Dear Anand,
The only source of new non-hetro population is strictly through traditional hetro-reproduction - in vetro conception is possible but minuscule compared to the hetro reproduction. So, the proportion of non-hetro population is not going to change, if at all it may only go down over thousands of years. The reason we may see an apparent increase in the short run is not because there is an increase in their numbers, but only because more of them don't feel a need to stay closeted.
Given homosexuality is a condition not choice, why would non-hetro population increase? Same sex attraction and gender ambiguity have been around always. If they have survival and reproductive advantage over hetro population, then they may pass on the "homo" gene to the next generation in higher proportion compared to hetro-reproduction. But, leaving the survival advantage alone, it is clear they don't have reproductive advantage, they don't even reproduce.... What I meant was if the homo population keeps increasing then births can only be achieved by other means like donors.
The only source of new non-hetro population is strictly through traditional hetro-reproduction - in vetro conception is possible but minuscule compared to the hetro reproduction. So, the proportion of non-hetro population is not going to change, if at all it may only go down over thousands of years. The reason we may see an apparent increase in the short run is not because there is an increase in their numbers, but only because more of them don't feel a need to stay closeted.
The research on this is clear, there is no difference. The important factor for a healthy and happy childhood is not whether the child's parents are of opposite or same gender, it is one of love and nurture.A baby could have two loving fathers or two loving mothers instead of a dad and mom. Is this good for the child's upbringing?
If cloning becomes common, men will become increasingly redundant, which is probably a good thing for the planet.What about cloning?