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Also I have a question.Q: Since Ajata Advaita denies the existence of even God, to whom to surrender?
B: Surrender requires an object to surrender to only for those who are in the kindergarten stage of spiritual development. The wise simply surrender. To surrender is to give up everything [in other words, to renounce all knowledge of objects, even the mental faculty of objectification]. How then could possibly arise the question of finding out one more object to surrender to?
- Aham Sphurana, page 431
The wise did not become wise over night isn't it?
It could have taken years or even lives to become wise.
So at some point even the wise would have been " kindergarten" therefore is there anyone who surrendered sans an object to surrender to?
A wise man who surrenders everything without an external nor an internal object could have surrendered to an object in a past live and earned the ability to just Be and Become totally without objectification.
So when and how is someone is able to reach the state of surrender without objectficiation and not experienced objectification ever in any state of life or any other life?
Not possible isnt it?
We have evolved over life times to reach a human state animals we could have surrendered to the alpha early humans we could have surrendered to the chief or the enemy.
As modern humans we have surrendered ourselves to our smart phones.
As seekers we would have surrendered ourselves to our Gurus.
As believers we would surrendered to God.
As Advaitins we would have surrendered to Jnana.
Even the thought to surrender sans objects is a product of surrender to jnana.
So it is really possible to surrender without objectification?