This thread is inspired by thread by Mr Prasad (I follow Advaitaphilosophy , but not comfortable with prayer).
Question is Why should a God, the almighty create all these beings and expect them to surrender to Him/Her/It?
What does a devotee surrender? Why does he surrender - because he is afraid? The whole 'philosophy' of total surrender does not make sense
Tried to have a serious conversation about this with someone here who has claimed to have surrendered to his God. Had to only count 1,2,3,4,5 - already he had hit the roof with frustration and went into attack mode hahahaa. So not sure that brand of surrender has worked for him.
LOL He is welcome to respond here LOL May god bless him !
Any insights? Is this surrender thing really taught in Advaita?
Logging here off and on randomly but will follow this thread if there are responses
Many of our philosophies are like Socialism. A concept that keeps changing and evolving. Anyone's hat.
It all depends on what you are meaning by 'Surrender'.
"Let's perform our actions to our best and accept whatever results that comes and start from there again" is also a surrender. That's how paramatma operates probably in evolving this Universe. If Jivatma has come from paramatma, then it should have inherited that nature also. In that case it is the 'sva-dharma' of the Jivatma, which is the best mode of operation.
In a way, this is what is called 'randomness' in our nature. Just do what you think is best; but something unintended happens; again do your best from there; something else happens; keep enjoying whatever you get and keep doing your best. Your path may look randomly moving. Like ants that try to align their push and pull (fail, try, improve a little, try, fail...) to the path of phermones, if you have a goal, try to align your random path to the goal. If you don't have any goal, just go where it takes and enjoy every moment of your travel.
This is surrender because you don't torment yourself (and others) for not 'achieving' something. This is surrender because you understand what we call as failure may become success later and what we call as success now may be our failure later..
We can only outgrow-perish or stagnate-perish in the Universe. That's evolution as we observe it. If we chose the path of outgrow-perish, then we have to enjoy every movement of our travel, marshal all our intellect and other resources in moving ahead. If we torment ourselves with despair, then we will only stagnate-perish.
Now what does a devotee surrender to God..? To do what I described above, a devotee has to surrender or give-up the 'aham-kAra'.
Aham-kAra that says my internal properties, properties that I have is what is driving this action to be successful and hence I need to be successful. Instead realize that our actions are successfull not just because of our 'aham-kAra' (internal properties) but as a result of millions of other's aham-kAras (internal properties) around us and it is not possible for us to control all of them. So the best way forward is to accept what we receive and go forward.
Hence this 'surrender' is perfectly logical.
If your question is ' Is Chanting the name of a God' equal to 'Surrendering to God'..?, then my answer is, in my view, it is, if it helps develop the above behavior.
If your question is ' Is Surrendering to God' equal to 'be resigned to your fate', then my answer is, in my view, NO.
If your question is ' Is Surrendering to God' equal to 'Surrendering to a Godman', then my answer is, No and Yes. No, if it does not help you develop the above behavior. Yes, if it helps develop the above behavior.