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Anti-corruption movement

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We will debate, we will discuss, we will fire salvos, we will write thesis, we will
give oration, but when it comes to actual participation, the acid test starts.

We will give up all our hope, will start supporting the existing system and will
conclude that this can not be ended or mended.

I had a few friends, who were freedom fighters ( now of course no more ). When
they were studying in college, they used to participate in the freedom struggle
not minding the break in education or arrest or even facing the bullets. They
used to sit in Shivaji park , Mumbai and recall all the episodes of bravery with

When I see the present lot, I feel sad.

This is what is mentioned in post #8.
There seems to be a lot of misinformation about the charges of corruption against Anna. About Rs 2 lacs were spent on Anna's birthday celebration by the NGO run by him pending receipt of donation of a similar amount from a Pune based industrialist. The donation was received within two months of the birthday celebration. Justice Sawant pointed out this as an irregularity but the political class in Maharashtra turned it into a corruption charge against Anna as they were weary of his exposures. Even recently Justice Sawant in a TV channel interview has confirmed that there was no corruption charge against Anna. Whether we support Anna or not, at least let us not denigrate him.

Thanks Shri subbu, for the clarification. But this perhaps is not the only stricture against Anna Hazare and his trusts, in Justice Sawant Committee Report. What I submit is that Anna, with the popularity he enjoys in the media today, and who has the moral responsibility to clear himself of all the allegations in that Report, should first publish his explanations in regard to those allegations, instead of thinking that he is a Saint and should, therefore, be considered above any suspicion by the public.
Thanks Shri subbu, for the clarification. But this perhaps is not the only stricture against Anna Hazare and his trusts, in Justice Sawant Committee Report. What I submit is that Anna, with the popularity he enjoys in the media today, and who has the moral responsibility to clear himself of all the allegations in that Report, should first publish his explanations in regard to those allegations, instead of thinking that he is a Saint and should, therefore, be considered above any suspicion by the public.

Who ever may be The Criticizer,That is not The Issue now...
Even Anna Hazare may or may not did Mis use in his Trust...

What is the Dyty of The Govt ?
It is the Bounded Duty of The UPA Govt to prove its Honesty.

If Anna Hazare,Ram Dev or any one Who fight for Anti Corruption , and Honest Govt is not Necessary to be a Honest Person.

The Answer is not to Expose their Personal or put them in Jail...

The Real Answer is to Expose its Honesty and not Trying to Torture them.
if anna hazare thinks that majority are behind him and his call for govt employees to stop working would succeed, then he is terribly wrong.

if its so, then as a true follower of democracy, he should contest in the parliamentary elections, win, get in to the loksabha and free to press any buttons of the edit/Del/Ins keys of the legislation.

i doubt if he would get deposit in an election!

he cannot hijack democracy with his hunger strike. that's how the true democracy works, not only in india but anywhere in the world.

he wants the prime minister to be covered in lokpal bill? fine, but has he taken the opinion/survey of what majority of the indians feel about his claim.

even in our own indian house holds, we dont question the head of the family (father) mainly out of trust/his hierarchical position/respect. similary, majority of indians may not wish to put the PM under question by lokpal, may be mainly due to typical indian sentiments.

this way, how come a single man called hazare's claim be heeded? is he representing the voice of the 1Bn indians. if so , make hazare the president.

tomorrow, the chief imam of india may go on a hunger strike, with 300Mn muslim (guaranteed!) support asking for the release of Afzal Guru!

what would be hazares response, in line with democracy?

to me he is a meathead!

he should understand the basics of corruption first. corruption is not alone confined to politician, but it starts from the public>>Govt Servant>Politician.

where there are no givers, there will be no takers !
Here is my suggestion to attack corruption in India:

I strongly believe that the existing laws on the books are sufficient to deal with this menace.. what's lacking is the Enforcing Mechanism... current laws can bring the PM, CMs, Upper Judiciary, Police before the appropriate Courts... but who can do this?

1. Create a cadre of Judiciary and Police who are high professionals (and very highly paid: excellent salary plus benefits and if possible bonus). High pay and good respect will attract quality people to these professions.. this is the key to solve the problem.

Please watch the recent movie by Dhanush - Appaavi - there the police commissioner / Collector talks about the Professionalism of the Police... If professionals band together against the culprits - corrupt politicians, businessmen and bribing public - corruption CAN be contained, and eventually abolished in a generation (about 25 years!)

2. The existing laws can be tweaked to say "Both Bribe Giving AND Bribe Taking" are punishable by incarceration and hard labor in jail for a long time, in addition to stiff monetary penalty.

3. Enforce the laws evenly without any FEAR or FAVOR... the Special Anti-Corruption Courts must be expanded, and must be structured to dispose of the cases ASAP.

4. Build more prisons... for there will be hundreds of millions to be jailed initially.

We need to change the Culture of Corruption in People by showing brutal enforcement of the existing laws... I know a lot of people will scream "Tyranny".... that's the point.

We NEED Tyranny against Corruption.

Wait & watch.

ps. This type of tyrannical enforcement could be compared to anti-Drug policies in Singapore and Malaysia... we need such extra-ordinary approach to defeat this Demon of Corruption, IMO.
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Unfortunately we are in such a situation to doubt what strategy the ruling party in the Center has adopted to make the judge announce in the media now that Anna is corrupt when the related case was 5 to 6 years old.If he is corrupt,why did the Government accord such a royal treatment to him when he arrived in Delhi for talks for the first time?
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Here is my suggestion to attack corruption in India:

I strongly believe that the existing laws on the books are sufficient to deal with this menace.. what's lacking is the Enforcing Mechanism... current laws can bring the PM, CMs, Upper Judiciary, Police before the appropriate Courts... but who can do this?

1. Create a cadre of Judiciary and Police who are high professionals (and very highly paid: excellent salary plus benefits and if possible bonus). High pay and good respect will attract quality people to these professions.. this is the key to solve the problem.

Please watch the recent movie by Dhanush - Appaavi - there the police commissioner / Collector talks about the Professionalism of the Police... If professionals band together against the culprits - corrupt politicians, businessmen and bribing public - corruption CAN be contained, and eventually abolished in a generation (about 25 years!)

2. The existing laws can be tweaked to say "Both Bribe Giving AND Bribe Taking" are punishable by incarceration and hard labor in jail for a long time, in addition to stiff monetary penalty.

3. Enforce the laws evenly without any FEAR or FAVOR... the Special Anti-Corruption Courts must be expanded, and must be structured to dispose of the cases ASAP.

4. Build more prisons... for there will be hundreds of millions to be jailed initially.

We need to change the Culture of Corruption in People by showing brutal enforcement of the existing laws... I know a lot of people will scream "Tyranny".... that's the point.

We NEED Tyranny against Corruption.

Wait & watch.

ps. This type of tyrannical enforcement could be compared to anti-Drug policies in Singapore and Malaysia... we need such extra-ordinary approach to defeat this Demon of Corruption, IMO.

Shri Y,

To the best of my knowledge, bribe giving and bribe taking both are punishable offences even at present, under Indian Law. But when some one gives bribe after informing the anti-corruption/police and then gives "marked" notes, the bribe giver is not considered to have done any offence; he is only helping the law enforcement agencies.

The problem with India is imho, that "corruption" is so deeply ingrained in our very psyche that if tomorrow, genetics gets more and more refined, it may be found that there is a specific "gene" in the Indian DNA which promotes corrupt mind-set. To me it will be more effective than all the steps detailed by you, if the religions operating in India make their gods corruption-free; for hindus, this should mean that temples can be used only for worship and no hundials, nerchais, vazhipaaDu, archanai based on devotees' wishes, etc. Astrologers telling "parihaarams" should also be jailed. If the common man's mind is thus purified, this land may become corruption-free in the course of time, gradually.
எல்லாம் சரியாதான் இருக்கு சார். ஆனா நம்ம நாட்டுல என்ன நடக்கறது ன்னு பார்போம். கிரண் குமார் ரெட்டி , YSR மகன் , அப்பா இருக்கும் வரை பெரிய யூத் leadera காங்கிரஸ் ஆல் வர்ணிகபட்டவர் மேல் இன்று 1008 வழக்கு.
இதே ரெட்டி பெல்லாரி ல Mining தொழில் கூட பண்ணின போது எல்லாம் சரி இன்னிக்கு கிரண் குமார் மேல ஒரு வழக்கு ரெட்டி சஹோதரகள் மேல கூட ரெண்டு வழக்கு . அதாவது ysr கூட கூடு சேந்து ரெட்டி bros சுரங்க தொழில் பண்ணினால் அது சட்டப்படி சரி , ysr க்கு பிறகு அதே தொழில் சட்டப்படி தப்பு.
ஆமாம் இது வரை கோடி கணக்கான ஊழல் பணம் பிடிபட்டுதே அதெல்லாம் என்ன ஆச்சு.
மெடிக்கல் கவுன்சில் தலைவர் வீட்டுல இருந்த பணம் தங்கம் எல்லாம் கொண்டுபோக லாரி கொண்டு வந்தாங்களம். அதெல்லாம் என்ன ஆச்சு.
இங்கே கர்நாடக வுல BSY மேல லேன்ட் denotification ஊழல் நு சொன்னங்க . அதே Denotification S .M .கிருஷ்ணா டைம் லேருந்து probe பண்ணலாம் நு சொன்ன ஒடனே வேண்டாம் நு போராட்டம். அதாவது S . M கிருஷ்ணா Denotify பண்ணின அது சரி HDK பண்ணின சரி அதையே BSY பண்ணின தப்பு ஏன் என்று கேட்டால் பிஜேபி Communal பார்ட்டி காங்கிரஸ் தேசிய பார்ட்டி JD செகுலர் பார்ட்டி .
ஆமாம் இப்போ உள்ள சட்டத வெச்சுண்டு என்ன பண்ண போறீங்க.
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