Raji Ram
Active member
Here is a famous song on elandha pazham:
Yelanda Pazham
இலந்தைப் பழங்களை எடுத்து, கொட்டைகளை நீக்கி, சிவப்பு மிளகாய், உப்பு, கொஞ்சம் புளி சேர்த்து அரைத்து,
வடை போலத் தட்டி, இலந்தை வடாம் என்று எங்கள் பள்ளிக்கூட வாசலில் ஒரு பாட்டி விற்பார். உலகம் அழியும்
என்று ஒரு புரளி கிளம்பிய நன் நாளில், அந்தப் பாட்டி செய்து வைத்திருந்த அத்தனையும் காலி! நண்பர்களும்
நண்பிகளும் ஒருவருக்கு ஒருவர் வாங்கிக் கொடுத்தே காலி செய்துவிட்டார்கள். மறு நாள் வகுப்பில் எல்லொரும்
அசடு வழிந்தது இன்னும் பசுமையாக நினைவில் இருக்கிறது! :becky:
Picture courtesy: Google images.
When I reminisce about my childhood days my memory floats back to those wonderful days when we used to get biscuits and Chocolates imported mostly from England (UK). How could I forget the "Peek Freans Golden puff" Biscuits which were packed in an orange cloured soft pack. These cracker type biscuits would be of made of thin layers, hard on the outside and soft in the middle. I have not found similar Biscuits in the market today. Another famous name in Biscuits was " Huntley & Palmers", one of the world's most famous companies during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Their assorted biscuits used to be packed in nice tins, which were in great demand among the girls for keeping their toiletries and other nicknacks.
Nestlé was the only name I had known in Chocolates. My father had a good collection of Pictures of English actors of that era which used to come in Nestlé chocolates packs. Rowntree's chocolate and Ovaltine were the Cocoa based beverages which were given to children. But I never liked the Cocoa based foods.
All the writing aids were imported ones. Those were the days we used "Slate" for writing with "slate pencils" in School. "Tiger" brand slates from Germany was considered good ones. Among the pens, how could I forget the famous names "Black-bird" and "Swan" fountain pens of England make. We used to get "Eberhard Faber" black-lead pencils made in Bavaria (Germany) which were very good.
I shall continue with more of items we were using in those days in my next posts.
Raji Madam
P J Sir,
Happy New Year! Now, I am answering your first Q to me in 2013 !!
Being a doctor's daughter, I was prohibited from eating anything bought from 'potti kadai's in school! But since my friends said
that we won't be alive the next day, because world will come to an end, I ate! Did not have any idea about 'puzhu'! The reason for
அசடு வழிந்தது is because world did NOT come to an end!! :becky:
Dear S S Sir,Excuse me.
This is not a question and answer/Chit Chat thread. This is for child-hood-reminiscences.
Dear S S Sir,
This thread is very much in chit chat forum! Anyway I shall answer P J Sir in 'Ideas' thread - also in chit chat!![]()
'Chit chat' திண்ணைப் பேச்சு மாதிரித்தான்!Raji Madam
When i pose a question on the details posted here by you in this tread , it is expected you answer to that here itself, not in some other 'Thread'....