Dear Vaagmi ji,
Actually I am quite simple minded..its all about getting your priorities right.
If one wants to be in the film industry one should know to at least look much better than the average human.
So there is where Orthodontist or Plastic Surgeons play a role.I surely would not like to pay to see a movie where the audience in the cinema look better than the lead actors!LOL
Just like if a person is a professional he/she needs to maintain a professional image that actually might not really reflect our true self.
We have to behave according to certain norms when we are doing our job..once work is over one can be whatever they please.
BTW I do not see being clean and well groomed as being driven up the wall by society..this is just basic human cleanliness that we need to practice.
What a person does behind closed doors is not my one can be an Itchy or Scratchy on which ever part of the human anatomy but one does not need to scream that is freedom to break free from the rules of the world...Kalki obviously did not choose right words to prove her point of being a rebel for what ever cause.
BTW when I wrote this..I did not write in terms of breaking free from the rules of the world.
Its about survival of an immortal creature in terms and conditions she never knew when she accepted to be immortal.It was not about breaking free.Its about never knowing what lies ahead.
Yeah. It is nice to be doing the "right things".
If you are a girl:
Get your teeth fixed by a orthodontist so that they are perfectly looking 90 degree up and 90 degree downwards-no acute, obtuse or zig zag tendencies. It does not matter if it involves spending a fortune(the doc. has spent a fortune to acquire that qualification and you are supposed to appreciate it) and bearing extreme pain for a few weeks it should not matter. If certain other parts requires some uplift, get it done with the help of silicone. Get a dimple by hook or crook. Looking right is more important than being yourself.
Dont allow any body-hair to be visible. Use any and every available chemical (if they fail to deliver go for laser therapy) to see that they are nipped in the bud if they are in the visible area of the anatomy.(face, armpits, hands, legs, earlobes are specially covered by this rule). A Kamal Hassan can afford to display hairs in the armpit even in a bharatanAtyam sequence because he is a MAN. You can not question it even if you have to act/dance with him in the same scene in the same movie.
Wear your cloth loosely so that they will never be suggestive of what they cover. If well groomed look as defined by the society requires you to strategically tighten a few of your dresses in a few places, for heaven's sake do it without questioning. The society thinks you become attractive by doing that and that is more important.
Don't look eye to eye with gents who are strangers. "pardesiyon se na akhiyaan milanaa". You can steal a look because that is what you are supposed to do. Society has written poetry on reams and reams of paper about this stealing a look.( உன்னை நான் பார்க்கும் போது மண்ணை நீ பார்க்கின்றாயே, விண்ணை நான் பர்க்கும் போது என்னை நீ பார்க்கின்றாயே etc etc.,)
Whether your marriage is a love marriage or an arranged marriage it is in your hand to see that it does not end in a rock. Even if your husband/love turns out to be an alcoholic, stoically bear the difficulties of living with an alcoholic and bear children for that stupid fellow. Valluvar said "தற்காத்து, தற்கொண்டான் பேணித்தகை சான்ற சொற்காத்து சோர்விலாள் பெண்"....yeah you are not to get tired of anything. And he also said " தெய்வம் தொழாஅள் கொழுனற்றொழுதெழுவாள் பெய்யென பெய்யும் மழை". You have already been deified. What more do you need.
And many more can be added to this list.
But if a Kalki Koechlin questions any of this driving up the wall, she must be pulled down. Strange is the way of the women of the world. LOL.