Ramki - that's well and good, but then posts entered by people like K.Chandra/indian should be removed as soon as they appear.
One cannot expect offensive posts to go unchallenged.
I was in the process of editing Chandras posting when I saw yours. Moderators are not online always and hence in spite of our best efforts some of the offesensive postings linger a little longer. Also the moderator needs to go thro the postings one at a timeIt takes time.
I have edited Chandra's posting and removed the offensive statements.
We all own this forum and I request all members to bear this in mind and extend their full cooperation. Everyone needs to understand and cooperate in keeping the forum clean. We are all responsible adults and need to articulate our views in a civilized way. If any member feels any of the postings is violating the forum rules please do send me a private message and I will try to look into it asap.
Dear Members/Administrator,
My sincere apologies again, if i hurt any community here. I have a few things to say and I want to be brief ( as i dont really belong in this forum. ) but not sure if I can sum it up short.
Chandra ( and everyone else) - forget it, let's move on.
I did say at the very beginning that this kind of exchange would not lead to anything productive. This holds true for all of us. Let's drop it right at this point.
I do have some questions for you. How are reservations affecting the Kamma community in AP ? Do you stand to benefit, or is it negative to your community's interest ?
Thanks for your inputs in advance.
In Andhra, Kamma community is considered a Forward caste ( despite their lowly origins as has been recently discovered by a member of this forum ? :lol: :lol: ) along with Reddys, Brahmins and Vysyas and a few other communities. So yes, reservation does reduce the job and eduction opportunities for young people. But its impact is somewhat offset by the fact that this community is very entrepreneurial and enterprising.
One finds Kammas in many areas including agro industries, software and owning a few large business houses. The most visible is the Eeenadu group ( owned by Ramoji Rao) which owns the E TV channels, Eenadu newspaper and the Ramoji film studio in Hyderabad.
Reddy community is also fairly entrepreneurial with quite a few industries to their credit.
Perhaps, the impact of reservations is bound to be more on Telugu brahmins as they have traditionally depended on government jobs. They have been a bit reluctant to come out of their hereditary occupation (unlike the Kannada brahmins), perhaps they are too wedded to tradition or unwilling to involve in business activities as they think it is below their dignity. I am not really very sure. But of late perhaps things are changing.( No attempt to peddle any stereotypes about this community on my part here !. I am just saying this based on what I heard from my telugu brahmin friends, and my views may not necessarily be the most accurate!. )
- kchandra
Does anybody know the email id of Mr. Karunanidhi? If someone does, then we could send a barrage of emails on different issues. But it will probably fall on deaf ears! I have had several of my letters published in the venerable Washington Post. Will the Indian newspapers do an expose' or publish our letters to the Editor about the Chief Minister?
Hi Gopi from Canada,
You are most welcome on this website and to participate and voice your opinions openly. In fact, we have a few who are not Brahmins. We only ask you not to use profane or insulting language; otherwise, you are at liberty to disagree or voice a different point of view. Even though this site was started for the advancement and help of Brahmins, (due to what is happening in Tamil Nadu), we DO NOT advocate supremacy of one caste over the others.
Your statement that you wished you were a brahmin, moved us all and we were humbled. We should be so lucky! A true Brahmin prays for the welfare of all human beings and living creatures. We wish you good luck! I hope everybody agree with me!
Peace on earth! Om Shanthi!
Ramki - that's well and good, but then posts entered by people like K.Chandra/indian should be removed as soon as they appear.
One cannot expect offensive posts to go unchallenged.
Thank you for coming to my rescue. I was only responding to K.Chandra. It seems our moderators have double standards. If any non-Brahmin abuses the Brahmin community, they keep quiet but if a Brahmin replies, they remove it immediately. It was a Telugu Brahmin,i.e., Mr.KSPV, and not any TAMBRAM, who wrote ill of the Kammas. K.Chandra should have taken him to task and should not have dragged the Tamil Brahmins in this fight between a Telugu Brahmin & the Kammas. I had NOT done anything wrong. I stand by my posting.
reggers: :blah: