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Clearing the Body's Retired Cells Slows Aging and Extends Life

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[h=1]Clearing the Body's Retired Cells Slows Aging and Extends Life[/h] A series of experiments in mice has led to what some are calling “one of the more important aging discoveries ever."


Mark Blinch / Reuters

Throughout our lives, our cells accumulate damage in their DNA, which could potentially turn them into tumors. Some successfully fix the damage, while others self-destruct. The third option is to retire—to stop growing or dividing, and enter a state called senescence. These senescent cells accumulate as we get older, and they have been implicated in the health problems that accompany the aging process.
By clearing these senescent cells from mice, Darren Baker and Jan van Deursen at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine managed to slow the deterioration of kidneys, hearts, and fat tissue. The animals lived healthier and, in some cases, they lived longer.
“The usual caveats apply—it’s got to be reproduced by other people—but if it’s correct, without wanting to be too hyperbolic, it’s one of the more important aging discoveries ever,” says Norman Sharpless from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, who was not involved in the study.
Several chemicals can slow the aging process in laboratory organisms, but Sharpless says it's hard to think how people might benefit. “You take a drug—resveratrol, green tea, god knows what—for 30 years, and by the time you’re 80, you’re actually 70. That paradigm doesn’t work in the real world. People hate to take drugs, especially when they don’t know it’s helping them. And no pharma company would develop such a drug. If this paper is right, suddenly you have a way of taking an old organism and making it physiologically younger. You go from a prevention paradigm to a treatment one. That's something you can sink your teeth into.”
Baker and van Deursen started this line of work by accident. In 2004, they found that turning off a gene called BubR1, which they initially thought would be involved in cancer, actually revved the aging process into high gear. The mice got cataracts, developed heart problems, lost body fat, and died much earlier than usual. And they seemed to accumulate many more senescent cells.
In 2011, the team developed a way of singling out and removing those cells. Senescent cells are characterized by a protein called p16. Baker and van Deursen genetically engineered their fast-aging mice so that they would destroy all their p16-bearing cells when they received a specific drug. The results were dramatic: The senescent cells disappeared, and though the rodents still died earlier, they were bigger, fitter, and healthier when they did. Even old mice, whose bodies had started to decline, showed improvements.
“Then, the question became: What would happen if we removed those cells in a normal mouse?” says Baker.
“Without wanting to be too hyperbolic, it’s one of the more important aging discoveries ever.”Using the same technique, Baker and van Deursen took normal middle-aged mice and purged their senescent cells twice a week. This time, the process increased the rodents’ average lifespan by a quarter. And as they got older, they lost less body fat, had healthier hearts and kidneys, developed fewer cataracts, and stayed more active. The team tested large numbers of mice of both sexes, from two genetic strains, and raised on two different diets—and the results were always the same. This is a real improvement. It’s in real aging; the last paper was in fake aging,” says Sharpless.
John Sedivy from Brown University agrees. “This issue of whether senescent cells contribute to aging has been out there for decades,” he says. “This is the first paper that I’d say is really watertight.”
Senescent cells aren’t idle. They secrete molecules that trigger inflammation and enzymes that destroy connective tissue. “We've identified 50 to 60 different molecules that these cells produce, any one of which has the potential to wreak havoc on tissues,” says Judith Campisi from the Buck Institute for Research on Aging.
This seems perverse, but there’s method to the body’s madness. Cells undergo senescence because they accumulate damage that could potentially lead to cancer, and the molecules they secrete prompt the immune system to come over and clear them. “It’s a very potent anti-cancer mechanism,” says Baker. But as we get older, the immune system falters, and senescent cells accumulate. Now, the molecules they secrete become problems rather than solutions.
Even then, senescent cells have benefits. Last year, Campisi showed that these cells help to heal wounds. And sure enough, Baker and van Deursen found that their mice heal more slowly after such cells were removed.
The worry then is that any attempt to clear senescent cells in people would have serious side effects, as well as obvious benefits. Charles Sherr from St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is also concerned about cancer. Since the p16 protein prevents tumors from arising, Sherr wonders if “the salutary effects that accompany elimination of p16+ cells would be offset later by increased cancer incidence.” Baker and van Deursen saw no signs of that in their mice, but humans live for much longer than rodents.
“There will be tradeoffs for sure, but as we drill down into the biology, we have a better chance of preserving the good side of these cells while eliminating the bad,” says Campisi.
A newly launched company called Unity Biotechnology, which counts Campisi and van Deursen among its co-founders, is working to move the team’s senescence-clearing discoveries to the clinic. “We have spent the last four years identifying a series of Achilles heels that are unique to senescent cells,” says Unity CEO Nathaniel David. “We have molecules that are 300 times more poisonous to these cells than to non-senescent ones.”
His first goal is to use these compounds to treat a couple of diseases that are likely caused by senescent cells and that are localized to specific body parts. Osteoarthritis might be a good target—David has it in his toes—and so might late-stage glaucoma. If that works, “we can start going after higher-risk stuff like healthspan,” says David.

