Dear Sangom,
my arguments were about the "I" sensation, not involuntary kicking or the mere survive and multiply urge of all living beings from single cell entities to the advanced primate species. My argument is that the "I" cognizance is nothing but what appears as magic arising out of the workings of a complex brain. The conscious mind is nothing more than a functioning of a complex brain. Employing the principle of Occam's razor, I opt for this more straight forward reasoning free of anything imaginary. It is because I find this reasoning persuasive I find atheism persuasive, not the other way around as you have stated. regrads ..
Prof Nara,
Acc. to vedic philosophy, "self"/individuality exists eternally (forever).
Coming to empirical/Perceptional world, the cognizance of 'I' needs a (functional-material) body, to understand and respond to the external world. Voluntary actions (differs from Involuntary) are based on one's own Will, to execute their actions of choice, with or against the factors of their own faculty/motivation/society/pros&cons. Brain is the mega network and connector of all faculties (past memory etc.) to execute voluntary (will-full actions) or otherwise. Though most functions are seemingly done by the Brain, we cannot discredit the element of Will/Choice. Such Volition are Individual/Self-driven and completely unitary, which we refer to 'I'/aham/Atma.
That self-will can by-pass all decisions of faculties - memory, empathy/emotions, logic/intellect, then that Self-Will-Power re-directs those faculties to the course of self-willed-action.
You are your own example of "I", why do you chose you be an atheist, when you can be otherwise?
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