This theme of tussle between harmonising forces and disharmonized energy is ubiquitous in physical existence.
In wave form it is represented by frequency ( disharmonising effect) and wavelength (harmonising effect)
In matter as differences in energy(disharmonising effect) and the harmonising forces (i.e., as m and c*c)
In thoughts as frequency (mental force, analytical intelligence) and wavelength (spiritual intelligence)
The harmonising forces act towards evolution while the disharmonising ones stand in he way.
A note on how the evolution occurs, which is nothing but how completely reality is experienced in something that exists:
It is the frequency which causes the disharmony in the wave form of existence. The effect of the tussle between frequency and wavelength properties give rise to the harmonising and binding force of c*c at a higher level of existence of matter. There is no effect of frequency in the harmonising forces. The disharmonising effect of frequency is removed. Interactions with other things that exist is minimal. The thing is under the total influence of physical laws
At the level of matter however, disharmony due to mass happens. The tussle between mass and the harmonising forces removes the disharmony of mass and produces life.
Higher consciousness develops at this stage and spiritual laws begin to operate on the thing.
At the level of life, the life destroying forces and life forces are engaged in a tussle and the effect of life destructive forces are removed to create a steady and higher experience of reality through mind and thus removes the on and off experiencing effects of reality.
The thing comes under the influence of spiritual law and is able to recognize higher values such as moral values.
At the final level, the mind corrupting forces and spiritual forces of mind are engaged in a tussle, and finally results in the highest level of timeless experience of pure energy.
Thus , I think this is just a journey of realization of higher and higher levels of truth by our soul i.e., the jivatma.
In the future posts I will come back to the topic of the forces and how the 4 fundamental forces in physical reality are related in my view.