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Aditya Hrdayam - Part 4.7.2 - Soma Rudra - Rg Veda Mandala 6 Hymn 74

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The Five - Panktir - Pancha Bhoota - States of matter around us

The Universe that is around us is made of Pancha Bhootas. The five are “Prthvi, Jal, vAyu, Agni and Akash”.

The Pancha Bhootas actually refer to the 5 states of matter. All beings (Bhutas) in this universe are of one of this Pancha bhotas.

There are 5 states of matter in which all Universal matter (or beings) can be classified into. They are Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma and Bose-Einstein Condensate (Superfluid).

Prthvi corresponds to Solid state of matter. Hence it is translated as ‘Earth’.
Jal Corresponds to Liquid state of matter. Hence it is translated as ‘Water’.
vAyu corresponds to Gaseous state of matter. Hence it is translated as ‘Wind’.
Agni corresponds to Plasma state of matter. Hence it is translated as ‘Fire’. The state of Fire is indeed ‘Plasma’.
Akash corresponds to Bose-Einstein Condensate state of matter or Superfluid. Hence it is translated as Space. Space is viewed as ‘Superfluid’ or a state of matter called ‘Bose-Enistein Condensate’. This theory is called Superfluid theory and a lot of research is going on in it.

When EkapAda (elementary bosons), dvipAda (Elementary fermions), tripAda (Baryons), ChaturpAda (four component scalar, vector fields and quantum wavefunctions) of the early Universe come together or seen together, the pancha bhootas (states of matter of current Universe) get concretized. This is “sampazyan panktIr upatiSThamÀnaH”

The eight Vasus - States of matter in early and current Universe

Vasu is a ‘place’ or ‘residence’ or ‘stable dwelling’. In the parlance of science a ‘stable dwelling’ is a ‘state of matter’. In physics, a state of matter is one of the distinct stable forms that matter takes on. It is a form in which the matter dwells.

There are eight states of matter or eight Vasus. Of these eight, the Universe around us is predominantly formed by five states of matter. These five states of matter are called the pancha bhoota.

They are the Prthvi, Agni, Jal, Vayu, Akasha corresponding to Solid that makes the earth, Plasma that is fire, Liquid that is water, Gas that is wind and Bose-einstein condensate/superfluid that makes the space.

The five vasus corresponding to the above are dhAra (Solid/Prthvi), Anala (Plasma/Agni), Anila (wind/vAyu), Apa (Liquid/Jal) and Antariksha (Space/Akasha),

There are three more vasus or states of matter in the early Universe that is called ‘Dyaus’ or ‘Dyam’ or ‘Dyau’. They are Quark Gluon Plasma, Color Glass Condensate matter and Degenerate matter.

The Quark-Gluon-Plasmic state of matter exists immediately after the Big Bang. It is called ‘Praty-uSa’ which means before the dawn.

The Color-Glass-Condensate matter that exists in the atomic nucleus, in which every incoming particle colliding with nucleus always see a ‘gluon wall’ is dhruva. Dhruva means stationary or fixed.

The Degenerate matter that exists in high pressure environments like a black-hole is called ‘Pra-bhAsa’. It means before the lights or darkness.

The eight Vasus are thus eight states of matter comprising from early Universe to the Universe as we see it now.

Sapta Ratnas - The seven properties

Sapta Ratnas are said to be properties of Agni (which I translate as exchange forces/bosons which act through ‘virtual’ exchange particles).

The Sapta Ratnas are also said to be properties provided by Soma Rudra (gluonic field). The properties of gluon field (Soma Rudra) in common with any exchange force (Agni) are

  1. Mass
  2. Spin (intrinsic momentum)
  3. Electric Charge (or) Color Charge
  4. Helicity
  5. Chirality
  6. Frequency
  7. Velocity

Hence these ‘could’ be the Sapta Ratnas or Seven properties of the Soma Rudra (gluonic field) or exchange force (Agni). I may revisit this again in future.

With all these background info, let’s understand the Sloka on Soma Rudra, Rg Veda Mandala 6 Hymn 74.

Summary of Soma Rudra - Rg Veda Mandala 6 Hymn 74

Sloka: The force-field of Soma or the gluon field holds all these anti-matter (asuryam). They desirously/wishingly consume/enjoy them (anti-matter or asuryam) as spokes.

Science: When chiral symmetry breaks, the universe which was a quark antiquark condensate,(referred to as asuryam here) forms protons and neutrons. The gluon-field around the protons and neutrons (referred to as soma rudra here) now holds the quark-antiquark pairs (asuryam) as they get formed and annihilated repeatedly. Thus the quark-antiquark pairs become internalized in the gluon field like spokes of a wheel.

Sloka: Every house that (Soma resides) has the Seven properties (ratnas). Beings of dvipAda (quark-antiquark pairs, lepton pairs) and beings of caturpAda (four component force fields) are at rest or at peace/happy with these properties.

Science: In every proton and neutron around which the gluon field resides it provides the seven properties like any exchange force field. The seven properties are mass, color charge, spin, helicity, chirality, frequency and velocity. The quark-antiquark pairs in gluon field (referred to as dvi-pAda here) and the gluon field (referred to as caturpAda here) become stable.

Sloka: The force-field of soma enters our distressed residence when it was hugely/largely going apart in different directions. Those spokes that hindered (Asuryam) are evacuated out by Soma rudra or gluon field. our good fortunes become well-flowing

Science: When the Quark-Gluon-Plasma cooled down by spreading around, losing energy, the confinement of quarks and gluons takes place. Around this time the chiral symmetry also breaks forming protons and neutrons with ‘massive’ gluon fields around them.

