hi siva,Thank you, K for initiating this discussion.
I sympathise with Indian parents in their 60s now. The world has changed for them drastically. When they raised their children, they had hopes that these “saplings” would grow to be “big trees” to give them “shade”. But the kids of 80s and 90s have grown in a “globalized world” (euphemism for western influence!:eyebrows and that has dealt the baby boomers a big blow. But then, each one is right from his/her own perspective.
Talking of people in their 40s now, I am not sure whether their attitude towards their children is any different from what it was for people in their 60s now.
these are realities....migration inevitable due ' globalised world'....i agreed that the baby boomers from india/usa are the same...
some western countries parents are prepared....some times in india ..its heart breaking....PREPARE FOR THE WORST....
HOPE FOR THE BEST.....this is for new generation parents/ grand parents too...