The brahmin basher is back with a bang with old sauce regurgitated. Better sense has not prevailed. Many sites like mintamil, despite having majority other than brahmin members do not tolerate brahmin bashing, and violators are warned. There must be something seriously wrong to carry and vent venom. Canada has nourished anti brahmin, anti Hindu, pro ltte, pro kalistani firebrands. Tambrams and all India brahmins are doing fine, and contribute to nation building, protection of sanatana dharma and study and propagation of scriptures. Bhatat will march ahead and BBs can shout to their heart's content but will achieve nothing.
sarang, nothing could be so wrong as you terming me brahmin basher. please read thoughtful replies like the one by vaagmi. nobody has to agree with me. but to call names, i think, indicates, more an absence of arguements or logic.
re read my posts, and comment on it. there is no right or wrong in any of the articles i have referred to. they are part of an ongoing dialogue. to simply push the dirt under the carpet, and say the room is clean, will, i think, not suffice here.
and i repeat, do not use epithets. it does not behoove well of you. in fact, it lines you up with the kazhagams

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