14: pp.124-243
pages 124-126
Thus informing SannidhAnam, Justice Chandrashekhara aiyar and his thandaiyAr--father, went to their jAhai--residence. Having darshan of shrI ShAradA ChandramaulIshvara puja on that evening and the next morning, receiving tIrtha prasAdam--sacred water offered, and after having vishrAnti--rest, at their jAhai, they went to the SatchidAnanda vilAsam Ashram on the other bank of the TungA river.
As they were told there that SannidhAnam on that day started and went to the KAla Bhairava Alayam--temple, as eary as four in the morning, they somehow reached that place. There, only our pUrvAshrama--of earlier stage in life, SrInivAsan and this lekhaka--writer, had gone with SannidhAnam and were reciting antAdi shlokas.
Asking them to be seated, and looking at KuppusvAmi aiyar, shrI SannidhAnam made all such inquiries as, "Did all of you have shrI ShAradAmbAL darshan? Received tIrtha prasAdam? Did you have at least some peace of mind in your arrival here?"
KuppusvAmi:- shrI ShAradA ChandramaulIshvara darshanam and the tIrtha prasAdam--all were received in Anandam--to our happiness. Even then, like the kind of nimmati--peace, that arises in this ekAnta saMnivesham--settlement in solitude, and having darshan of SannidhAnam, it does not arise in other places. The mind is not also willing to leave SannidhAnam.
shrI SannidhAnam:- Isn't this the place where the RShyaShringAdi mahAmunis--great ascetics, resided? What surprise is there for the mana vishrAnti--mental abatement, arising for those who are here?
KuppusvAmi:- In this town, we were staying for some nADika, nAzhikai (Tamizh)--time measure of 24 minutes, in the dharmashAla--free quarters for boarding and lodging, and then for sometime at shrI ShAradAlayam and in many other saMnidhis--deity abodes. But then we feel attaining an asAdhAraNa nimmati--unusual peace, when coming to this saMnidhAnam. We cannot have this in the other places!
shrI SannidhAnam:- You have started your purANam--tales, again. Alright...
The sage asked this lekaka to continue the antAdi shloka giving the phrase प्रकृतमनुसरामः--prakRutamanusarAmaH. This man too recited his shlokam and completed it. When our SrInivAsan's turn came next, he recited his shlokam and finished with भजे शारदांबामजस्रं मदंबाम्--bhaje shAradAMbAmajasraM madaMbAm, it happened that SannidhAnam had to recite a shlokam starting in the ba-kAram--the letter 'ba'. After thinking over a little,
बालेन्दुप्रविभासिमौलिरनिशं स्मेराननः शंकरो
वीणावादनसादरा विधिसती कारुण्यपूर्णेक्षणा ।
मत्सान्निध्यसमुज्ज्वलं सहसुतं भक्ताग्रगण्यं कविं
पायान्मुक्तिवधूकरग्रहविधौ दत्वाऽऽनुकूल्यं जवात् ॥
bAlendu-pravibhAsimauliranishaM smerAnanaH shaMkaro
vINAvAdanasAdarA vidhisatI kAruNyapUrNekShaNA |
matsAnnidhyasamujjvalaM sahasutaM bhaktAgragaNyaM kaviM
pAyAn-muktivadhUkaragrahavidhau datvA&&nukUlyaM javAt ||
[Can someone translate this shloka for me?--sd]
--as he recited this shlokam beautifully with pauses, Ananda bAShpam--tears of joy, started issuing out of KuppusvAmi aiyar's eyes. Bowing, he said in paravasham--self-obliterating happiness, "sadguro, only today I became dhanya--fortunate/happy. It is only the same shloka that was already spoken by SannidhAnam in the shrImukham--foreword, for stava ratnAvalI, has come out now with some changes. It is written in a sAdhAraNa--common, manner in the shrImukham. Since now we have received such AshIrvAdas--blessings, through SannidhAnam's mukham--mouth, we are all parama dhanyas--very fortunate."
Whereas SannidhAnam, hiding it all as if he knew nothing of it, said with mandahAsam--smile, said, "Since no other shlokas could be found readily in the ba-kAram, I uttered this shlokam; there is no other kAraNam--reason." When thinking how we all became Ananda paravasha listening to his words, it gives goosebumps even today.
(In the letter shrImAn Chandrashekhara aiyar wrote to this lekaka after he got into the sthAnam--position, of a Judge of the Supreme Court, reminiscing the incident which happened on that day at the KAla Bhairava temple at Shringagiri, since on that day, SannidhAnam in-sAkShAt--visibly, did anugraham--divine favour, to him also along with his appA--(Tamizh)father, as सहसुतं--sahasutaM, this higher padavi--post, was received by him, so he requests this lekaka that he should have the anugraham for that guru-bhakti to continue in him without any change. By this, readers might understand, how far the kRpA-vilAsam--shining compassion, of our GurunAthar can reach, and cause all sorts of adbhutas--wonders.)
pages 124-126
Thus informing SannidhAnam, Justice Chandrashekhara aiyar and his thandaiyAr--father, went to their jAhai--residence. Having darshan of shrI ShAradA ChandramaulIshvara puja on that evening and the next morning, receiving tIrtha prasAdam--sacred water offered, and after having vishrAnti--rest, at their jAhai, they went to the SatchidAnanda vilAsam Ashram on the other bank of the TungA river.
