dearVRji !Rajesh my elder son wants to honor both of us (his parents) while naming his son.
Both of us (I and my husband) share the same initials V.R.
So he added some vowels and made the name VaRuN!
How very thoughtful!
I feel honored.:happy:
rainbow flowerWhich one sir???
Mixed daffodils.
true to some extent .you can not get all what you want and all which are with you are not because you wanted them.ketathaiyum ,kekkathaiyum tharuvathu than kadvul.present joy may turn sorrow and present painful things will turn relief in for happiness take things as it comes and rest will be taken care of by HIMகேளுங்கள் தரப்படும்!
தட்டுங்கள் திறக்கப்படும்!!
நம்புங்கள் நல்ல மனங்கள்
உள்ளன இன்னமும் உலகில்!!!
தந்திருக்கலாம் கேட்கும் முன்னமே!
சிந்திக்கவில்லை தொலைநோக்கில்!!
perhaps she might not have seen herself in a full size mirror orA curve is a curve whether it is concave or convex.
This fat lady is a good luck talisman.
She is the Thai version of the Japanese " mani-neko"
(meaning "money cat".)
Usually money cats are thin but this one is really plump.
She looks real Cool despite her bulges!!! Doesn't she???
Sunshine makes all the flowers open up!
The converse is also true.
The flowers have made the sunshine lady
open up her heart to their beauty.
Whenever I see a double digit notification,
I know that the golden hand of the
Sunshine lady is behind those Likes!
she is nothing but the small ray of the golden sun and is happy
as those beautiful flowers are, for the love from miles apart.