Discussion about the book Common Prophets of the Jews, Christians, Muslims, and Hindus by Bharat Jhunjhunwala
@renuka I'm responding to your post because I read the book you mention. However, I couldn't respond, so I made a thread.
In the middle of your post you @renuka wrote
"Bharat Jhunjhunwala, well-known columnist, is now busy compiling a full book on the similarities between Ibrahim (RA) and Ram. Valmiki Ramyana talks of one single God and speaks about Pralay (Qayamat). In one of the Hindu scriptures,"
Here's Bharat Jhunjhunwala's book
Common Prophets
Of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and Hindus
Author Bharat Jhunjhunwala
Here's your @renuka post and can read it at thread.
Now I'll @Learning ask a question from book and from @renuka post so to begin this discussion
From your post @renuka
"Bharat Jhunjhunwala, well-known columnist, is now busy compiling a full book on the similarities between Ibrahim (RA) and Ram. Valmiki Ramyana talks of one single God and speaks about Pralay (Qayamat). In one of the Hindu scriptures,"
From Book I think I learned that 'AB' means father. And Ram or Rama is Abraham or ABram. 'AB'ram from Indus Valley ancient India.
What do you think are the similarities between Ibrahim (RA) and Ram?
What I learned so far from this book is that AB means father, so AB is the 'father' of Ram. Abram AB Rama. Father of Rama
What are your thoughts about this?
Oh even though this wasn't in the book, later online I learned about Tamil language.
What are the thoughts of Tamil language and the people who speaks Tamil and about the word father? What word to Tamil language have for father? Tamil language is the mother language yes? And there's what for father? And does this attach to word, example 'AB'ram?
I'm learning.
Now my rambling.
Oh I didn't learn anything about Tamil in the book, however recently I learned about Tamil online and learn that Tamil language is a mother language. So was Tamil language before Sanskrit language happened? This area wasn't from the book Common Prophets, about these two languages, however I'll include this in this discussion due to I kept noticing languages forming.
This came about because I kept seeing how languages were forming
Example AB means father. Then Father of what, in this case Ram or Rama. Father Ram?
Yet this happened in Indus Valley area, what about south India area, what happened in south India during this time? That's my question I have after reading book common prophets.
This area is confusing for me, northern India and southern India
Even though this book shown in the Indus Valley area that's northern India, due to this, later I adventure learning about southern India and that's when I learn Tamil language a mother language.
From Book: Krishna left Indus Valley and went to an unknown area, this book takes a closer look at where this unknown area is that Krishna went to.
Here's website
What are your thoughts about all of this?
@renuka I'm responding to your post because I read the book you mention. However, I couldn't respond, so I made a thread.
In the middle of your post you @renuka wrote
"Bharat Jhunjhunwala, well-known columnist, is now busy compiling a full book on the similarities between Ibrahim (RA) and Ram. Valmiki Ramyana talks of one single God and speaks about Pralay (Qayamat). In one of the Hindu scriptures,"
Here's Bharat Jhunjhunwala's book
Common Prophets
Of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and Hindus
Author Bharat Jhunjhunwala
Here's your @renuka post and can read it at thread.
Some debatable facts here and there but overall makes a good read and good message for people to Focus on God alone..worth a read.
Let Sai Baba controversy strengthen the movement for Worship of God alone!
June 25, 2014
By Dr Javed Jamil
Shirdi’s Sai Baba has undoubtedly outdone all other Hindu saints in terms of growing popularity among Hindus in the last century. While there is little doubt that he was a Muslim Sufi saint with unadulterated devotion to one “MaaliK”, his Hindu devotees outnumber Muslims by a huge...
Let Sai Baba controversy strengthen the movement for Worship of God alone!
June 25, 2014
By Dr Javed Jamil
Shirdi’s Sai Baba has undoubtedly outdone all other Hindu saints in terms of growing popularity among Hindus in the last century. While there is little doubt that he was a Muslim Sufi saint with unadulterated devotion to one “MaaliK”, his Hindu devotees outnumber Muslims by a huge...
Now I'll @Learning ask a question from book and from @renuka post so to begin this discussion
From your post @renuka
"Bharat Jhunjhunwala, well-known columnist, is now busy compiling a full book on the similarities between Ibrahim (RA) and Ram. Valmiki Ramyana talks of one single God and speaks about Pralay (Qayamat). In one of the Hindu scriptures,"
From Book I think I learned that 'AB' means father. And Ram or Rama is Abraham or ABram. 'AB'ram from Indus Valley ancient India.
What do you think are the similarities between Ibrahim (RA) and Ram?
What I learned so far from this book is that AB means father, so AB is the 'father' of Ram. Abram AB Rama. Father of Rama
What are your thoughts about this?
Oh even though this wasn't in the book, later online I learned about Tamil language.
What are the thoughts of Tamil language and the people who speaks Tamil and about the word father? What word to Tamil language have for father? Tamil language is the mother language yes? And there's what for father? And does this attach to word, example 'AB'ram?
I'm learning.
Now my rambling.
Oh I didn't learn anything about Tamil in the book, however recently I learned about Tamil online and learn that Tamil language is a mother language. So was Tamil language before Sanskrit language happened? This area wasn't from the book Common Prophets, about these two languages, however I'll include this in this discussion due to I kept noticing languages forming.
This came about because I kept seeing how languages were forming
Example AB means father. Then Father of what, in this case Ram or Rama. Father Ram?
Yet this happened in Indus Valley area, what about south India area, what happened in south India during this time? That's my question I have after reading book common prophets.
This area is confusing for me, northern India and southern India
Even though this book shown in the Indus Valley area that's northern India, due to this, later I adventure learning about southern India and that's when I learn Tamil language a mother language.
From Book: Krishna left Indus Valley and went to an unknown area, this book takes a closer look at where this unknown area is that Krishna went to.
Here's website
Common Prophets of the Jews, Christians & Muslims and Hindus

What are your thoughts about all of this?