personally, i think, strength and bodybuild has something to do with physical toning.
when i was in university, in india, during the late 1960s, the strongest guy in the class, the best athlete, with a 6 pack enough to get arnold schwarzenegger's attention, was a jat from haryana.
he was a pure vegetarian. would not even touch eggs.
but he did workouts regularly. was always into sports. he could do 50 pushups with one hand, in a single setting. and all without effort.
i think, we brahmins, should, and definitely, should inculcate the concept of being proud of a good body.
we put so much emphasis to our kids on the mastery of the brain, that in the process, we may even, actively discourage physical activities. perhaps with the mistaken notion, that time taken away from the books, is time wasted.
a good physique is an immense confidence builder. and also a deterrent to bullying.
i have lived in canada, for over 35 years. with my sons born and brought up here. i have consistently, avoid suppressing the inbuilt sense of aggression and anger, which each of us is endowed with, in the face of injustice.
my sons are aggressive in their movement and carriage. it is but natural, and we are all born with it. but as parents of a particular walk of life, we may inadvertently suppress these self protection instincts.
these are a reflection of our fears. and in the process, we end up, getting mocked and ridiculed for our weakness.
yesterday, i read somewhere, that blew my mind. it referred the sikhs, as the militant arm of hinduism.
i could not but disagree more. hindus have to protect themselves. do not cede your commitments to take care of your own.
but then, that is a different thread.. is it not?
the bottom line: i feel, that with proper exercise and workouts, good healthy vegetarian food, may equalize all the inborn benefits of animal based proteins.
also, it is said, that an average american, has 5 pounds, of animal waste, residing in his colorectal system, at any one time. a cardinal reason to cancerous tissues, i feel.
thank you.