As they were told there that SannidhAnam on that day started and went to the KAla Bhairava Alayam--temple, as eary as four in the morning, they somehow reached that place. There, only our pUrvAshrama--of earlier stage in life, SrInivAsan and this lekhaka--writer, had gone with SannidhAnam and were reciting antAdi shlokas.
Asking them to be seated, and looking at KuppusvAmi aiyar, shrI SannidhAnam made all such inquiries as, "Did all of you have shrI ShAradAmbAL darshan? Received tIrtha prasAdam? Did you have at least some peace of mind in your arrival here?"
KuppusvAmi:- shrI ShAradA ChandramaulIshvara darshanam and the tIrtha prasAdam--all were received in Anandam--to our happiness. Even then, like the kind of nimmati--peace, that arises in this ekAnta saMnivesham--settlement in solitude, and having darshan of SannidhAnam, it does not arise in other places. The mind is not also willing to leave SannidhAnam.
shrI SannidhAnam:- Isn't this the place where the RShyaShringAdi mahAmunis--great ascetics, resided? What surprise is there for the mana vishrAnti--mental abatement, arising for those who are here?
KuppusvAmi:- In this town, we were staying for some nADika, nAzhikai (Tamizh)--time measure of 24 minutes, in the dharmashAla--free quarters for boarding and lodging, and then for sometime at shrI ShAradAlayam and in many other saMnidhis--deity abodes. But then we feel attaining an asAdhAraNa nimmati--unusual peace, when coming to this saMnidhAnam. We cannot have this in the other places!
shrI SannidhAnam:- You have started your purANam--tales, again. Alright...
The sage asked this lekaka to continue the antAdi shloka giving the phrase प्रकृतमनुसरामः--prakRutamanusarAmaH. This man too recited his shlokam and completed it. When our SrInivAsan's turn came next, he recited his shlokam and finished with भजे शारदांबामजस्रं मदंबाम्--bhaje shAradAMbAmajasraM madaMbAm, it happened that SannidhAnam had to recite a shlokam starting in the ba-kAram--the letter 'ba'. After thinking over a little,
बालेन्दुप्रविभासिमौलिरनिशं स्मेराननः शंकरो
वीणावादनसादरा विधिसती कारुण्यपूर्णेक्षणा ।
मत्सान्निध्यसमुज्ज्वलं सहसुतं भक्ताग्रगण्यं कविं
पायान्मुक्तिवधूकरग्रहविधौ दत्वाऽऽनुकूल्यं जवात् ॥
bAlendu-pravibhAsimauliranishaM smerAnanaH shaMkaro
vINAvAdanasAdarA vidhisatI kAruNyapUrNekShaNA |
matsAnnidhyasamujjvalaM sahasutaM bhaktAgragaNyaM kaviM
pAyAn-muktivadhUkaragrahavidhau datvA&&nukUlyaM javAt ||
[Can someone translate this shloka for me?--sd]
--as he recited this shlokam beautifully with pauses, Ananda bAShpam--tears of joy, started issuing out of KuppusvAmi aiyar's eyes. Bowing, he said in paravasham--self-obliterating happiness, "sadguro, only today I became dhanya--fortunate/happy. It is only the same shloka that was already spoken by SannidhAnam in the shrImukham--foreword, for stava ratnAvalI, has come out now with some changes. It is written in a sAdhAraNa--common, manner in the shrImukham. Since now we have received such AshIrvAdas--blessings, through SannidhAnam's mukham--mouth, we are all parama dhanyas--very fortunate."
Whereas SannidhAnam, hiding it all as if he knew nothing of it, said with mandahAsam--smile, said, "Since no other shlokas could be found readily in the ba-kAram, I uttered this shlokam; there is no other kAraNam--reason." When thinking how we all became Ananda paravasha listening to his words, it gives goosebumps even today.
(In the letter shrImAn Chandrashekhara aiyar wrote to this lekaka after he got into the sthAnam--position, of a Judge of the Supreme Court, reminiscing the incident which happened on that day at the KAla Bhairava temple at Shringagiri, since on that day, SannidhAnam in-sAkShAt--visibly, did anugraham--divine favour, to him also along with his appA--(Tamizh)father, as सहसुतं--sahasutaM, this higher padavi--post, was received by him, so he requests this lekaka that he should have the anugraham for that guru-bhakti to continue in him without any change. By this, readers might understand, how far the kRpA-vilAsam--shining compassion, of our GurunAthar can reach, and cause all sorts of adbhutas--wonders.)