Super explanation Madam!! Your cognitive abilities are awesome! High IQ!!
:yo: Ganesh!

BTW, my mom and two of us siblings are Geminians and when we were young, we used to say that the 'quack doctor'

in our village was helping Bhooma Devi, by treating the people! ;)

It is said that 'Geminians' have more imagination!
Here is a different theory.... and don't know how many will accept...but has substance...

By Bhushan Shah....

[FONT=q_serif]No effect. Every creature, animals, humans etc. are made of matters which have basically come from earth itself. Regarding humans, we are built from the food stuff (nutrients) our mother has eaten. After birth, our tissues and all are constantly made after we get nutrients from the food we eat, and we extract rest useless stuff. It is basically a transfer of materials, in different forms. We are not adding or removing any mass from earth, and earth's mass remains same no matter how much population we will have in future. Only asteroids and such space materials add to the mass of earth.[/FONT]

Source: [/FONT]
Our ancestors taught this:

''பகவான் ஸ்ரீ கிருஷ்ணராக அவதாரம் செய்த நோக்கங்களில் ஒன்று, பூமியில் உள்ள மக்கள்

க் குறைப்பதாகும். மகாபாரதப் போரில் பூ பாரம் கொஞ்சம் குறைந்தது''.

Source: ॐ இந்திய பாரதம்
This is based on science……. I mean facts… and nothing but scientific fact...

And there may be lot of answers like this if one search in Google…..bcos ..it is fact…


“With the drastic increase in the human population over many years, I was wondering if our weight has any effects on the planet such as it's rotation, gravity, etc.

how could the mass of humans have any impact on the total mass of the world? Every human is made up of mass which was ALREADY on earth, the only imputs are energy which will still be in the system anyway, humans use it they dont create it
2. No, not really. Even Asguard got something right for a change - people ARE made from the "contents" of the Earth - so there's no net gain there. It doesn't matter if it's trees, people or just rock and water, the net weight remains the same.

However, there IS on thing that actually does change the weight (mass, actually) of the Earth - the tons of space dust and meteorites that rain down on it each year. But when compared to the mass of the Earth, the effects are FAR too small to even be measured.

3. The weight of human beings doesn't come from nowhere. It comes from the food we eat, the water we drink etc. And all those raw materials were already on the planet before we were born.

Source: http://www.sciforums.com/threads/effects-of-human-weight-on-earth.99832/
Our ancestors taught this:

''பகவான் ஸ்ரீ கிருஷ்ணராக அவதாரம் செய்த நோக்கங்களில் ஒன்று, பூமியில் உள்ள மக்கள்

க் குறைப்பதாகும். மகாபாரதப் போரில் பூ பாரம் கொஞ்சம் குறைந்தது''.

Source: ॐ இந்திய பாரதம்

யாதவ குலம் கட்டுக்கடங்காமல் பல்கிப் பெருகி விட்டதை உணர்ந்தார். எண்ணிக்கை கூடும்பொழுது தரம் குறைவது சகஜம் தானே! எனவே தான் பிறந்த யாதவ குலத்தையே அழிக்க திருவுள்ளம் கொண்டார்.

குலத்தை அழிக்கப்பிறந்த காேடாலி! But in an earlier avathar killed kshatriys with காேடாலி!
Rajini advises like this in the song ''Ra Ra Ramaiya'':

Play well within 8; learn well within
16; get married before 24; beget children before 32;

earn well before 40; see the world within 48; retire before 56; no peace of mind in life after 64!!
3. The weight of human beings doesn't come from nowhere. It comes from the food we eat, the water we drink etc. And all those raw materials were already on the planet before we were born.

