Foreign scholars have done immeasurable damage to Indian History by introducing Aryan Dravidian race theory. Those who study 2000 year old Tamil Sangam poetry and Sanskrit literature will find out that there was lot of similarities than dissimilarities in south and north of India. Because of the Aryan- Dravidian theory the entire Indian history is distorted. The truth is that the ‘’foreign scholars’’ have not proposed such racial theory in any other part of the world. Even in other parts of the world, where the foreigners bluffed, everything was rewritten. But in India the old history is still followed!
If we have any proof for Aryan-Dravidian races in our ancient Vedic literature or Tamil literature we can at least debate it. When our literature clearly says that all are the children of the same parents, whether it is Asura or Deva or Naga or Garuda, foreigners categorised some as Arya and some as Dravidian --only in India!! Nowhere in the world this type of distortion was allowed or sustained for long. Hundreds of examples in Indian literature will demolish the Aryan Dravidian race theory. Scholars who bluffed will also be exposed, once you study it deeper.
If one believes in Indian scriptures which clearly say that we went out and spread our culture and civilized the world, then the linguistic theory of William Jones etc will fall apart. We have enough proof for this in the names of Central Asian and South East Asian geographical names.
I will give you a few more examples to show that from the southernmost tip of India to the northernmost Himalayas, same customs were followed:
Earlier I wrote in one of my articles that Kalinga King Karavelan and Tamil kings followed the same custom to punish their enemies. Both of them ploughed the land of the enemies with donkeys. This is in Tamil Purananuru and Karavelan’s famous Hathikumba inscription.
In my series of articles on Kalidasa and Tamil literature, I have shown that Tamil poets verbatim translated whatever Kalidasa said about the Ganges and Himalayas. They all believed in the sanctity of the Ganges and Himalayas.
I have shown that the same Rajasuya, Somayaga and Aswamedha were done by Tamil kings like their northern counter parts. It is all from 2000 year old Sangam Tamil Literature.
Fast unto Death
Mahatma Gandhi used fasting as a weapon against the British Rule. He made it a popular form of protest by going in to fast unto death several times. But it was an ancient custom he revived for ousting the British. We see this Fasting to death in Purananuru, ancient anthology of Sangam literature and Ramayana. Hundreds of Jain saints died through fasting. Hindu and Jain saints used this method when they thought their life mission was fulfilled.
Purananuru has got scores of poems about this custom. When the greatest of the Chola kings, Karikalan fought with Chera King Nedunseralathan, Chera king was wounded on his back. No Tamil king tolerated a wound on his back. Those who were injured on the back were called cowards. So Chera king decided to die through fasting. Several poets sang in praise of both the kings ( see Puram verses 65 and 66).
In another episode we read about a family feud where the sons of Chola king Kopperuncholan revolted against their dad. Immediately a poet advised him to go into fasting. When he decided to die through fasting, several famous poets joined him and died with him. One of them, Pisiranthaiyar, has never met him but considered him as his best friend (see Puram 214 to 223).
Apart from Jain’s Sallekhana we come across several examples in Sanskrit scriptures. Kishkinda Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana has one such episode. Angatha, son of Vali, went in search of Sita, but in vain. He decided to sit tight on Dharba grass and die. Only minor difference was he faced east but not north. But the Dharba grass was used by both Tamils and their northern counterparts. The websites which mislead the general public by denoting several customs as Indo Aryan or Indo European are silent on this topic!!
Kumarila Bhattar was a great scholar. He died by fasting sitting in ‘’Five Fires’’. He heaped paddy husk over his body and lighted it on all four sides and sat under the scorching sun. This is known as five fires. One must have a great control over one’s body and mind to do this!

Indians in different parts of India eat different types of sweets called halwa. Wheat halwa, pumkin halwa, pounded rice/pava halwa and milk/dhuth halwa. Thank god, no foreigner has come forward with a Ph.D thesis that one is Aryan halwa, another Dravidian halwa, other one was Munda halwa!! Foreign scholars know how to play their cards. They will use only sensitive issues.
There are different types of dance and music forms in India. Bharata natyam, Kuchipudi, Kathakali, Kajal, Manipuri, Yakshaganam and Mohini Attam are different types of dance forms practised in different parts of the country. Even South India has five different types of dances. Thank god no foreign scholar has found anything Aryan or Dravidian or Munda in these dances till today! If they wanted to divide us, they will use even music and dance to support their Aryan Dravidian race theory!
Bluffing is about cattle raids
Cattle raids was a custom followed from north to south of India. We read about it in Maha Bharata , Bhagavatha and Tamil Sangam literature. Some encyclopaedias call it ‘’Indo European’’!!!
Virta Parva of Maha Bharata described the cattle raid by Trigarta army and the following intervention by Pandavas. This same custom to wage a war was followed by Pandavas and Pandyas! Puram, an anthology of 400 ancient Tamil verses, describe this cattle raiding in verses 257 to 269 . Pathitrupathu is another anthology that gives more details about the same.
We have the oldest reference in Rig Veda about Panis doing this. Just because Homer and an Irish book refer to it they dub it as Indo- European! They did not bother to explain how come it was there in ancient Tamil literature in several poems.
Indo European Bluffing
Even philologists and linguists mislead the public by saying Tamil word Neer (water) is found in Rig Veda. I have proved them wrong by showing the Greek word Nereids for water nymphs exist in Greek in my article on ‘Tamil –Greek similarities’. Narayana for water born God is already in the Vedas. If the same word is in Greek and Sanskrit they should have called it Indo European according to their own rules! Not borrowed from Tamil.
In short, cattle raid is a Hindu custom that spread to other parts of the world. If it is an isolated episode then we can call it a rare coincidence. Like my Nereids reference above, there are innumerable similarities— so not a coincidence.