I do not believe in social engineering. We all are individuals and should follow our own path.
Adi Shankara advises us to come out of attachments in Bhaja Govindam:–
Kaa te kaantaa kaste putrah
Samsaaroyam ateeva vichitrah
Kasya tvam kah kuta aayaatah
Tattvam chintaya tadiha bhraatah (8)
Who is your wife? Who is your son? Supremely wonderful, indeed, is this empirical process! Of whom are you? Who are you? From where have you come? O brother, think of that Truth here.
Dr T M P Mahadevan comments on this sloka:
“Family relations and institution of the household have only a limited value. They have value in so far as they serve to liberate the individual from ego-centred existence. But when they have served their purpose, they must be left behind. Family is the home of trial and testing; it is not one’s destination. This does not mean that he should be cruel to them or hate them; nor even that he should be callous to their interests. What it means is that he should no longer regard them as his property, nor himself as their property”.
By London Swaminathan Post No 922 Date 21st March 2014. Hindus have been taught the purpose of life from the very beginning. Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha are the four values and Brahmacharya, Grihas…
What does it mean:
It sounds good, but is it not just your values? Is there a book of guidelines for a Brahmin? Is it universal?
Great. Regarding social engineering: Yes, one must follow his own path to achieve his own goals and to attain moksha, salvation or whatever. But however, not everyone is an AdiShankar. Most of us are just confused spirits, wandering in this journey of life, not knowing where to go, but was given the description of how to attain vaikunta. Am I asking to radicalize the people and create a rigid system to help them find a way?, nope..but I'll say, there is no harm in having a system for the people who may need support.
Wise men like Shankara are always exceptions. I cannot equate myself with him and market his philosophy as mainstream. Shankar a never had a family. But I do. One can say, never be attached to your kids, they are not your property, but is this even possible, even goddess parvathy caved in, when it came to her son Ganesha. Shankaras philosophy of advaita is remarkable. Applies to all of humanity at the spiritual/cosmic level, but at our level , by the way, what is our level?. My level of understanding and thinking may not be the same as yours. And when each of us starts thinking the same way, its going to end in chaos. And if I can muster a majority to support my Individual thought or idea, I can devise a juggernaut and finish anyone who walks around with their own sense of individualism, cause I wouldn't want ant opposing belief. So, there goes individualism out the window.
The first thing to acknowledge, is not everyone is the same. Each one is blessed with different sense of intellect and opportunities. I can't expect an handicapped person to think on the same lines as I do. So, I do have a moral responsibility to think for himself too, if I am caring and I telling enough.
As mentioned by someone in the thread before, times have changed, back in the day of Shankara, he did not face problems which we as a group is not. He never lived in a democracy, where people are taken for a ride and left to fend for themselves. If Shankar a were here today, in my idea of him , he would have become a traditionalist instead of the poster liberal. Probably be branded as a sanghi, maybe.
Regarding the value system for brahmins, yes there are certain codes prescribed to be followed. I had mentioned about some in another thread in this community:-
1. Like regular study of Vedas, puranas .
2. Study of opposing philosophies.
3. Nityakarmas.
4. Protect the community from attacks and ridicule.
5. Teaching kids about history.
And many more. A sense of community has to exist for all. We are still not at a point where the govt would help people on social securit in an unbiased manner. Until that is reached, every person will fall back on his own community for support, since thats the only group he will trust or get genuine help .
All I am saying is, you can have your own idea of world, but now, protect the traditionalists, who have given you the freedom to think and explore. Once these, freedoms are lost, there may come a new tradition that may not approve of your idea of individualism. On that day, if I can form a potent idea and weaponise it, that's it , consider yourself done, cause your just an individual with a crazy idea while I am organized battle tank.
Its just like say, getting oneself insured, I may not die tomorrow, but at least, there is a protection cover for the people who trust me when something happens to me. Dont be alone, cause it ain't safe. Its always better to get insured, become a part of the system and then explore/travel life.