Dear Shri Sarma,
I understand your anguish at what you perceive as mundane and inappropriate treatment of advaita. It is a perfectly reasonable feeling to have for those who are to familiar with the subject, to see it being discussed in this way. On the other hand it is also my view that philosophy as deep as advaita should be not only be accessible to people of erudition but deserves a much wider audience and possibly adherents.
By keeping it at an untouchable distance and not putting it to scrutiny or disallowing new interpretations, is only a disservice. It is my view again that advaita will survive any amount of scrutiny and will emerge only stronger because of that. And let us also not be hypocritical here. When even more sacrosanct beliefs such as belief in God is being treated like trash, why not an earnest and well intentioned discussion to probe further into a not so well understood philosophy be considered, beyond debate?
Dear Shri Sravna,
I am with you in as much as your aim of making advaita philosophy known to a larger audience. But do you think it was because the scholars deliberately kept it out of reach of the general public and did not allow scrutiny? I don't think so. Coming to "new interpretations", you see advaita or for that matter any stream of vedanta cannot be given new interpretation by anyone, just as any other branch of knowledge; the person concerned should have good grasp of the fundamentals and should be able to know what new interpretation, thinking, pov he is proposing and why. I do not find any such learned and sincere attempts here.
On the contrary, a good amount of irrelevant and inane material is being collected here. But, true to the nature of this forum, I feel no one, including yourself has thought it fit to visit the url given by me, I feel. Here is a forum of people who have all ascended the "sarvajna peeTham"!
My purpose is to bring out how a very sacredly held topic is being is being completely dishonoured in this guise. May the curse of the great Adisankara not fall on all you sarvajnas!!