Sri a-TB wrote:-
"You said "Does "surrender" in the psychological sense, NOT the philosophical sense, make sense?" - that makes sense to me definitely.
"So surrender to God has therapeutic value for one who is in despair.
"Not sure why people who are not in despair chase after surrender - perhaps angling to go to a place heaven?"
If I might venture an opinion, it depends largely on who "people" in this context is, or are.
Some are so overcome by their own sense of inferiority, by their inherent weakness of mind to face life, by their lack of ability and willingness to fight and win, that they prefer to play "second fiddle" to everyone and everything, and seek to hide behind a Power -- God.
This conceived "God" might well demand absolute submission and, not because of despair but just weakness of character, and sense of helplessness, the "devotee" surrenders in spirit. Fear does not enter into it at all. It is the nature of the individual's psychological and intellectual makeup. In other words, he uses his "free will" to surrender to the donor of that free will.
Much as we do when we elect politicians to represent us in the highest echelons of power, based on the concept of "peoples' power". Or grease the palms of corrupt civil servants to get things done.
The strong-willed, who reject any curb on their own self-perceived self-sufficiency, might well reject not only any guru, godmen, god or goddess telling them how to behave, but also all man-made and god-made laws, rules and restrictions on their freedom to do what they think, what they like, what they can do. "I know best: who is there to challenge me?" is their credo.
Surely, there is a middle path where the intelligent, mature, thinking man (or woman) lights a ghee lamp, a bunch of incense sticks, or does does puja or prostration to God, not so much with the intention of abjectly surrendering as such, but as an expression of educated discipline? Much as one shakes the proferred hand of a a stranger, takes off one's footwear before entering another's house, or doffs one's headgear in he presence of the dead?
shareeramsuroopam thathaa vaa kalathram
yashashchaaaru chithram dhanam meruthulyam
guroramghripadme manaschenna lagnam
thathah kim thathah kim thathah kim thathah kim?
S Narayanaswamy Iyer