You are a racist!
"கூழுக்கும் ஆசை மீசைக்கும் ஆசை. Brahmins want convent education, secular job, practice their religious activities like sandhyavandhan etc according to their time comforts but still claim to be 'brahmins' and despise their girl marrying a boy just because he is a NB!"
How would you rate her critic on Brahmins? - She indirectly called us hypocrites, greedy, unqualified for education and jobs. In the recent/current trend, a 'single' mother/parent who wants her kids to be educated, employed is normal, how did she become 'mean'(despise) while expressing her dis-comfort in their kids choice? How is all the convent-education, secular job dis-qualify us from marrying B's? Isn't that an irresponsible statement? I accepted VAlli's comment on getting convent-education rather than education from hindu schools (but some schools had de-merits).
Now, Valli like opportunists are western thumpers!
All of us, most Brahmins are convent-educated and have secular jobs, I do sandhya all 3 times/day. Should I disown the spirituality all-together? Why does she think Brahmins are not qualified for western education? Western education was a plagiarised form of un-patented vedas/our indian thought. Isn't this a dis-grace for a philosophical/logical country? We lost the opportunity to obtain pAtashAla at youth. We need degrees for survival/jobs. Without basic survival, what religion can we practice??? [this is exactly, sudras are exempted to practice]. If atleast 20% of the society are vedically oriented as 100 years ago, most landlords reddy/chettiar/naidus were once veg/vaishnavas, we 4% could be simply fed with the temple prasadams and dakshinAs and survive. Her statements/attitudes about Brahmins are like the careless westerners' thought, who didn't understand the spiritual context, 'begging was made a privilege for Brahmins in their scriptures'. Because for them, vedic education doesn't need to be shared and earned dakshina. One flawed attitude, will lead to many more.
If you can't back up your outburst with valid reasonings, i suggest, you make an apology to Sowbagyavathy Valli, please. By the way, I will keep at this until this is sorted out.
I have no personal dis-regard for Valli. But, I feel hurt for her general careless statements. Why does she think, she is a fore-seer like rishis (bhUta-bhavya-bhavath-prabhu)? She has to regard other's faith/religion/opinion in terms of time and space.
I appreciate your concern for her, but there is nothing wrong I have expressed to apologize. If she promises to be respectful to our scriptures/rishis, I would apologize to her as a BhAgavatha. I dont apologize to anyone for fanciness or personal agendas.
The ancient vedic system has definite skills for Brahmins, to only teach, learn, assists in vedic learning.
That means, all the persons who teach, learn and assist in learning are brahmins. One has to accept that.
Oops! You missed the 'Vedic learning'. Vedic learning is an 'Integrated Learning' for body/health, mind, spirituality, societal welfare, ethics/values etc., not the carry memorizing english disctionary/technical terms. There is no 'learning(jnana) or practice(karma)' like Advaita and Indian education system thinks, there is only 'Intelligent Practice' or 'Uninformed Practice'. If our learning is the latter, then we are not Brahmins. The Brahmin doctors using CT scans or giving antibiotics without suggesting a veggi/yogurt meal and meditation, are vaishyAs (business minded)! Whereas western nurses/doctors are likely to obtain Brahminhood for their honesty and dedication.
We are here abroad or local, and paid for our work, and some of us wouldn't have opted here if the vegetarian situations (groceries) are unavailable.
Vegetarianism has nothing to do with vedic or brahmin kind of life. If the vedic period, brahmins also consumed meat.
Oops! wrong. I will give the ref.*** for not consuming or wearing any ash - even the homa or sacrificed ash. One is disqualified from Brahminism for wearing any ash too. I remember, Before cooking, they remove the cooking ash (aduppu) every morning.
Knowledge is the property of every living being.
That includes the vedic knowledge too. Where is your effort for such vedic knowledge to be imparted to everyone irrespective of caste?
All 3 varnas are required to undergo sacred thread by age 8. All have to learn and chant vedas and only Brahmins can teach vedas (who exclusively adhere to strict rules and hence not allowed to do other jobs for money). Sudras, being fishermen, barbers etc. needn't practice sandhya/vedas as they are constantly in a un-hygienic environment. Barbers also should have worn the forehead marks/hindu attire to serve other varnas. Brahmins cannot be served physically by anyone, so the idea of menial jobs were from the British who introduced stupid floor toilets and Brahmins would have opposed them, like in the leather/bovine/butchery products. But, we were under their complete control and had to resort. Now, we have become cheaper (tea stalls/eating out/movies etc.) and westerners have become more civilized. I have naidu and reddy families who were vaishnavas in par with our grand-parents, and adorn sacred-thread/tiruman, participated in vedanta discourses. That is exactly, why present India is not the reflection of the past/ancient India and cannot be mis-judged and speak ill of our ancestors and their ancient wisdom!
Sir, I have no desire to analyse your message in detail. I logged in only to ask you to apologise to Sowbagyavathy Valli. I sincerely hope, you would do the needful.
You don't hear the both sides of a case (read/analyse) and want to be a claimant/complainant. This shows , you are just emotional, not reasonable. Oops! the case is dismissed