I would like to ask you one simple question - How would you like the Taj to be referred to in the history books on which the future generation would develop their sense of identity, belongingness and awareness? Just as the Aryan invasion theory was debunked, should not this be thrashed out, whatever be the outcome?
thank you sesh.
i will try to answer this question, to the best possible way i can. this process itself will take a manageable post. the rest of your query, another time.
i see this query as a fully loaded bomb.
no matter what answer i give, other than fully complying to the path suggested by you, i might be suspect of varying forms of cowardice, indifference, pseudo secularism (!) or a self hating hindu.
so, please understand, that while i try to navigate, through these perceived minefields, and yet come up with a credible reply. not easy.
to start off: i fear an entry into the past, with a view to uncover wrongs, is not conducive to healthy understanding of those that happened several several eons ago. wrong approach.
the past, i think, should be treated as a lesson. something that if we do not learn from, we are bound to repeat. no more and no less.
i fear, that instead, such investigations as proposed for taj, effectively condemns us as prisoners of history.
for we acknowledge, that the current edifice, viewed as among the wonders of the world, is not, in our view, worthy of such honour, and the classical structure besmirches another holy foundation. otherwise, we would not have pursued this line of curiosity.
to pursue along those lines, i believe, we will become trapped in its intolerances, and will feel duty bound, to take corrective measures, which will produce another round of abuse and violence.
i have personally strong doubts about the bona fide of the published 'search after truth' purpose re the origins of taj, but that is a personal thing, and i may be wrong here.
personally, if i am convinced, that the taj was built over a destroyed hindu temple, i am perforced, by the reality that i live 350 years after the event, that it should be treated as a thazhumbu, to my religious psyche.
there was once a wound. the scab is a constant reminder of it. if i leave it alone it does not hurt. but if i fester it, open the wound, and further, drop in a few germs, it festers further, till the wound swells and grows and grows. ultimately it will destroy me.
i hope, you see where i am coming from. i am looking at this issue, from a viewpoint, that these type of investigations, will ultimately self destruct us.
sesh, please believe me. i do not want this to happen to our sons and daughters. genteel poverty is 1000 times better than a bomb wielding youth destroying our country. these type of thoughts are but seeds of self destruction.
re the latter part of your query - 'for the sake of future generations'. this was the clarion call of the nazis. all for the next generations till 1000 years. just look at the destruction they committed. a full generation of young men died.
this is what i have learned from history. hence my rather convoluted responses to this query.
i feel considering the realities of today, such exploration into irrelevant topics, are not only unnecessary, but fraught with a potency that can ultimately unhinge the mind, and let loose the crazies.
this is but a portal to possibilities of evil. let us avoid it.
there are lots of good deeds to be done. let us focus on those.
our future generations will be more proud of us, for our good deeds, than for whatever we come up with, as to the antecedents of taj mahal.
let sleeping dogs lie.
finally, on a personal note, i have been to see the taj twice. i felt more excitement at the cape of good hope in south africa, at the congruence of the two oceans.
i could envision the vasco da gama over the horizon, and opening up a new chapter in history. i had goosepimples all over me.
i did not feel such at the taj. ignore it. it is not for you. or me either.
thank you sir.