sri Raghy sir,
Yes my language is somewhat sturn but it is full of truth and ground realities.
I dont need to take credit what I have done. Our dharma doesnt permit that. they are krishnarpanmastu.
I am not interested in providing painkillers for a serious disease. why conditions arise to organise swayamvaram, and who can garantee that you will not organise the same for icm in future?
My messeges are the most good and correct guiding one and reveal truth. They not keep someone in intellectual coma. They hurt and seem irritating only due to the fact that they touch inner conscience. they challenge in reality what ultra leberals have raised as large smoke monster.
In fact it is the inner guilt of becoming instrumental in persecution of a virtuous community which drives to provide painkillers for serious diseases denying truth and gravity of conditions.
Sri.Hoover Sir,
Greetings. Emotional outbursts can not be considered as solutions to any problems. Talking ill of NBs will not solve any of the problems caste brahmins face today; on the contrary, it can only increase the problem. It is your style to write ill of NBs which can be evidenced from many of your past messages. I have reasons to believe, you are bent upon increasing caste brahmins existing problems.
It is really funny, you talk about dharma. There is no such thing as 'our dharma' or 'your dharma'; dharma is common. Dharma does not permit one to talk ill of others too; dharma does not permit one to whine day in and day out either; dharma certainly does not permit one to control others, even if they happen to be their children.Either follow dharma for all occassions or don't worry about dharma altogether. Selectively folowing dharma is hipocrocy.
I don't know about you, but
I know, providing pain killers is an important part of management of serious diseases. Conditions to organise swayamvarms arose because, parents of the boys wanted only top notch brides for their sons, rejecting poor girls; boys did not venture to find brides on their own even up to the age of 30. I am more than happy to debate with anyone on these issues.
I do not conduct swayamvaram fuctions although I support such community events. If I were to conduct a swayamvaram, the most important consideration would be an amicable arrangement in the interest of the girl/boy followed by the interests of the parents. I would not consider anything else seriously.
Your messages are not in line with reality. At the best of times, your messages are wish lists for caste brahmin supremacy. Your messages are very unhealthy for the caste brahmin society; not to be followed by our youngsters. As a senior person who grew up in an Iyengar home, I think it is my obligation to set the records straight. I owe that much to the brahmin community for looking after me. Your messages will only breed inaction since they lack any sense of directions. Whinings seldom provide directions.
I don't know if I am an ultra liberal. All I know is, I was a pauper, grew up with 50 paisa pocket money per month. I knew about the difficulties I could face in the future when I was very young. I actually planned for a bright future with the least amount of expense. Although I am not rich now, I am very happy I have a content life. I am more than happy to help any youngster who is willing to work hard to get ahead in life. Sir, I am not too concerened about anything else. I am living in today's realities.
I look at the world from a different point of view. For example, in one of my employment careers, my boss was not happy with my performance; I was given 6 weeks to improve or else!..... When I started that 6 week period, I was all smiles and brisk about my job. When people wondered about my reation, I said to them, "now that I know I may have only 6 weeks of your company, I may as well make the most of it and enjoy it!". Needless to say, my boss ended up working out a strategy to suit my temperment and his requirement. In reality, we are always in such a situation. We don't know for sure we are going to be alive tomorrow; Might as well enjoy what we have. I know for caste brahmins, many doors are closed. Although it is a very hard situation, since such situation can not be helped at this point in time, one should knock at more closed doors, seek more opportunities. I request the youngsters and vulnerable persons to speak-out and seek help, please.
Sri. Hoover sir, I am very glad that you have recognised that some of us providing "pain killers for serious conditions". I am glad to be part of the management of the diseases. I don't deny any truth or gravity of the situations. By all means, kindly let everyone know about the truth and gravity of the conditions with objective informations, please. Kindly stop whining and stop writing ill of the NBs, please since such actions are counter-productive. Thanks.