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I want all of them back

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nara
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Dear Sri.Nara, Greetings.

I join you in inviting Sri.Sangom back to the forum for the knowledge he imparts in his discussions. I will miss that.

I certainly like Sri.Yamaka's logic and hard work in his life. I like to see Sri.Yamaka back in the forum. I like to see Sri.Yamaka making conversations at the grassroot level.

I don't think Sri.Kunjuppu has gone anywhere. I like to read the experiences based write-ups.

Sri.Raju is a scholar. I always liked his high standard write-ups. Actually Sri.Raju and Sri.Sangom received most of my 'likes'! ( I am very stingy at that!).

And, without forgetting, I like to see yourself taking part more in the forum.

My dear brother, kindly don't get frustrated with the reactions in the forum. When learned persons like yourself make a protest, usually that doesn't go very well. The reason is simple - When you have so much learning and knowledge behind you, you are expected to handle situations in a more subtle manner, not in direct confrontations. I am sincere in expressing my mind, as I see it.

Let's look forward for a more cheerful times.

....My dear brother, kindly don't get frustrated with the reactions in the forum.
Dear Brother, I am not frustrated, I only have pity for these people who have no idea they have no idea. They will be none the wiser even if the simplest of the logical fallacies rose up and bit their nose off -- they will still be crying oh the majority is right or some such nonsense. Let them present one cogent argument, then I will take them seriously.

I cant understand...I thought that everything was clear enough and all are welcome back.
What more do we need?
I am starting to suspect that may be all of us "enjoy" arguing for the fun of it and feel thats what adds flavor and spice to forum.

Just leave it yaar..why cant we just forgive and forget?? After all if anyone of us were to drop dead tomorrow or even today..we wont be able to log in and all will start to wonder "why he/she left" and still will go one arguing forever and ever.

May be we should have a thread which allows all forms of fights, totally unmoderated and with restricted membership and it should be a closed thread so that other cant view it too easily unless they want to join it to fight too.

It will be like a tension release thread..so that we get to argue and argue and argue for ever and ever..

Move on guys..just Kiss and Make up..dont let too much adrenaline ruin our health.
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There are those who are complete hypocrites, one thing in private and another in public. Well, what can I say, all goody goody for public consumption.
There are those who are complete hypocrites, one thing in private and another in public. Well, what can I say, all goody goody for public consumption.

Well said..I couldnt agree more with you..you read my mind!!LOL

[h=1]Arasiyalla Ithellam Sagajamappa[/h]
Well said..I couldnt agree more with you..you read my mind!!LOL
Glad you agree, thought you will be defensive. I have seen people say a lot of things in private and then play goody goody in public, as though they are snow flakes, who is to say otherwise ...
Glad you agree, thought you will be defensive. I have seen people say a lot of things in private and then play goody goody in public, as though they are snow flakes, who is to say otherwise ...

No dear Nara,

Why should I get defensive? You were stating the truth only.

There are some who are hypocrites and act goody goody in public and do all dirty work behind the screen and there are those who do dirty work all the time in public and behind the screen and there are some who are goody goody all the while.

Life is like a Multiple Choice Question..we have the freedom to click "Like" to what suits us.

I don't know about everyone who participates here. I am only talking about those about whom I have knowledge of both the private and public persona. I am only talking about these ever so goody goody hypocrites and their public pretenses, and wholly crass private persona.
Brother Nara Ji,

Shhhhh.... thought our secret was safe between us! Now you have outed me without any mercy. :)


There are those who are complete hypocrites, one thing in private and another in public. Well, what can I say, all goody goody for public consumption.
Anything wrong with being totally crass or baddie-baddie? If there were no such people, wouldn't the world be a rather boring place?
Dear brother KRS, I try to be as honest as I can, hypocrisy is for those who want to play politics. But people think I can't get down in the trenches. I rather not get into the trenches, and believe you me, I tried to stay out of it with not much help from anybody. But I think it is time to fire back, not just take the incoming passively.

When the incoming is going somewhere else, one can enjoy all the baddies, when it is coming at you the tune will turn. Grow up and think broader than just your immediate vicinity, more than a mere millimeter.
Anything wrong with being totally crass or baddie-baddie? If there were no such people, wouldn't the world be a rather boring place?

