pages 56-59
Taking leave, we all went to the ashram. At that time what SrInivAsan told the other boys also fell on this Lekaka's ears. "Our SannidhAnam giving us the oranges and bananas and only the black grapes to that Anjaneya was a deliberate act on his part. If he did not do it and gave the other fruits to the Anjaneya, it would have eaten them all and ran away. And the story would have ended there, leaving no room for my prasangham--speech. SannidhAnam had done that act only to make me talk; and I too babbled away all that occurred to my mind. Howevermuch I try to control my mouth from talking, SannidhAnam somehow prompts me and makes me talk. Henceforth I am not going to talk much." He talked these words with a prankish laugh and charmed us all.
On a later day, when we were starting for the KAla Bhairava temple, a Congressman came and bowed to SannidhAnam in shAShTAngam. When his identifity was asked for, he said he had come from Mysore for the kadar vastra prasAram--doing propaganda for the use of handloom clothes. For his asking if he could accompany them to the KAla Bhairava temple, the reply came as, "the Alayam is after all common to everyone, right?" Without stopping at that when he started bragging that it would be helpful if all the members of the MaTham were asked to wear kadar clothes, and since the Congress pramukhas--foremost, were insisting to do bahiShkAram--riddance, of the videshi vastus--foreign goods, a movement of burning the foreign clothes was going on, and accordingly he had done prasAram in many places and burnt several thousands of foreign clothes, SannidhAnam stopped without making another step, and replied to him.
"ayyA--sir! What you are saying is not intelligible very well! Are you asking all the videshi vastus--foreign goods, to be thrown out or only the vastras--clothes?" As SannidhAnam asked this question, the man gasped and said, "For now, we have the uddesha--stipulation, to get rid of only the vastras--clothes.
SannidhAnam said in elaboration, "To do bahiShkAram of the videsha vastu that is harmful to us is vivekam--wisdom. Viewed that way, the commodity tobacco is one that has come from overseas. Also the padArthas--items, such as coffee, tea and the medical prescriptions have come only from overseas. When many vyAdhis--diseases, and harms due to them are pratyakSha--clearly visible, only those vastus need to be thrown away, right? No harm is seen due to the vastram--cloth! Why should it be thrown out?" The man could only blink with nothing to reply.
"We can do bahiShkAram of the vastus that are harmful to us to start with and finally do the vastra bahiShkAram. If we do it this way, the svarAjya--independence, would be obtained sooner. Moreover, you have given up your hair but kept your mustache. Think about what to give up and what to retain between these two. Having cropped hair (instead of a tuft), wearing a shirt--all these are achAras--customs, imported from vidhesha--overseas. Can you give up those things? The shAstras--scriptures, say that those who do KAshi yAtrA--pilgrimage to VArANasi, should give up there in the Vishveshvara Sannidhi, a vastu--item, that is most liked by them. But then every person who go there on yAtrA, do tyAga--abandon, either the chuNDaikkAi--pickle berry, or the veNDaikkAi--okra, but never give up something they like much, such as the durAchAras--bad habits,like dhUmapAnam--smoking tobacco, nasyam--inhaling snuff, or the kopatApas--anger and heat; can you show at least one dRuShTantam--instance, of such a thing? Just like yours, this one is also a bahiShkAra iyakkam--riddance movement, that's all. Nothing wrong in what I say?"
The man said, "All ot what you have said is only truth. I have gone astray without realizing it." On the morning of the next day, he came over to accompany us to the KAla Bhairava temple, having done kShauram--shaving, for removing his moustache and having a tuft, and wearing panchakachcham--five-fold dhoti.
When we were there in the KAla Bhairava temple on that day with the vidyArtins--students, a mahAvidvAn--great pandit, arrived there. He said in great speed that he was appointed by a MaTham for doing dharma prasAram, went place after place doing dharma prasAram, and that arrangements should be done for his upanyAsam--speech, in this MaTham too, and ended his speech in the upanyAsa chaili--manner of a lecturer. Whereas SannidhAnam, doing mandahAsam--gently laughing, asked him, "About what dharma are you going to do upanyAsam?"
