because the above picture is not real.
Okay I will correct myself:
A mayavi who did not mind getting filmed, framed, hanged, garlanded and conveniently forgotten. LOL.
because the above picture is not real.
Okay I will correct myself:
A mayavi who did not mind getting filmed, framed, hanged, garlanded and conveniently forgotten. LOL.
I need not wait, Sir! She will surely offer you one of the highestestest posts! :lol:
Now, I remember that she used to feed some animals in her house and does not drive away ants from her kitchen!![]()
Yes Sir! Actually, after my reply to that post, I read rest of the story!........... Did you not notice? Renumma has already hoisted me up at a safe distance. .......... .
Hello RR,
Did you not notice? Renumma has already hoisted me up at a safe distance. Poor thing. She did not understand this kapi's potential for mischief properly. I can take another avatar and come and haunt everyone visiting the Ashram with jasmine fragrance. I can even become SRK this moment and SL next moment and take people on the forbidden path. Poor ashramites.LOL.
You guys got it all wrong!LOL
Kapi Dvaja is a sign of strength and sure victory.
Didn't Hanuman promise Bheema that he would be with the Pandavas during the Mahabharat?
So a Kapi Dvaja is the highest position bestowed to anyone.
Vaagmi ji..need I say more.
We can make a Suprabhatam for you.
Uthishto thishta vanara uthishta kapidhwaja
Uthishta markatikantha bhuloka mangalam kuru
That suprabhatam was for me or for my kapi in the dwaja? LOL. If I am a kapi how can I be kapidwajan too? It will have to be "uthishto thishta vaagmi uthishta kapidwaja, uthishta Mrs. vaagmikantha virtual loka mangalam kuru". My sangappalakai rejected your Sanskrit sloka. Take another chance after sharpening your language skills. Read my earlier posts carefully. I had mentioned about the kapidwajan and kurukshetra in my post already.LOL.
You see the Suprabhatam is for the Kapi and the Kapi will surely have a Kapidwaja.Monkeys will obviously have a Monkey Flag and not any other flag.
The lessons will be taught in an unconventional way. Swami Mayananda's philosophy is to make people learn by letting them make mistakes. Swami Mayananda would offer all the opportunity for the people from hell to correct the mistakes but tempt them more into making mistakes.
Dear Renu,
Will anyone accept that their sweet home = hell? :nono:
Then how do we find the place for the get together? :spy:
Any idea?
Dear RR ji,
Hell never presents itself as present itself as Heaven and deludes people..since the Modus Operandi of Swami Mayananda is to delude we can start off at Sravna's home..Swami Mayananda will play host.
BTW RR ji you can make Beetroot Candy cos the red magenta color will resemble the color of deoxygenated venous blood and our hell dudes and hell babes might actually love it!LOL
Anyway since TB homes do not use Garlic.... Count Dracula will feel very much at ease.
Note: The Get Together will be held at night cos Asura boys get stronger after sunset and also give a chance to all those in the USA to skype in.
Theme of the Get Together is "NIGHT OF DANGEROUS LIAISONS"
Dear Renuka,
I have a better idea. Let not the get together be at my home. I want the hell people to feel at home. So I will descend to hell and teach the lessons. To maintain the relaxed atmosphere, the hell people will only know it is a get together and not are not undergoing a learning exercise. I think the learning will actually be more effective.
Ok you have to locate the PORTAL to hell.
Any idea where it is?
Dear Renuka,
So let us choose a convenient location may be where materialism is at its peak.
Thank you Renu for accepting my view! We have to find out a Vishnu temple, though!......... But all Maamas attending need to wear topless Maamas cos otherwise RR ji will get mad!
Ok location identified!
A temple!
Cos materialism is at its peak in a temple..everyone is there to ask God for something!
But all Maamas attending need to wear topless Maamas cos otherwise RR ji will get mad!
Actually I think teaching should not be tied down to a particular location. I will just keep moving around, interact with people and use my teaching methodology to get the desired result.
Thank you Renu for accepting my view! We have to find out a Vishnu temple, though!
The added advantage is that in many temples yummy prasAdham is given and hence no need to cook!![]()