Hey Biswa..you are right!! I am reminded of an incident when I was 15..a few of my chinese friends who had newly embraced Christianity were acting goody goody and were preaching in class that they want to convert all Hindus/Buddhist to safe them from hell.

The came to me and said "renu we love you and we care for you ..we want you to be safe and not go to hell when you die a Hindu"

I told them "hey..so you goody goody females will be in heaven sitting on a cloud playing the harp and singing Hallelujah Hallelujah?"

they said yes.."it will be a beautiful and peaceful scene and we want to have all our friends there too so please embrace christianity"

then I told them.."if you bunch of boring girls are going to be in heaven I rather go to hell!!"

You know Biswa..it nice being bad/crass at times..its more fun!!!

It is more fun to be goody goody in public but have all kinds of crass thoughts in private.
When the incoming is going somewhere else, one can enjoy all the baddies, when it is coming at you the tune will turn. Grow up and think broader than just your immediate vicinity, more than a mere millimeter.

Well Mr. Nara you are back to your usual nasty self with a personal attack right off the bat. How come at your age you squeal like an adolescent? Surely you need to grow up and get a sense of humor.

I hope the moderator expunges both these posts.
It is more fun to be goody goody in public but have all kinds of crass thoughts in private.

No No thats not in accordance with coordination of Thought,Words and Deed.
So one must either be bad all the while or good all the while.

I remember seeing a movie once where a pick pocket tried to steal someone's wallet and the hero instead gave the pick pocket some money but the pick pocket refused saying it was againts his Dharma to acquire anything without stealing it.
Oh how crassly thy hypocrisy shines!! All this talk of consonance among thought, word and deeds is for strictly public consumption, a la all too common in politics. But honesty and sincerity are made of sterner stuff, foreign to those given to cheap shots.
Dear brother Nara Ji,

Why this anger? Saying 'grow up' when Sri Biwa Ji just was expressing some thought - this sounds unusual coming from you.


When the incoming is going somewhere else, one can enjoy all the baddies, when it is coming at you the tune will turn. Grow up and think broader than just your immediate vicinity, more than a mere millimeter.
Oh how crassly thy hypocrisy shines!! All this talk of consonance among thought, word and deeds is for strictly public consumption, a la all too common in politics. But honesty and sincerity are made of sterner stuff, foreign to those given to cheap shots.

Oh how true thy words resonate,
Till my cranial bones it vibrates,
I always thought hypocrite was a hippo in a crate,
Or something to do with the Oath of the Hippocrate.

Yes my dear its all common in politics,
Its like feeding on hemoglobin of other like ticks,
Dont worry darling all wounds time eventually licks,
Honest and sincere individuals even Death they dare kick.
...Why this anger? Saying 'grow up' when Sri Biwa Ji just was expressing some thought - this sounds unusual coming from you.
Yes brother, this is unusual, but I am not angry, just having some fun. I don't care for the tit-for-tat inanities these silly people usually engage in. But there comes a time when one has to fire back. I was keeping my peace for far too long. I can give just as good as many of these crass sycophants ever so eager to get their brown noses browner. Just giving a taste their own medicine.

Try all you want to deflect, but the double game is all too plain. One thing for public consumption, and an entirely another in the back....
Try all you want to deflect, but the double game is all too plain. One thing for public consumption, and an entirely another in the back....

Duality is the name of the game of life,
What most of us are trying to strive,
Front and Back are just perceptions,
Just like the rope and serpent misconception.
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Dear brother and sister,

My head is spinning! What are you guys talking about?

Am I missing something (I think I am)?

Dear brother and sister,

My head is spinning! What are you guys talking about?

Am I missing something (I think I am)?


Dear KRSJi,

Dont worry..its no fight or personal attack...
Nara is talking about Hypocrites and I am just replying him in poems..
We are both having fun here..
Well Mr. Nara you are back to your usual nasty self with a personal attack right off the bat. How come at your age you squeal like an adolescent? Surely you need to grow up and get a sense of humor.

I hope the moderator expunges both these posts.
Look who is talking of nasty. You wanted baddie when it was not your skin in the game, now you call for sense of humor. How about some sense of humor from your side.

Why did you bother to come in, I was not talking to you. Now you want moderator's ax. Tell me in what way my comment was wrong. All I said was if you are not the victim you can afford to give the kind of advice you gave, why is that moderator's ax worthy? You come in with your sage comment, and now you can't take a little rebuttal, ha?
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