Please stop using all caps, that is called shouting.
i agree. unless CHANDRU is angry at us or there is a glitch in his keyboard?
Please stop using all caps, that is called shouting.
please stop using all caps, that is called shouting.
thanks and agreed.
dear chandru,
it takes a certain mind money populationnumbers to make it in politics. you need atleast two of three i think. we tambrams dont have as a group, none of the three. i think so.
what is your gripe? is it quotas. quotas are here to stay for a long time. most tambrams have taken it off their calculation while planning for their future. the govt jobs which they dominated and the govt colleges are no more.
we have moved on. the other side of the quota, is that many many groups close to subsistence have come up. it is good for the society and country as a whole. the quota is a successful example of social engineering, though tambrams might have had to pay a price.
but we have all prospered haven't we? when i was young, i used to know poor tambram families fact mine own was close to lower than middle class. now i dont know of even one. i ask my relatives. they all say, that even the applam mami's son is in singapore, in IT and sending her 10,000 inr a month and she no longer comes to 'help out'.
so pls explain specific gripes. and we can may be put our combined head together and help each other resolve some of our hangups.
barring discussing quotas ofcourse. we have no recourse but to accept it.
the dis unity in Brahmin community is the cause for the down we have the so called literate in brahmin who are egoistic and give their own versin for brhmaniyam.
we have our foreign phobia amongst our literate brahmin.
I have seen when two brahmins chant rudram both are not in agreement with each other on the proceadural matters.
yet there are few devoted brahmins who are revered
The following incidents will show why brahmins are hated even by brahmin
1. Orthodox brahmin even refused to perfor rituals at the time of death of mother of Adi Shankara at Kaladi
2. Dnyaneshwar Dnyaneshwari ws not acceptedby fanatic brahmins and he ws outcasted.
3. Many brahmins from tanjavoore were migrated to palakad thiinking they are separte ythemsel
soo we dont have a reason to grive we have built of own grave
it does not require any special mind or too much money to make it in politics as AAP has shown recently in delhidear chandru,
it takes a certain mind money populationnumbers to make it in politics. you need atleast two of three i think. we tambrams dont have as a group, none of the three. i think so.
what is your gripe? is it quotas. quotas are here to stay for a long time. most tambrams have taken it off their calculation while planning for their future. the govt jobs which they dominated and the govt colleges are no more.
we have moved on. the other side of the quota, is that many many groups close to subsistence have come up. it is good for the society and country as a whole. the quota is a successful example of social engineering, though tambrams might have had to pay a price.
but we have all prospered haven't we? when i was young, i used to know poor tambram families fact mine own was close to lower than middle class. now i dont know of even one. i ask my relatives. they all say, that even the applam mami's son is in singapore, in IT and sending her 10,000 inr a month and she no longer comes to 'help out'.
so pls explain specific gripes. and we can may be put our combined head together and help each other resolve some of our hangups.
barring discussing quotas ofcourse. we have no recourse but to accept it.
it does not require any special mind or too much money to make it in politics as AAP has shown recently in delhi
how much of tambrahm population is left in TN I dont know .can someone enlighten
grinning and accepting discrimination and finding exit route from TN is one option brahmins took. Accept being kept out of govt engg , medical colleges . and govt jobs and saying quota is good social engg is the escapist route. It would have fine if poor brahmins had been given quota like others . why not. ?.why did no one fight for it other ideas -1.Opening engg and medical colleges with preferential seats for brahmins can be opened by mutts,charitable institutions and brahmin industrialists.2 brahmin industrialists can provide training and skilled jobs to poor brahmins along with others3..poor brahmin ladies can be helped to form self help groups to start small businesses and get them preferential loans from banks
4A few NGOs can be started by influential brahmins to arrange educational and job oppurtunities for women .
5grant marriage loans to women with interest remissions to help them
I can give as many ideas as you want me to give
who will come forward and to help on the above
k sahebthis is the reality krish. unless the community as a whole like 90% plus is impacted, i think, it is difficult to get a movement going. the truth is that most of us are well off enough to manage our own affairs. that takes all our time and effort.
and to show something in another light, look at the hopelessness of the cobbler, the waste paper gatherer in the street, and others traditionally had no opportunity for education. the quotas and govt subsidies have given them hope and inspite of the tambram community being excluded from it, the program is universally considered progressive.
and it is going to stay that way. no point making a big fuss over it and quotas is not a rallying point for tambrams. a few poor tambrams might be impacted, but we do have several self help groups and charities among us i believe. for education the banks give loans. and the charity i am associated with, spends most of its money nowadays for medical expenses for the indigent elderly.
we can come up with a lot of causes list, but even here in this forum, when there was an appeal for student loan, i reciprocated, and there was no further contact or reply from the 'applicant'. which gives me reason to hope, happily though, that our tambrams, as a whole, are doing pretty ok. may not all be lakhiers, but sufficient enough to take care of their needs with the skillsets they have. most of them anyway. i do not have any statistics to prove it though.
the nadars of old, the current day vanniars all have large numbers. nadars prospered through unity and hard work. only now the quota has come to help them be doctors and engineers. it was self help all along with the nadar dev bank, pooling nadar funds, and helping start small businesses which have blossomed into huge enterprises now.
unfortunately the vanniars could not repeat the same, due to lack of honest leadership.
everybody agrees about dalits needing help. but even have no good leadership and are widely fragmented, which may be surprise to us (it was to me when i found out about their own stratifications).
under any circumstances, i dont think, as a community we justify in seeking subsidies or share of quotas from government. that is my view. probably a vote of one or two at the most, in this forum.