Who is better repressed angels or satisfied old souls?
:thumb:Angels who are contented are certainly better than satisfied old devils. LOL.
Members can get the point if told once. There is no need for the 'repeat' syndrome!Friends,
1. I refer to #4 of Vaagmi---- Our all experienced Krish 44, provides lots of in-puts. he provides , from time to time the ground situation on the discussion of Marriages of Tamil Brahmins.
2. Enough has been discussed in this Forum.
OK. So what else to write than derail this thread!![]()
3. Besides we also have gone through the changing trends, esp. the girls attitudes. All of us feel, that because the Girls have upper hand in settling the marriages, because the trend is set in a way that major, post marriage settlement of the couples are decided & get implemented , after the newly married couple decide finally & the respective parents & families follow, duly finding ways --- To make imperative changes ,by way of resettling themselves , so that the parents would continue to get moral/ financial support from the respective sons/ daughters, wherever they live ?
Nice to get support from the girls but how is it possible ONLY in arranged marriages? Does it not depend on the girl's attitude alone?
4. In this scenario, lesser problems only likely , if arranged marriages are done. This is likely to give less chances for ill-will ,& Divorces would become difficult for the women , once the couple had their own decisions .
No way, Rishi Sir! There are many divorces in arranged and love marriages. Selfish nature in humans is at its peak! :sad:
5. Note :- i am confident to claim that major problems, arising after the families are set up & the new couples are allowed to have freedom & less interference from the In-laws (esp Mothers -in law ) for the first few years , atleast till a Baby is born ,
The inlaws on both sides must, I repeat must develop good friendship & keep continuing , with Objective mind, nothing should be difficult . All concerned , esp. Elders should have a Give & Take Policy, All can enjoy the future of their lives with all happiness
We should not give room for unnecessary problems & get them nipped i the Bud Your tolerance should be the Key & if you Win ? ---mean All Win .
Which new couple is willing to take the parents with them? Please look around, Sir.
Rishikesan ( A. Srinivasan )
GTambrahm girls are well educated and can take decisions on their own. The parents can help her to choose from a few good profiles,
if she permits them to look for her partner. So, advises are of no use and I am sure no girl in marriageable age is reading these posts!
We had one youngster but she is not seen for a lo...............ng time.![]()
Very true, Prasad Sir!......... Marriage is good for anyone who wants it, has temperament for it, and is willing to compromise and work for it to be successful.
Senior citizen become forgetful with age.Since Rishi Sir wants the answers for his post, here are mine in blue.
Members can get the point if told once. There is no need for the 'repeat' syndrome!![]()
The issue is only how much compromise.Very true, Prasad Sir!![]()
Girls might be educated.Tambrahm girls are well educated and can take decisions on their own. The parents can help her to choose from a few good profiles,
if she permits them to look for her partner. So, advises are of no use and I am sure no girl in marriageable age is reading these posts!
We had one youngster but she is not seen for a lo...............ng time.![]()
This thread as usual takes twists and turns! No worries. This is after all Chit Chat!!
Dear Krish Sir,
TB girls are very clear in choosing their partners and bold enough to go for a divorce, in case the choice is wrong.
This applies even to the semi arranged and arranged marriages.
Vijay Mallya is a proclaimed offender....Why compare with him?
For TB's arranged marriages or semi-arranged marriages are the only way forward...Get married early by 25 & use your libido for channelizing your energies in positive way!
I will re post from another forum frequented by youngsters on how it is to be in Live in. relationship in india-period three years
1,.We help each each other in daily lives from cooking to paying bills
2.we can be intimate any time of day -no one is there to judge.
3. We bathe together in evening. It is a stress reliever
4.Our friends visit us freely and we also do the same
5. We go on our bikes each weekend { thats the best part}
1. We stay away from parents and can get to visit on extended weekends
2.It is sometimes tedious living by ourselves since both of us are working
3Some people are too judgemental towards us
How many TBs can accept this If our children did that.?
A girl has posted this.
Read : boy washes the utensils and grates the coconut while the girl cooks. It is not the fire/heat that does the cooking. It is the girl who really cooks.Pros
1,.We help each each other in daily lives from cooking to paying bills
2.we can be intimate any time of day -no one is there to judge.
3. We bathe together in evening. It is a stress reliever
2.It is sometimes tedious living by ourselves since both of us are working
If by chance I happen to meet that girl, I shall ask her in what way it is different from living together after marriage!I will re post from another forum frequented by youngsters on how it is to be in Live in. relationship in india-period three years
1,.We help each each other in daily lives from cooking to paying bills
2.we can be intimate any time of day -no one is there to judge.
3. We bathe together in evening. It is a stress reliever
4.Our friends visit us freely and we also do the same
5. We go on our bikes each weekend { thats the best part}
1. We stay away from parents and can get to visit on extended weekends
2.It is sometimes tedious living by ourselves since both of us are working
3Some people are too judgemental towards us
How many TBs can accept this If our children did that.?
A girl has posted this.