People tend to think that because you do not offer any logical explanations. Either that or you do not accept that it is a belief system. Somewhere, in the middle of a debate you seem to think that concepts such as "brahmam", "absolute truth" etc are things that only quantum physicists or those who have an understanding of complex theories could only grasp onto. Did the rishis who knew the vedas knew about such things? Do you have any evidence they they had such knowledge? So then onwards, you tend to display condescension towards those who, you seem to think, lack the understanding (in your opinion).
It only seems that you resort to such discrimination, either because of your inability to substantiate your position, or that you do not wish to concede to the other position and look for an escape route.
Yes, about the false notions about an equally unstable thing called "truth"
Sri auh,
Your 'conclusions' about what I think or what people think are not relevant to the discussion here. If you think I am condescending, then please do not engage with my posts here. I have only been on message so far and have not made any comments about you other than express my inability to continue discussions with you. Providing a 'broken record' response without reading what is offered is easy but no response will satisfy you.
I gave metaphors from high school mathematics and laymen level science because they attempt to describe reality at a fundamental level. Please answer.
1. Do you think imaginary numbers exist (imaginary number being square root of -1)?
2. We live in 3 dimensional space. How do you reconcile the notions of infinite dimensional constructs and 'laws' that work there?
It is hard to have a discussion if you confuse between a metaphor used to explain a point and the point itself. That is illogical. I did not say you need to know mathematics and science to understand the false notions of Truth that I was beginning to describe.
I started with a line "Even when absolute Truth is possibly most natural to know it eludes a person due to false notions that a person has".
Within ignorance it is not possible to know this 'absolute Truth'. Here ignorance has a specific technical definition and not a condescending comment.
We cannot construct an object that you one touch and feel that is in a higher dimensional space than three. But if one concludes higher dimensional space (greater than 3) does not exist because one cannot touch and feel an object in that space, means there cannot be further discussions within their thinking.
What is possible is to discuss here are the false notions only. These false notions are not absolute false notions.
Please note that in the subject title I used the word False and Truth in the same line. That should give you a hint what discussion I am having.
If you are stuck on the notion that Truth does not exist etc, I think you must first define what does not exist. After all the word means something to you. Then you must be able to communicate what you are proclaiming does not exist.
3. Define what Truth is to you
4. Take any example in any field and show what a proof that is satisfactory to you? Mention specifically what constitutes assumption or starting point, what operations are allowed for starters and show the proof by applying starting assumption to reach a conclusion by successive application of operators. The describe what is proved.
One general comment.
The posts I initiate or share is not to prove who is logical and who is not. I don't know any of you other than what you have shared. I have no intention to engage in such discussions and so I will not be responding further. Because I know engagement will degenerate to this I really did not want to have engagement with you.
If you want to play victim and do not accept my statement of intent that I respect all people I come across (though I may not agree with some people's points or what they stand for) then you should not enter into discussions with me. If you cannot take the heat, don't enter the kitchen, please.
My reason for posting blogs here is simple. This forum is my Quadrant 4 time (possibly pleasurable, not connected to my life mission and is not urgent). In return, I feel that I must periodically contribute some content to keep the forum alive. I do not care how these posts are taken by others because I am not here to assert anything about anyone. If there is serious intent and commitment to engage (call it shradha if you will) then I will spend time and engage in discussion and share whatever little I know. If there is something to learn it is even better.
You have to now answer the questions fully in this post and others. If you dont want to engage further that is fine.
All the best .. Let us talk about weather and places we want to visit in another thread another time