Raji Ram
Active member
Agreed!....... The face of the woman (or man) you love is always beautiful, young or old ....
Many a time, 'familiarity breeds contempt' is NOT true!

Agreed!....... The face of the woman (or man) you love is always beautiful, young or old ....
biswa Sir
Usually women are described as " beautiful' and men as' Handsome' or looking Good.
Anything can be beautiful and need not be a feminine; Men are attracted to women's beautiful face!!
Women facial beauty has an expiry date, and that is the reason they they always try to show her face beautiful!!
Raji Madam..
Good one.. Thanks
Dear Biswa Sir,
I think since most of the male animals are more beautiful (handsome?) than the females, humans wanted to brand the females as beauties.
It is a news that the automobiles, lorries and autos considered female? Is it anything to do with Hindi grammar? (gAdi??)
BTW, are buses considered male or female?
The face of the woman (or man) you love is always beautiful, young or old ....
Many slogans are written on the backsides of the vehicles because, other vehicles that follow can read only from there!.......... Not sure why the beauty slogans are attached to backsides of autos and trucks though. ........
madam there are limits to honesty. nothing happens to a person who is calleed beautiful /handsome when she/he is not exactly that.iF YOU LOVE REALLY LIE LIKE HELL.speaking frm experience .LOLBTW Nara ji..in life we have to be practical..lets face it..nothing last forever young today..old tomorrow..beautiful today..not so beautiful tomorrow..intelligent today..dementia tomorrow but if we keep masking the truth and want to believe the person we love still looks beautiful to our eyes and allow that person to become a couch potato and not exercise and let health take a downward plunge but still keep lying 'Oh my honey buns you are so beautiful to me..I love you the way you are " what will actually happen to that person?
So if you love someone tell him or her the truth..tell him "hey want to get a 6 pack or a killer bod! lets workout in the gym"... so you see that way we can keep our partners in good shape and good health!
வாய்மை எனப்படுவது யாதெனின் யாதொன்றும்madam there are limits to honesty. nothing happens to a person who is calleed beautiful /handsome when she/he is not exactly that.iF YOU LOVE REALLY LIE LIKE HELL.speaking frm experience .LOL
madam there are limits to honesty. nothing happens to a person who is calleed beautiful /handsome when she/he is not exactly that.iF YOU LOVE REALLY LIE LIKE HELL.speaking frm experience .LOL
Some women get prettier as they grow old.
Here is the classic example!
Courtesy: Google images.
Objective of life is human happiness. if happiness can be got by imagining non existing wisdom or beauty in old age ,so be it.Frankly speaking for most people physical beauty fades with age..so no big deal...just accept it.
I do not buy stories like the beauty of woman or even the looks of men grows with the passing years etc..it is just that after a certain age oldies feel bad if we do not glorify them hence we hear sentences like "wisdom increases with age etc"
You see we do say nice things about kids too isnt it? Like calling them angels etc when anyone of them can grow up to be devils!LOL
So that fact remains that change of any kind is inevitable..so no need to glorify ourselves in anyway..that is just denial.