Sloka: The gluon field, youngest of these, Universally expands, as provider of cures. From there, occurs that release (from asuryam) which expands by creation of our bounded beings.

Science: The gluon-field expands more and more as bounded beings (protons and neutrons) form more and more in that pion condensate

Sloka: The Soma Rudra with its sharp-weaponed, pointed shot/impact auspicious elevation becomes our earth/soil (on which other beings thrive). When the release from asuryam or varuna’s pAsa or entanglement is complete, Soma Rudra, the well-intentioned one, is caused to lead the herd.

Science: The gluon-field which produces elevated beings like protons, neutrons, which are the nucleons of atomic nucleus becomes the soil on which all matter and beings of Universe evolves. When chiral symmetry breaking down in complete, the quark/pion condensate has completely become filled with baryons and anti-baryons (protons, neutrons, anti-protons and anti-neutrons). The Universe is now in hadron epoch.

Soma Rudra - Mandala 6 Hymn 74

somārudrā dhārayethām asuryaṃ pra vāmiṣṭayo.aramaśnuvantu |
dame-dame sapta ratnā dadhānā śaṃ no bhūtaṃ dvipadeśaṃ catuṣpade ||

somArudrA - The force-field of Soma
dhAraya - holds
etAm - these
asuryam - anti-matter
Pra - completely
vAm - emit, give forth
iSTaya - wishing
aram - spokes, sudarshana disc, resting place
Aznuvantu - they enjoy, they consume/eat

The force-field of Soma or the gluon field holds all these anti-matter (asuryam). They desirously/wishingly consume/enjoy them (anti-matter or asuryam) as spokes.

dame dame - In house after house, every house
sapta ratnA - seven treasures
dadhAna - provider, giver
zam no bhutam - beings ending, resting at
dvi pada - two divisioned / two quadrant(Quarks and Leptons)
sam - ending at, resting at
catuspade - four divisioned/ four quadrant (Four fundamental Bosons - Higgs, Photon, W+, W- and Z Bosons, Strong/Weak/EM/Higgs )

Every house that (Soma resides) has the Seven properties (ratnas). Beings of dvipAda (quark-antiquark pairs, lepton pairs) and beings of caturpAda (four component force fields) are at rest or at peace/happy with these properties.

somārudrā vi vṛhataṃ viṣūcīmamīvā yā no gayamāviveśa |
āre bādhethāṃ nirtiṃ parācairasme bhadrā sauśravasāni santu ||

somarudra - the force field of soma
vrhatam- large (bRhatam)
viSucim - going apart in different directions, spreading everywhere
amIvAya - disorder, disease, tormenting spirit
nah gayam - our residence
avivesa - entered

The force-field of soma enters our distressed residence when it was hugely/largely going apart in different directions.

Are - The spokes
bAdha etAm - those hindrances
nRrtim - wife of adharma, what goes out (evacuated out), decay
paracair - away, aside, off
asme - our
bhadrA - good fortunes, happiness
sauzravasAni - from su-zravas -well flowing
santu - may become, will become, becomes

Those spokes that hindered (Asuryam or anti-matter) (Soma rudra or gluon field) evacuates them out. our good fortunes become well-flowing

somārudrā yuvametānyasme viśvā tanūṣu bheṣajāni dhattam |
ava syataṃ muñcataṃ yan no asti tanūṣu baddhaṃ kṛtameno asmat ||

somarudra - the force-field of soma
yuvam - youthfulness, young
etany - all these
asme - our
visva - Universal
tanUSu - manifest, expand
bheSajani - of medicine, of cures
dhattam - provider

The gluon field youngest of these, Universally manifests/expands as provider of cures/medicines.

ava - downwards of, post
syatam - they appear, they become, they occur
muncatam - gives away, release, liberate (given away, released, lost)
yad - that which
nah - we, us, our
asti - becomes
tanUsu - manifest, expand
baddham - bondage, arrest
Krtam - done, created, made
ena - by doing, by making, by creating
asmat - our

Downwards/From there, occurs that release (from asuryam) which expands by creation of our bounded beings (more and more).

The gluon field, youngest of these, Universally expands, as provider of cures. From there, occurs that release (from asuryam) which expands by creation of our bounded beings.

tighmāyudhau tighmahetī suśevau somārudrāviha su mṛḷataṃ naḥ |
pra no muñcataṃ varuṇasya pāśād ghopāyataṃ naḥ sumanasyamānā ||

tigma - sharp
Ayudhau - weaponed
tigma - sharp
Heti - impact
su-zeva - auspicious Elevation/Height/Linga
somarudra -
iha - here
su - auspicious
mRDatam - clay/soil/earth
nah - our, us

Sharp weaponed, Pointed impacting/shot (causing) auspicious elevation, the force-field of Rudra here is our clay/soil/earth (on which everything exists).

pra no muncatam - Completely liberating/releasing from/loss of
varunasya pAsAd - varuna’s bond, varuna’s entanglement
gopAyatam- herdsmanship, guardianship, protection, leading the herd, acting as herdsman, causing to lead the herd/guard
nah - our
sumanasyamAna - good minded one, well-intentioned one

The Soma Rudra with its sharp-weaponed, pointed shot/impact auspicious elevation becomes our earth/soil (on which other beings thrive). When the release from asuryam or varuna’s pAsa or entanglement is complete, Soma Rudra, the well-intentioned one, is caused to lead the herd.

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