Source: http://www.sciforums.com/threads/effects-of-human-weight-on-earth.99832/[/QUOTE]

The law of conservation of mass or principle of mass conservation states that for any system closed to all transfers of matter and energy, the mass of the system must remain constant over time, as system mass cannot change quantity if it is not added or removed. Hence, the quantity of mass is "conserved" over time. The law implies that mass can neither be created nor destroyed, although it may be rearranged in space, or the entities associated with it may be changed in form, as for example when light or physical work is transformed into particles that contribute the same mass to the system as the light or work had contributed. Thus, during any chemical reaction, nuclear reaction, or radioactive decay in an isolated system, the total mass of the reactants or starting materials must be equal to the mass of the products.

As far as we know, mass cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change form. Matter can become energy, and energy can become matter, but always according to e=m2. So, when a matter-antimatter reaction occurs, the mass of the matter (and antimatter) is converted to energy of equal mass, which propogates outward in verious forms (heat, light, a kinetic shockwave, sound waves, etc), and gets spread out thinner and thinner throughout the cosmos, but never looses anything in quantity. If you ever found a way to capture all the energy that was released in the reaction, and condense it back together into matter, you would have the same amount of mass as the original amount of material used.

Reference https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/can-mass-be-created-or-destroyed.4837/
The conservation of energy (or mass) must be qualified.

For instance, some mass gets converted to energy during nuclear reaction inside the Sun. some this energy escapes the sun. So the mass of the Sun keeps changing.
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Dear Prasad Sir,

I too have read the facts about the mass of earth. When referring to Bhooma Devi, I was NOT talking science! :cool:

1. You know that if a person lives a useless life, he is known to be 'Bhoomikku bAram; chOththukku dhaNdam!'

2. And, Gods and Goddesses take avtArs to reduce 'bhoo bAram', according to purAnAs.

P.S: Jokka anubhavikkaNum; ArAychchi seyyak koodAdhu! :D
3. The weight of human beings doesn't come from nowhere. It comes from the food we eat, the water we drink etc. And all those raw materials were already on the planet before we were born.

Source: http://www.sciforums.com/threads/effects-of-human-weight-on-earth.99832/

The law of conservation of mass or principle of mass conservation states that for any system closed to all transfers of matter and energy, the mass of the system must remain constant over time, as system mass cannot change quantity if it is not added or removed. Hence, the quantity of mass is "conserved" over time. The law implies that mass can neither be created nor destroyed, although it may be rearranged in space, or the entities associated with it may be changed in form, as for example when light or physical work is transformed into particles that contribute the same mass to the system as the light or work had contributed. Thus, during any chemical reaction, nuclear reaction, or radioactive decay in an isolated system, the total mass of the reactants or starting materials must be equal to the mass of the products.

As far as we know, mass cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change form. Matter can become energy, and energy can become matter, but always according to e=m2. So, when a matter-antimatter reaction occurs, the mass of the matter (and antimatter) is converted to energy of equal mass, which propogates outward in verious forms (heat, light, a kinetic shockwave, sound waves, etc), and gets spread out thinner and thinner throughout the cosmos, but never looses anything in quantity. If you ever found a way to capture all the energy that was released in the reaction, and condense it back together into matter, you would have the same amount of mass as the original amount of material used.

Reference https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/can-mass-be-created-or-destroyed.4837/
The conservation of energy (or mass) must be qualified.

For instance, some mass gets converted to energy during nuclear reaction inside the Sun. some this energy escapes the sun. So the mass of the Sun keeps changing.

My 'up vote' to this posting. :-)
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Dear Prasad Sir,

I too have read the facts about the mass of earth. When referring to Bhooma Devi, I was NOT talking science! :cool:

1. You know that if a person lives a useless life, he is known to be 'Bhoomikku bAram; chOththukku dhaNdam!'

2. And, Gods and Goddesses take avtArs to reduce 'bhoo bAram', according to purAnAs.

P.S: Jokka anubhavikkaNum; ArAychchi seyyak koodAdhu! :D

Escape route of Big Boss

But the Source: ॐ இந்திய பாரதம் They don't make mockery of Mahabharth and it's characters like Big Boss who does it on day to day basis the latest about Draupati!
While Draupathi had Lord Krishna to come to her rescue, the active members of this Forum do have 'God Fathers'.
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This thread is in IT and Technology section.:focus:

Prasad Ji,

You are right.

What is surprising is, veterans bringing in 'Booma Devi', 'Gemini', Bhagwan Sri Krishna. etc etc LOL

IMHO veterans should try to set an example... and should not stoop down to the level of ' sitting ducks'.
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The abusive posts will be promptly deleted by the moderator.

So, keep checking the previous page! :ranger:
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