I do not want to start a new thread for this Q. It is 'Can the fetus curse its parents?'
Why I am asking this is because three of my close friends who aborted the third child have problems with the
son / daughter born earlier. Does the fetus curse the parents to have unhappy life later on?![]()
I do not want to start a new thread for this Q. It is 'Can the fetus curse its parents?'
Why I am asking this is because three of my close friends who aborted the third child have problems with the
son / daughter born earlier. Does the fetus curse the parents to have unhappy life later on?![]()
Dear Ravi,.......... In line with what Shri Sangom has stated, it is generally considered that aborting a possible life is against the wish/law of the Supreme and thus its a sinful deed amounting to negative karma, IMO, probably the parent(s) would bear the karma consequences personally, in present or in future birth.........
In our village people use to tell this as 'uLukkaattaRathu' in the local slang. (vizha vaikkarathu)This is rather heartbreaking. I wonder why people abort rather than giving for adoption. What is the fault of the unborn child?
Now all the astrologers will say that this baby has a wonderful horoscope!.......... Finally the super rich owner (Doctor) of the clinic who was childless himself adopted the child and now the child is living like a princess.
Dear Ravi,
It is said, 'kali kAlaththil kai mEl palan!'
So may be some parents are repaid by the senior children in this janmA itself! :whip:
Very true Sir!"Time" is also an illusory item connected with this world. ....... But Karma and its results are not bound by the limitations of time. The result can, therefore, be "kaimEl" or even after many, many births. That is why we sometimes feel that there is great inequity in this world.
"Time" is also an illusory item connected with this world. The theory of relativity proves this scientifically, though we humans are very much under its (time's) spell, so to say. But Karma and its results are not bound by the limitations of time. The result can, therefore, be "kaimEl" or even after many, many births. That is why we sometimes feel that there is great inequity in this world.
I had worked once in a clinic where an unwanted Indian baby was put up for adoption.
Many childless couples came to see the baby..and to my surprise almost all of them actually asked the babies date and time of birth to check the horoscope to see if this baby will bring them luck!
I was thinking what idiots they are...as it is they have no children but when there is chance to adopt one they want to know if this child would bring them luck.
Finally the super rich owner (Doctor) of the clinic who was childless himself adopted the child and now the child is living like a princess.
Dear Kunjuppu Sir,
You can not blame that ancient wisdom! By reading the horoscope, the 'good' astrologers are able to
predict correctly. It is sad that most of them are 'arai vEkkAdu' and go about telling predictions and
parihArams, though they know very well that the parihArams are only for mental satisfaction and not
the actual remedies. Today, the money making techniques has made astrology a laughing stock!
It is so sad!! :tsk:
Dear Biswa Sir,This is rather heartbreaking. I wonder why people abort rather than giving for adoption. What is the fault of the unborn child?
Dear Kunjuppu Sir,
In the previous generations, 100% match was NOT sought in all the categories like, horoscope, status, education,
looks, height, weight, complexion and as the like. I have seen parents proceeding with the wedding even with third
class matching of horoscopes. Nettai married kuttai; ollee married gundu; veLLai married karuppu; officer married
SSLC and so on. I do not blame the girls for having high aspirations. What I wonder is why they ask for a man earning
a lakh a month, even when their take home pay is just 20 - 30 K. What will the men earning 30 K to a lakh will do?
Good family and good nature are no more a plus points. The 'so what' attitude has made the modern girls think the
NV eating, smoking, and social drinking in the ''doesn't matter'' category! Boys who have very clean habits stand
no chance in the marriage market, if their salary below one BIG note!
Dear Sir,........ and an ordinary middle class average looking 28 year old, tend to bald, with a little paunchy, with pants and slippers, small viboothi with a little hanuman kungumam pottu, coming with reference, only son, brought up by his rather dominant mother, checking out your daughter.............
dear dear raji,
this is an exercise for your imagination. just lull yourself in it.
just imagine.
and an ordinary middle class average looking 28 year old, tend to bald, with a little paunchy, with pants and slippers, small viboothi with a little hanuman kungumam pottu, coming with reference, only son, brought up by his rather dominant mother, checking out your daughter....
i imagined this...and rest my casehope you have the same fun that i did.
mind games. a more innocent version of the old a.n.raja song, 'தனிமையிலே இனிமை காண முடியுமா '![]()
Jokes apart, what Ravi says is true. Modern tambram girls want 100% compatibility of all the factors other than
the horoscope and their parents need 100% match of the horoscopes and the search is on and on and on..........
I am surprised to find that the parents of guys build up tension when their sons turn 30 where as the parents of
the girls are so cool even when their daughters cross 30! 'kAlaththin kOlam'!![]()