Dear MM Ji,
Thank you for your honest response.
Yes, may be I don't know even an iota of the Purusharta. But your statement that I am 'mis guiding' others is not correct. I am posting here to discuss ideas. In the past I have found that such discussions are turned in to personal abuse by people with 'intense emotion'. Any truth should stand on its own merit. So, I am glad you are discussing ideas with an even keel. Thanks you for that.
I doubt the followers of Sri Ramanuja and Sri Madhva would think that Advaitha is the supreme philosophy. For you it is. For them it may not be.
Again, this simple truth seems to escape you. What difference then is there between you and an evangelist who is pushing his religion on others?
I happen to think that our religion is unique, mainly because it allows for all hues and colors within it to suit anyone's mental make up. You seem to think that Advaitha is the only ultimate truth. If that is the case, it would be self evident to everyone. But it is not.
I think, a person who has not heard about any of these theories follows one of the 4 paths, he/she would attain whatever is to be attained. All the rest is theory. It does not matter who we pray to, as long as we consciously strive to be good human beings, try to lose our egos and travel on our own path of spritualism on our own terms. This is why there is no such thing as some philosophy is superior to others. If this philosophy is so superior, I really think that a recent saint as Maha Periaval would not have been against any religious conversion of any sort in to any religion. He would have called for everyone even within Hinduism to follow Advaitha. Did He do that?
Religious philosophy is not like the cars we buy, where you can compare them and rate them as to which one is best. Because a person is raised within a particular culture, their identity is usually tied up with the religion they grew up with. So to tell them that their religion is not at the apex and is inferior to some other religion is to disrespect their identity.
Different religions/philosophies exist because of their need. Everyone grows at a different pace towards the eventual remerge in to Him. We are all born in to certain circumstances and placed where we are placed in the world, because our Karma acts as a soap cleaning our souls over time so that we can grow spiritually.
This is why I think it is wrong to say to others that some philosophy is the best of them all. I think, as I have said, that Advaitha suits me as a philosophy I like and I try to look at the world through it's lenses. I will never convert to any other religion, because for me it is superior. But I also understand for a person next to me, it may not be the right philosophy to follow, because of myriads of reasons.
I like Fundamentals, not the Fundamentalism. Fundamentalism never allows one to go beyong the Fundamentals.
hey I'm here with intense emotion, to guide our people - if i go other religious forum and talk the supremity of us. then you can say i'm insensitive.
likes of you without even an iota of understanding what "purushartas" are began to misguide, i felt i should correct that. that's all.
i'm not putting down anybody, but in pointing the supremity and the uniqueness of our culture and values and for what we stand for, if i need to point some short-comings of others then I'll just do that.
i can talk - 4th, 3rd,2nd or even 1st purusharta. i've choice and complete freedom. i'll do that at my leisure.
it is not arrogance - it is conviction my dear.
Others offer SAND , ONLY we offer dishes to eat. you should read "ANDHAGAK KOLA KULA NYAYAM".