In an interview with Hinduism Today, the Shankaracharya of Puri said that mantras need to be chanted by common people in an extremely careful manner so that they do not get harmed by the high level of energy generated in the process of chanting them.
In consultation with Swami Pragyanand of Delhi, who is a big promoter of Gayatri Mantra, Swami said:
a. “Gayatri mantra is for everybody. Why I say this is because every mantra has a devata and in the case of Gayatri Mantra, the devata or God is the Sun God. Now the Sun God is for every creature in this world. therefore gayatri is also for everybody in this world. Gayatri is also known as mother and again mother is for everyone and therefore Gayatri is for every child of God. Anything which is created by God is for everybody, whereas if a man creates something it may be used for the benefit of some people only.
b. “In Bhagavad Gita, lord Krishna said that among mantras, I am myself, the Gayatri Mantra. So how can anybody be deprived of chanting the Gayatri Mantra?
In consultation with Swami Pragyanand of Delhi, who is a big promoter of Gayatri Mantra, Swami said:
a. “Gayatri mantra is for everybody. Why I say this is because every mantra has a devata and in the case of Gayatri Mantra, the devata or God is the Sun God. Now the Sun God is for every creature in this world. therefore gayatri is also for everybody in this world. Gayatri is also known as mother and again mother is for everyone and therefore Gayatri is for every child of God. Anything which is created by God is for everybody, whereas if a man creates something it may be used for the benefit of some people only.
b. “In Bhagavad Gita lord Krishna said that among mantras I am myself the Gayatri Mantra. So how can anybody be deprived of chanting the Gayatri Mantra?
c. “The essence of Gayatri Mantra is that God may grant wisdom to all. Now wisdom is not a monopoly of any one person, state, religion or sect. Therefore as wisdom is for everybody, Gayatri Mantra is also for everybody.
d. “When I went to Surinam in South America for the first time, in some of the temples they did not allow chanting of Gayatri Mantra. But when I explained the meaning and essence of Gayatri Mantra to the people there, they got convinced and the things changed. Today, a few radio stations have a round-the-clock recitation of Gayatri Mantra.”
The Gayatri mantra is a universal mantra that can be chanted by anyone, regardless of their caste or religion. While its historical association with the Brahmins may have created some confusion in the past, it is important to remember that the mantra is a powerful tool for spiritual growth and should be made available to anyone who wishes to use it The Gayatri Mantra is one of the most powerful and significant mantras in the Hindu religion. It is recited by millions of Hindus around the world and is revered for its ability to bring peace, prosperity, and enlightenment to those who recite it. In...
I know of no scripture that says that women are not supposed to chant Gayatri. Probably said by some local men with no knowledge of scripture and use it to keep themselves superior.
Swami Vishwananda
CommentedOct 26, 2015 at 10:22