I know Renu! But he makes sure that he comments that Mrs K looks better,
so that he need not hide the rolling pins, even if she happens to read this thread! :ranger:
i for one think vidya balan is an immensely talented lady...also glad she is one of those women in mainstream cinema who does not belong to the majority category of actresses (ie, dumb bimbos capable of only doing glam or sexy roles).
the casting depends on the director. all actors and actresses cannot pair with all.
my all time favorites featuring vidya balan are parineeta and kahani. i thot she was awesome, esp in parineeta.
i don't really understand sabyasachi's designs (whats that with a full sleeve blouse most of the time)....am one of those who is a big zero wrt anything on designs, designers, fashion...so maybe its natural for folks like me to like vidya balan...wud rather look up to talent alone anyday than clothing
Oh! Come on dear Sis! Only youth and NO old age. I saw a 'kutti chuttis' show recently. One kutty fellow
showed an old lady and said she is his 'ammA'! Then he pointed out to a young lady and said she is his
'mummy'! So, many pAttis do not want to be called pAtti by the grand-kids! They wish to be 'mArkandEyis'. :lol:
P.S: Kunjuppu Sir will know that many KLB children call their pAttis as 'ammamA'. ammamA...... sigh!!
(KLB = Kerala brahmin)
YES!!! Only aunties wear sarees.. Many young girls of today want to wear only "sarees in a sexy way".
Much below the hip, revealing her naval; transparent pallu/Thalappu that can reveal her stomach & her firmly fitted low cut blouse and a sleeveless blouse with a very big window at the back!!
Off course, that looks nice!!
Even this talented star!!!
Everything is held in place by a couple of magical strings!!!
Hope no itchy finger comes close enough to do any mischief.
Asin's sari is so simple and attractive. I have been toying with the idea of getting a Kerala Kasavu sari since I saw her....but still doubtful as I'm not mallu!
aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! the possibilities that you suggest visa.. i can go on a reverie on that alone and spend a pleasant little while..get that itchy finger NOW![]()
since i was brought up in badagara by my maternal grandparents (parents were so poor that they could not afford baby food for me - true) for the first 3 years of my life - my grand parents were vadai (short for vadakara) amma and appa.
needless to say, this caused lot of ribbing etc..dosai amma, adai amma and what not..
my sis and maternal cousins, reverted to ammamma and appappa.
the paternal grandparents were gone long ago - dad was born posthumous, his mom died when he was three years old.
you'll look good in it amala.go for it. and send us here a pix
You never get tired of :spy: Google search to 'expose' these 'exposing' dames!
I used to have many Malayaali friends while I was working. I used to wear the two piece dress with matching blouse the mundu and thundu ( thaavanai) just as they did. It was very convenient and looked cute too!
In Gita Krishna says,
mattah parataram nanyat kincid asti dhananjaya
mayi sarvam idam protam Sutre maNigaNa iva
(Chapter 7 verse 7)
Krishna is the thread holding together the entire creation.
We have to believe Him after seeing so many lovely things
held in place merely by the magical strings! :hail:
do you have a pix that you can share with the public?
i would like to be around, whenever Kr lets go of the magical strings that hold up Vidya Balan's cholis .. or even settle with Nayantara
.. btw no offence meant to Kr bhaktas.![]()