The pandit said, "I am going to do upanyAsam asking people to do their Vedokta karmas--acts relating to vedic rituals, sandhyA-vandanAdi-nitya karmas--daily rigours like the SandhyA vandanam, and varnAshrama AchAras--customs and habits of the specific class regularly."
"sari--right, are you doing the agni kAryam--ritual with Agni, and what is it--shrautAgni or smartAgni?" asked the sage. The Pandit couldn't understand it. "I ask you if you are in the habit of doing the aupAsanam--rite with the daily fire."
That VidvAn said, "It's the custom to do aupAsanam at the time of shraddhA--annual ceremony to ancestors."
"That is alright, but those who do upanyAsam, only if they themselves show it in anuShTanam--own practice, they can correct the people. Without doing the SandhyA Vandanam at the right time, doing just the upadesham of it, will it give the fruit? Therefore, it is best for you to have at least aupAsanam, practise your svakarmAnuShTAnam--personal rigours of religion, and then do upanyAsam to others. Instead of a thousand vidvAns doing upanyAsam, just one vidvAn with his karmAnuShTAnam can correct the people. Don't you feel what I say is right?" The Pandit agreed, got his sambhAvana--payment in honour, and went away.
Watching all these vEDikkais--amusements, the Congressman said in the end, "It is surprising you are doing so much of dharma prasAram, sitting in the corner of a vanam--forest."
To that SannidhAnam said, "Don't use the word prasAram. It is a padam--term, that indicates laukika--worldly, rAjakIya--royal, kAryas--acts. It is our duty to tell what we know to the people who come here. That's all. Don't call it by the ADambara--pompous, name prasAram--propaganda."
"Whatever puNyam--meritorious act, I did, to have darshan of mahAns--sages, like you? Only today has my janma--birth, become saphalam--born fruit", said the man. He bowed to the sage, got his prasAdam and went away.
*** *** ***
Taking leave, we all went to the ashram. At that time what SrInivAsan told the other boys also fell on this Lekaka's ears. "Our SannidhAnam giving us the oranges and bananas and only the black grapes to that Anjaneya was a deliberate act on his part. If he did not do it and gave the other fruits to the Anjaneya, it would have eaten them all and ran away. And the story would have ended there, leaving no room for my prasangham--speech. SannidhAnam had done that act only to make me talk; and I too babbled away all that occurred to my mind. Howevermuch I try to control my mouth from talking, SannidhAnam somehow prompts me and makes me talk. Henceforth I am not going to talk much." He talked these words with a prankish laugh and charmed us all.
On a later day, when we were starting for the KAla Bhairava temple, a Congressman came and bowed to SannidhAnam in shAShTAngam. When his identifity was asked for, he said he had come from Mysore for the kadar vastra prasAram--doing propaganda for the use of handloom clothes. For his asking if he could accompany them to the KAla Bhairava temple, the reply came as, "the Alayam is after all common to everyone, right?" Without stopping at that when he started bragging that it would be helpful if all the members of the MaTham were asked to wear kadar clothes, and since the Congress pramukhas--foremost, were insisting to do bahiShkAram--riddance, of the videshi vastus--foreign goods, a movement of burning the foreign clothes was going on, and accordingly he had done prasAram in many places and burnt several thousands of foreign clothes, SannidhAnam stopped without making another step, and replied to him.
"ayyA--sir! What you are saying is not intelligible very well! Are you asking all the videshi vastus--foreign goods, to be thrown out or only the vastras--clothes?" As SannidhAnam asked this question, the man gasped and said, "For now, we have the uddesha--stipulation, to get rid of only the vastras--clothes.
