The reasons for wearing kaupinam in olden days must have been due to –
1. There were no sewing machines (not to talk of modern weaving wills), which came into
being only after the industrialisation that saw things of mass production, for the first time
in the world history.
2. Cloth that requires minimum cutting and stitching with human hands was used to cover
human body, prior to industrialisation.
3. Thus there was no second choice at all, in those days.
i wish to ask our friends who wear ‘kaupinam’ or defend wearing it the following questions.
In the name of keeping our traditions and safeguarding our identity -
Ø Do they want us to go back to the ‘kaupinam age’ too?
Ø Why stopped with ‘kaupinam’ alone? One could have added ‘Veshti-Panchakaccham,’
‘Angavasthram’, ‘Kudumi’ etc.
Ø Will they shun wearing modern dresses like pants/suit, coat, tie etc?
Ø Will they be prepared to live in old, small and tiled houses in this 21st century?
Ø Will they avoid modern electronic gadgets and stick only to communication through
personal messengers (which always results in filters and distortion)?
Ø Will they avoid travel by motor vehicles or even air?
Ø Will they avoid going abroad, as it is forbidden for any true brahmin to cross the seas?
(I do not really know the rationale or logic behind this and have not heard any texts or
scriptures supporting such ban)
Ø Similarly for food, will they avoid eating all food that is considered alien to our culture
and traditions?
I have personally seen many brahmins of today not only working in organisations owned by people who acquired wealth through foul means and following all unethical or even criminal practices, but also they being compelled to do some unethical acts themselves. In such a scenario, wearing kaupinam alone does not offer any solace or mental comfort. What do you say?
My conviction is don’t go by outward symbols or items related to covering human body alone, so as to call oneself a brahmin. If someone is still bent upon continuing such
outdated practices, it will be nothing but mad, ridiculous and preposterous and will result in isolating oneself socially and communally. That’s all one can say.
It is my sincere wish such impractical and unworkable ideas not be promoted in this forum of the educated and intellectuals, at least henceforth.