How twisted it is
Sowbagyavathy Renuka, Greetings.
Your message in post #1375. The first thing came to my mind was, that girl could be a 'tree hugger' with the rope in the bag on the ground.
Then that tree reminded me a tree in a park in IIT, Chennai Campus in Guindy, Chennai... but that girl in IIT was much younger, much more petite and was wearing paavadai & thaavani...... and was/is related to me..
well, I can't think anything else after that.....
Imagination running riot!!!
Q: Leading to where???
A: To Nowhere!!!!
Escape route from the Turbulent Ocean of Samsara.
VRji, Your pictures are brain storming.
That is not an escape route. :nono:
It is getting stuck up on a half finished stairs amidst rough waves. :fear:
It can best be said as 'Between despair and the deep sea!' :whoo:
No are mistaken...once one reaches the last step on the stairs God carries you in His arms.
That's why the stair case looks half finished.
What happened to the person who was constructing the staircase???
Did he/she also got carried away before the business got finished??? :angel:
Depends who constructed it..Vishvakarma or Maya Danava.
That tree reminds me of Enid Blyton's Faraway Tree series. One of my favourite read as a kid.
Viswakarma should have built it higher in order to reach heaven
and Maya Danava woud build a staircase leading downwards and not upwards.![]()