There is a thread on
'why we are pessimistic' in the General section.
I wanted to share my view that *repeated* pessimism, negativity and redirecting attacks on a poster instead of a post itself are all examples of disrespect to the forum itself.
In my view, there is nothing wrong with humor often expressed via sarcasm or even cynicism at a topic or subject or even a post. In a healthy debate, which makes the forum come alive, there are occasional expressions of sarcasm towards an idea or thought or even a post.
There are people who may think everything is just a point of view. That is a statement of obviousity but not all points of view have the same impact on the larger cause which in this case is the ongoing health and expansion of the forum's reach itself.
This forum was created by its owner's innovation and resources. Using technolgical expertise adroitly, by creating a diverse and useful knowledg-base and by leveraging a reasonably successful business model, the forum resources are made available to many people worldwide.
The forum thrives when its membership multiplies and given its global reach, diverse knowledge-base and minimal rules of engagement, the membership should have been close to several hundred thousands now in my view. The number of active participants could have easily grown by many orders of magnitude in the last 5 years during which I have been a member.
Yet, the growth of this forum in this world of Internet is somewhat limited and modest in the last 5 years.
My thesis is that everyone who benefits from the forum's content must think of how to help it grow.
The forum is unable to attract people under 45. If at all they come, they want quick answers and disappear forever. There are isolated feedback about why they dont want to participate.
The forum is open to anyone and yet worldwide it has attracted mainly senior citizens by and large. It is undeniable that there are few bad apples who feel like writing anything they feel like without any research or thought and seemingly love to dabble in pessimism bordering on expression of hate towards one group or the other. I do not know the extent of damage such posts cause in attracting new and active members.
I feel we all have a collective responsibility to help improve this forum to the best extent we can.
I want to use a metaphor that a Greek American once used to describe an organization.
We can think of the forum to be like a famous buildings that have stood the test of time, as in Greece. These are tall structures held together by superb foundation and tall columns and continue to be beautiful even after many centuries.
We can think of the foundation of such a buildings to be the work of the forum owner. When we walk in a building, we rarely think of the basement and the foundation. In the same manner while interacting here we rarely think about the forum owner which is a great thing. We are not hampered by unnecessary rules.
Then there are great columns that hold the building structure together. This can be likened to people that provide excellent content in a regular basis. The share their knowledge freely and bring very useful topics. Controversial viewpoints actually help us grow in our views.
There are some topic areas that have produced great dialogs. I do not have to name the members - we know them all for their contributions.
The people visiting the forum can be metaphorically seen as views represented. There are some who may help clean the building out of their interest. These are people who post useful content occasionally .
Finally there are birds and who come in to do their droppings which happens even in great buildings.
These birds can be metaphorically likened to very few selfish people who propagate pessimism or pick fights or attack others for their posts. Bird droppings may be curious to watch for some but over time they can stink a place. It is our collective duty to clean up the buildings. I admire the members who call out such posts gently.
Let us help the forum to grow 10 fold in the next 5 years. It can only help us in the long run!