SannidhAnam said in elaboration, "To do bahiShkAram of the videsha vastu that is harmful to us is vivekam--wisdom. Viewed that way, the commodity tobacco is one that has come from overseas. Also the padArthas--items, such as coffee, tea and the medical prescriptions have come only from overseas. When many vyAdhis--diseases, and harms due to them are pratyakSha--clearly visible, only those vastus need to be thrown away, right? No harm is seen due to the vastram--cloth! Why should it be thrown out?" The man could only blink with nothing to reply.
"We can do bahiShkAram of the vastus that are harmful to us to start with and finally do the vastra bahiShkAram. If we do it this way, the svarAjya--independence, would be obtained sooner. Moreover, you have given up your hair but kept your mustache. Think about what to give up and what to retain between these two. Having cropped hair (instead of a tuft), wearing a shirt--all these are achAras--customs, imported from vidhesha--overseas. Can you give up those things? The shAstras--scriptures, say that those who do KAshi yAtrA--pilgrimage to VArANasi, should give up there in the Vishveshvara Sannidhi, a vastu--item, that is most liked by them. But then every person who go there on yAtrA, do tyAga--abandon, either the chuNDaikkAi--pickle berry, or the veNDaikkAi--okra, but never give up something they like much, such as the durAchAras--bad habits,like dhUmapAnam--smoking tobacco, nasyam--inhaling snuff, or the kopatApas--anger and heat; can you show at least one dRuShTantam--instance, of such a thing? Just like yours, this one is also a bahiShkAra iyakkam--riddance movement, that's all. Nothing wrong in what I say?"
The man said, "All ot what you have said is only truth. I have gone astray without realizing it." On the morning of the next day, he came over to accompany us to the KAla Bhairava temple, having done kShauram--shaving, for removing his moustache and having a tuft, and wearing panchakachcham--five-fold dhoti.
When we were there in the KAla Bhairava temple on that day with the vidyArtins--students, a mahAvidvAn--great pandit, arrived there. He said in great speed that he was appointed by a MaTham for doing dharma prasAram, went place after place doing dharma prasAram, and that arrangements should be done for his upanyAsam--speech, in this MaTham too, and ended his speech in the upanyAsa chaili--manner of a lecturer. Whereas SannidhAnam, doing mandahAsam--gently laughing, asked him, "About what dharma are you going to do upanyAsam?"
The pandit said, "I am going to do upanyAsam asking people to do their Vedokta karmas--acts relating to vedic rituals, sandhyA-vandanAdi-nitya karmas--daily rigours like the SandhyA vandanam, and varnAshrama AchAras--customs and habits of the specific class regularly."
"sari--right, are you doing the agni kAryam--ritual with Agni, and what is it--shrautAgni or smartAgni?" asked the sage. The Pandit couldn't understand it. "I ask you if you are in the habit of doing the aupAsanam--rite with the daily fire."
That VidvAn said, "It's the custom to do aupAsanam at the time of shraddhA--annual ceremony to ancestors."
"That is alright, but those who do upanyAsam, only if they themselves show it in anuShTanam--own practice, they can correct the people. Without doing the SandhyA Vandanam at the right time, doing just the upadesham of it, will it give the fruit? Therefore, it is best for you to have at least aupAsanam, practise your svakarmAnuShTAnam--personal rigours of religion, and then do upanyAsam to others. Instead of a thousand vidvAns doing upanyAsam, just one vidvAn with his karmAnuShTAnam can correct the people. Don't you feel what I say is right?" The Pandit agreed, got his sambhAvana--payment in honour, and went away.
Watching all these vEDikkais--amusements, the Congressman said in the end, "It is surprising you are doing so much of dharma prasAram, sitting in the corner of a vanam--forest."
To that SannidhAnam said, "Don't use the word prasAram. It is a padam--term, that indicates laukika--worldly, rAjakIya--royal, kAryas--acts. It is our duty to tell what we know to the people who come here. That's all. Don't call it by the ADambara--pompous, name prasAram--propaganda."
"Whatever puNyam--meritorious act, I did, to have darshan of mahAns--sages, like you? Only today has my janma--birth, become saphalam--born fruit", said the man. He bowed to the sage, got his prasAdam and went away.
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