Dear Sri Saab Ji, Sri N.R. Ranaganathan Ji and Sri Ji,
Thank you for your responses. I am quite aware of the 'awakening' that a Guru induces. That is not the issue.
My issue goes to the root of the Varna system and more specifically the connection between a Guna and the Varna connection from this life time to the next.
Please refer to the attached as the best explanation of Dharmas required of a person, that I have also been taught:
Sva Dharma is always a requirement of those possessing a certain Sva Bhava. It is not the other way around. In other words, A Brahmin is known by what he does. A Brahmin who does not follow his Dharma is not a Brahmin. (These are provable statements, based on our Srutis as well as from the words of our Luminaries).
So, what is a Sva Bhava for a Brhamin? It is more than just a preponderance of Sattvic Guna. It is acheived by a long and rigorous training to kill the ego, and living the life of a Brahmin, on top of having a Sattvic nature. This allows a Brahmin to dedicate his life in the pursuit of knowledge and the performance of vedic rites for the sake of the society with effect. If he has not become a Brahmin by his Sva Bhave, he would not be able to do this. And his Sva Bhava is not inherited, but obtained.
So, what is the Sva Bhava of a Kshatriya? It is more than a predominance of Rajasic Guna. It is acheived through rigorous traing in war craft and state craft. As rigorous as the Brahminical class. Again, a Kshatriya is not born but made.
While from the historical perspective I agree that Varna and later Jathis became occupations by birth (there were no Universities and Colleges then, and so it became perhaps easier to pass down one's occupation to one's children).
But in today's context, what is Sva Bhava? What is Sva Dharma?
How can we get back to the old Varna system in today's context? All of you who say that Varna system is God given, please give us a clear path as to how as a democratic and secular society we can go back to the old system?
In today's context, in terms of modern systems of governance and society, we say a 'all persons are born equal'; not to dismiss the disparity of talent among them, but to acknowledge the equality of rights of each human being under the modern system to be allowed to do whatever he/she wants to accomplish in life under the set up of the modern democratic, free enterprise system.
This system, unfortunately is here to stay. This is a fairly cruel system, punishing a person's lack of understanding of his/her own talents over time, in the secular market place. There is competition, but at the same time it encourages innovation and entrepreneurship which are the backbones of today's economy and creation of wealth for all.
This is the way our world is going. This is what was predicted to happen in our Yuga.
So, please tell me. How do you propose that we get back to a pure 'Varna' system as envisioned (mostly by our Smrithis) from today's life? Please give us a glimpse of life that would be led by each Varna, and please let me also understand how you would deal with the 'fifth' Varna? What about people from other religions who form almost 20% (about 200 million) of modern India? Where will they fit in this 'Varna' system?