I do agree Anger and related problems are caused by negative emotions. But the question is how to develop right emotion. Some say meditation helps. Which seems to me needs proper Guru. Or are there any other practical process to help the kids?
Dear Sir...
Anger is a natural emotion..we even see babies display it when we grab their toy.
A toddler displays more if they do not get what they want.
Its all part of healthy emotions of a human.
So this should not be viewed as a negative emotion.
Terms like positive and negative are best not used cos they represent judgmental behavior.
Telling anyone they are negative only increases their anger and telling anyone they are positive too often can lower their threshold to criticism in adult life.
It would be better to let a child experience all emotions then ask him/her to identify which emotion made him/her feel the happiest.
The human is naturally wired to innate goodness(despite some coming up with gene theory).
A child would be able to identify what makes him/her happy.
Too much focus on selflesness at too early at age would make the child less adaptive to face challenges and stress.
Teach a child human learn to live and let love.
To respect everyone but also know when to avoid potential danger.
Teach a child to be open and responsive to only those who deserve it..they are some who are friends with us becos they only want to benefit from us but will never impart and share what they know.
I had such a friend in school..I used to teach her and help her for exams but she hid from me so many notes she got from another source and finally told me " why should I give you..when you are already so good in studies".
Yes..I felt bad..years later I met her..I put that episode behind but I realized even though she is succesful herself today she talks lowly about the friends who didnt do so well in life.
Naturally I dont deal with her at all anymore.
So with this experience I guide my son..share and be caring to a friend who is also sincere to you.
To those who do not deserve it you can help them in times of danger but not otherwise.
So its a step wise manner to learn management of emotions or anger management as Raghy correctly put it.
Meditation etc is best not done for kids..cos we never know how it could mess up a young mind.
Also get kids more physically active in sports..exposure to sunlight too..all these boost endorphins in brain to help regulate moods.
Also dont forget..we are humans..our mind is entitled to express emotions right till our last anger or love..its always there in our brain.