How to chant Gayatri Mantra -
Lord Shri Krishna in the Bhagavad Geeta (BG 10:35.) says: " Amongst the chanted mantras, I am the Gayatri"
brihat-säma tathä sämnäm
gäyatri chandasäm aham
mäsänäm märga-shirsho ’ham
ritünäm kusumäkarah
The Vedas represent the breath of God. The Gayatri mantra is the very basis of the Vedas. Try not to undertake chanting the Gayatri mantra as a light endeavor or as a hobby. It has to be chanted with faith, discipline and purity of mind and body. Be steady with your sadhana if you want to reap the spiritual dividend associated with the Gayatri mantra.
Gayatri Mantra is referred to as Pancha Mukhi, the Goddess with five faces that represent the five pranas or life forces.
Chant the Gayatri Mantra correctly:
Pause Five Times -
Here are some important things to keep in mind while chanting the Gayatri mantra:
The pause should be as given below and with understanding that it represents the five pranas:
Aum (pause)
Bhur Bhuvah Suvah (pause)
Tat Savitur Varenyam (pause)
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi (pause)
Dhiyo yo nah prachodhayat (pause)
The Gayatri mantra must be chanted with faith and enthusiasm thrice a day at dawn, noon and dusk. This is called 'Trikala sandhya' because it is a mantra that purifies all the karma done by a person during the day i.e. karmendriyas. You should chant it when having a bath, before eating food and so on. The Gayatri mantra can be repeated at any time by one who practices it regularly and with devotion.
While chanting the Gayatri mantra, every word should be clear as crystal. Don't mumble it or rush through it.
Traditionally, the Gayatri mantra must be chanted 108 times. But, when a target is fixed, the tendency of the mind is to repeat it mechanically. So, you shouldn't fix a target to tame the mind. You can chant the Gayatri mantra three, nine or eleven times or more based on your level of concentration and interest. Stick to odd number recitation - that is the right way.
God Bless You All
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Lord Shri Krishna in the Bhagavad Geeta (BG 10:35.) says: " Amongst the chanted mantras, I am the Gayatri"
brihat-säma tathä sämnäm
gäyatri chandasäm aham
mäsänäm märga-shirsho ’ham
ritünäm kusumäkarah
The Vedas represent the breath of God. The Gayatri mantra is the very basis of the Vedas. Try not to undertake chanting the Gayatri mantra as a light endeavor or as a hobby. It has to be chanted with faith, discipline and purity of mind and body. Be steady with your sadhana if you want to reap the spiritual dividend associated with the Gayatri mantra.
Gayatri Mantra is referred to as Pancha Mukhi, the Goddess with five faces that represent the five pranas or life forces.
Chant the Gayatri Mantra correctly:
Pause Five Times -
Here are some important things to keep in mind while chanting the Gayatri mantra:
The pause should be as given below and with understanding that it represents the five pranas:
Aum (pause)
Bhur Bhuvah Suvah (pause)
Tat Savitur Varenyam (pause)
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi (pause)
Dhiyo yo nah prachodhayat (pause)
The Gayatri mantra must be chanted with faith and enthusiasm thrice a day at dawn, noon and dusk. This is called 'Trikala sandhya' because it is a mantra that purifies all the karma done by a person during the day i.e. karmendriyas. You should chant it when having a bath, before eating food and so on. The Gayatri mantra can be repeated at any time by one who practices it regularly and with devotion.
While chanting the Gayatri mantra, every word should be clear as crystal. Don't mumble it or rush through it.
Traditionally, the Gayatri mantra must be chanted 108 times. But, when a target is fixed, the tendency of the mind is to repeat it mechanically. So, you shouldn't fix a target to tame the mind. You can chant the Gayatri mantra three, nine or eleven times or more based on your level of concentration and interest. Stick to odd number recitation - that is the right way.
God Bless You All
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