly complex nature. The Rs 58 crore disproportionate assets (DA) case, which former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Jayalalithaa was acquitted of on Monday, could well come back to haunt her – thanks to a simple flaw in addition by Judge Kumaraswamy.

The DA case itself hinges on math. The question before the appellate court was whether Jayalalithaa, her confidante and co-accused Sasikala, Sudhakaran and Elavarasi had been in possession of wealth disproportionate to their known sources of income.

The court’s job was basically to calculate the entire income of the four accused and compare it with the wealth held by them. If a large amount was found to be unaccounted for, it would have meant conviction for the accused.

As per the Karnataka High court order copy dated May 11, 2015, Judge Kumaraswamy decided to consider loans taken by the four accused as income. He criticized the trial court for not considering loans as income and for bringing an erroneous guilty verdict as a result.

On page 852 of the order, the High Court lists a tabular column of all the loans taken by the four accused. The total in the column has the figure Rs 24,17,31,274 (Rs 24.17 crores).

But on addition of the indvidual loan amounts specified in the column, the actual amount comes to Rs 10,67,31,274 (Rs 10.67 crores). This is Rs 13,50,00,000 (Rs 13.5 crores) less than the total given in the order – an error in arithmetic.

Judge Kumaraswamy has then added these amounts to the other income accrued to the accused and arrived at a total figure of Rs 34,76,65,654 (Rs 34.76 crores).

Total assets calculated by the High Court are at Rs 37,59,02,466 (Rs 37.59 crores), meaning a gap of unexplained wealth to the tune of Rs 2,82,36,812 (Rs 2.82 crores). Dividing the unexplained wealth by the total income, the Karnataka High Court has arrived at a figure of 8.12% of unexplained wealth in proportion to the known income of the accused.

But if one takes the erroneous arithmetic into account, the total income portion reduces by Rs 13.5 crores i.e. now becomes Rs 21,26,65,654 (Rs 21.26 crores). The unexplained wealth shoots up to Rs 16,32,36,812 (Rs 16.32 crores). On dividing the unexplained wealth by the new total income, we now get the actual proportion of unexplained wealth to income – 76.75%.

In its verdict on May 11, the Karnataka High Court had said “The percentage of disproportionate assets is 8.12%. It is relatively small. In the instant case, the disproportionate asset is less than 10% and it is within permissible limit. Therefore, Accused are entitled for acquittal. When the principal Accused has been acquitted, the other Accused, who have played a lesser role are also entitled for acquittal.”

This actual figure of 76.75% is now well above the permissible limit of 10% as cited in the High Court order. And this could spell big trouble for Jaya.

“This changes everything in the case and goes to the root of the matter,
” said A Saravanan, counsel for DMK General Secretary Anbazhagan, who has impleaded himself in the case. “The legal option before us is that we will have to approach the Supreme Court and seek a stay on the judgement. This is a high probability for us,” he said.

Jayalalithaa’s counsel B Kumar said he would get back if he had anything to say on this point and that he had no comment to make as of now.

Special Public Prosecutor for the Karnataka High Court BV Acharya said “We are looking into this issue.” He was non-committal on whether or not the Karnataka government would go on appeal in the apex court.

Sources within the prosecution team though point out that legal recourse is available under Section 362 of the Criminal Penal Code (CrPC). This section states that no court can alter or review its judgement or final order once signed, except to correct a clerical or arithmetic order.

BJP leader Subramanian Swamy who is the original complainant in Jayalalithaa’s disproportionate assets case, tweeted early today – “In my appeal to SC in JJ DA case, I will prove that the KHC judgement is a “tragedy of arithmetic errors”. JJ will have to resign again if CM.”

The 19-year-old DA case has been mired in controversies constantly for inordinate delays, removal of the public prosecutor just days before the High Court judgement and has also been criticized for being the first case in the country in which orders were given without a valid prosecution.

Tamil Nadu’s political parties are now watching closely to see whether Jayalalithaa would be undone thanks to a simple error in addition.
How the error has come has been shared by a person on the net and I am sharing the pic below .The first figure from Indian Bank instead of reading it as 1,50,00,000 i.e ( 1.5 Crores ) has taken it is 15,00,00,000 ( i.e 15 Crores ) and that extra zero has added to all the confusion which now prove too costly to Jaya

How the error has come has been shared by a person on the net and I am sharing the pic below .The first figure from Indian Bank instead of reading it as 1,50,00,000 i.e ( 1.5 Crores ) has taken it is 15,00,00,000 ( i.e 15 Crores ) and that extra zero has added to all the confusion which now prove too costly to Jaya


Thanks for sharing this information.:-)

B.V. Acharya has now questioned the calculation of the Judge.

"Jayalalithaa verdict: Court made an arithmetic error?

Bengaluru, May 12: Special Public Prosecutor, B V Acharya in the J Jayalalithaa case has questioned the calculation of the judge while delivering the verdict. Acharya speaking to media persons today said that the court has erred and made a glaring arithmetic error and this will be one of the main grounds to challenge the verdict in the Supreme Court."

Read more at: http://www.oneindia.com/india/jaya-...s-says-excellent-case-for-appeal-1744392.html
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