I think I should really introduce the realities of life.
Women naturally deserve all the support we can give. When they were teen agers, when they were pregnant, when they give birth, when they go through menopause….. they go through hormonal changes. Their body chemistry goes out of whack… their emotions play havoc… With all that, they can smile?.... I salute them..
We have been talking about teen agers. I know for a fact, girls during teen years go through more chemical imbalance than boys… Body chemicals affect the brain and thereby the mind too. When the body chemicals go out of whack, the mind goes out of whack which gets displayed in mood changes from feeling on the top of the world to feeling depressed and low….. all in a span of 1 hour or less.
A woman, usually goes through menopause between very late 40s to early 50s…. it’s a transformation in about 6 up to 10 years… They can very easily feel low during those years…. Am I losing my pretty looks? …. Do I still attract my husband?.... have I lost too much hair already?... leave alone pretty, do I even look presentable?... would my husband start eating from the hotel?.... should I hold on with my savings to gain respect?.... How can I smile with all these thoughts going through in the back of my mind?... all these confusions take place due to chemical imbalances…
Now lets consider a newly married girl…. I am getting used to sex… God, the more I do it, the more I need it…. I can’t wait for it…. Boy! Am I pregnant?... Why my emotions are all over the place? I want to laugh…. I want to cry…. I want to love… I want to hate the same thing I love….
Now lets put a woman going through menopause, a newly married girl and a girl in her very late teen years, like 18 or 19…. How would that household look like?... What question is that? It would be like Melbourne…. 4 seasons during the same day, that’s before nightfall… you don’t know what to wear in Melbourne… you don’t know what you will see not one, but 3 women with whacky hormones… let me out!....I know that would be the usual reaction….
Anger or any other emotions can not be controlled. You may advise others to “ control” their anger. Would you advise someone to control their happiness, sadness, euphoria etc? Try telling that to my daughter… She would say “ Why don’t you get yourself a robot? You don’t really need a child, not a teen ager any way”….
So, how is this managed? I learned from a lady who did not complete her primary school… a gem of a lady… my sister-in-law’s mother-in-law….. I didn’t think much of her… We crossed swords in 1989…. But we learned about each other in 2012…. My wife observed her management strategies… she applied them to her daughter-in-law…
The mother-in-law says to her daughter-in-law during the week end after lunch .. “ Your husband called you”… Daughter-in-law goes “ Really? I didn’t hear it”… “ Ha, he was more like murmuring.. possibly he wanted some water.. take water to him.. take some sweets too.. he likes sweet.. Why don’t go to your husband’s room and relax a bit? I really like to have some rest.. if you like to sleep, go ahead for a hour or two.. when you return we will make coffee”…. After sending the daughter-in-law, this mother-in-law starts making snacks for the evening… after about 2 hours daughter-in-law comes back, ejaculated, pleasantly tired, with pleasant body pain, ravenously hungry…. “ oh.. here you are… I couldn’t sleep.. I made some snacks.. can you taste them… I am preparing coffee too… take some snacks and coffee to your husband.. comeback and give me company to eat some snacks… I like your coffee.. make some coffee for me”…. Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are sitting down enjoying snacks and coffee…
The teen ager comes home, wonders.. how come this mother-in-law and daughter-in-law combination is so happy? Boy, I like a piece of this happiness too….
If properly managed, there is no anger. My client hit his neighbour out of paranoia, with a chain.. there was a lock at the end of the chain… needless to say, that neighbour was a guest in the hospital for a long time.. no case manager home-visited before me… I visited him.. showed him his anger can be managed… now he is settled, quite as a kitten… he trusts me like a family member… nobody has seen him angry in the last 12 months….
No emotion like anger, love, happiness, sadness, silliness… can be controlled. They are the emotions for us to live through and enjoy.
Remember, we just have one life time…. If you like to tell that girl “ God! You are pretty!”, just go ahead and do it. Emotions help us to express ourselves. My daughter often times call me by my name “Raghy”… I don’t mind… it’s much better than getting addressed by some colourful words… ( I bet most members wouldn’t imagine what those colourful words were… My daughter is an Aussie… Aussies use words colourful enough to put the rainbow to shame… It is quite common to use “F” word when I talk to my boss.. and she would use such words too )..