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Ideas . . . Ideas!

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Dear Kunjuppu Sir,

Why? To save time and fuel!

One L P G refill lasts for 70 + days for me and Sing. Chennai mAmis are wonder struck to hear this! :D

raji does this pressure cooking remove the gooey kozha kozha texture of the vendakka? if not, do you think, if you put some tamarind in the water, that would do the trick.

we cook vendakka two ways: one is straight forward low heat, long time, 500 grams 1 hour, with salt asafoetida chillipowder turmeric and oil splattered with mustard seed.

the other is first saute the vendakka for 5 minutes, or just browning (on the skin the gooey goes away). set aside, for 1/2 kg, 250 tomato, 250g onion sauteed with salt garam masala asafoetida turmeric and 6 Tablespoon oil. when well done, add the vendakka.

much as i luvvvv this veggie, and so do my kids, all effort appears to remove the gooey.btw here is a funny story: in the 1960s, my young cousin, married and rented a flat behind our home. she made vendakka something, and it came out as one long string (seen to be believed). mom suggested she boil it again with some puLi added :)
fried yummy kathrikkai - for those of us like me, who likes kathrikka, crisp and fried, but with very little oil: if available, choose the long skinny variety and cut it into 2 inches length, and 1/4 inch thickness. microwave it for 10 minutes, till the water half evaporates.

the semi dried kathrikkai, you add to oil (3 Tablespoon) cracked with mustard seeds, and add salt, chillipowder, asafeotida, turmeric to taste.

take two ladles and gently toss the kathrikkai like you would do a tossed-salad.

within 5 minutes you have distinctly separate golden brown kathrikkai upperi, whcih is as a delight to present, as it is to eat :)
raji does this pressure cooking remove the gooey kozha kozha texture of the vendakka? if not, do you think, if you put some tamarind in the water, that would do the trick......
Dear Kunjuppu Sir,

The idea is to get green curry from any green vegetable! So,

To retain the fresh green colour, fry the green veg. for a minute in a table spoon of oil seasoned with mustard seed and

whatever you like (!), pour about a ladle of and then close the lid with weight valve.
It is not kozha kozha since we fry it first. The trick lies in removing the pressure immediately after it builds. And of course,

we can heat it for a minute to make it more dry! I know the 'puLi thaNNi' trick but it gives a dull brown colour which I don't like.

And, I used to like the garam masala curry when I was young. In fact, my elder B I L asked for the garam masala brinjal + onion

fry, whenever he came to Sing. Chennai! Now, my senior citizen tag makes me avoid garam masala stuff! :D
........... you add to oil (3 Tablespoon) cracked with mustard seeds, and add salt, chillipowder, asafeotida, turmeric to taste. .......
Three tablespoons oil!! Dear Sir, that is too much according to me. :)

I fry appalams cut into four to easily accommodate in our plate. So, the oil kept for frying is about 100 ml only!

Once Ram's brother's wife visited us. Seeing the oil kept on the stove, she asked me, 'Is it for thAlichchufying?'

I almost fainted!! She could not believe that I fry appalam in that quantity of oil!

P.S: The consumption of oil for my co-sister is about 5 Kg / month for three persons!! :)

Dear P J Sir,

Renu is too young to understand the love we receive from a grand kid. But I can imagine how happy you and

your better half would be in the company of loving grandchildren. Reg. posting the ideas to your friends, you

may please go ahead. But add 'Chennai' with my name! Let me also add some popularity to Sing. Chennai!! :thumb:

P.S: Once, the Google search for 'Raji Ram' denoted a MALE from Sri Lanka, aged 39, who was searching for a bride!! :D


My 'damager' maid dropped the lid of a casserol and a small chip of plastic came off! The white filling inside the lid was

showing and as usual, the insulation tape came as a savior! Two rounds of black tape gave a new look to the broken lid! :thumb:


My 'damager' maid dropped the lid of a casserol and a small chip of plastic came off! The white filling inside the lid was

showing and as usual, the insulation tape came as a savior! Two rounds of black tape gave a new look to the broken lid! :thumb:


You are very smart.
I have a small worry, the tapes are not food grade. With our style of cooking and foods I would be very careful as it might leech into food and is not good for health. If you are using it to store things it does not matter. Just a friendly reminder.

Dear Prasad Sir,

Thanks for your concern! :)

The tape is on the rim of the lid and does not touch the food inside the casserol. Nor does it get heated up!!

This is a ladies special idea! I have written about it earlier but here it is with a photo!

Some silk and poly silk sarees are thick and fixing the pleats with a pin is impossible!

The paper clip is very useful to hold the pleats without poking them. See the photo:


Dear P J Sir,

Renu is too young to understand the love we receive from a grand kid. But I can imagine how happy you and

your better half would be in the company of loving grandchildren. Reg. posting the ideas to your friends, you

may please go ahead. But add 'Chennai' with my name! Let me also add some popularity to Sing. Chennai!! :thumb:

Dear RR ji,

You know I know people who are younger to me and are already grandmothers! Some women marry very early.

But somehow this grandchild thing can be scary!LOL

One needs lots of energy to be a grandparent these days.

I haven't come to that stage yet in life..anyway my son keeps saying to me that when he grows up he does not want to be married cos he says that his elder uncle(my elder bro) is a bachelor he feels that his elder uncle is more fun and young at heart then his married younger uncle!

So he feels marriage makes one more serious!LOL

I told him wait till you grow up and fall in love with someone..then you will be singing a different tune!
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renukaji/Raji madam

renukaji/Raji madam

We have our room in the ground floor itself and it saves us the problem of climbing the stairs; our room door is always open, always kids come to us for some solace.
Usually one of the grand children in turn used to sleep with us, but this time as we are down with cough, cold, fever.we advised them against it.
Raji Madam,

This is a good idea

Birthday Treasure Hunt

17 Th February, when we were in UK, we celebrated our grand son’s birthday in different way.
Clues were pasted /kept in different places and the Kid has to solve each clue to locate the next clue; he also gets a gift on solving the clue.

The first gift with a clue for the second gift was pasted on the Toilet mirror;

Like that there were six hidden gifts for him to claim solving each clue.

It was really a different experience for us to watch.

Next day a separate swimming pool party for him and his classmates were arranged where every boy/girl with one of the parent entered the water and played games , finally each boy/girl got a pocket of chocolates and a gift.
Dear Kunjuppu Sir,

The idea is to get green curry from any green vegetable! So,

It is not kozha kozha since we fry it first. The trick lies in removing the pressure immediately after it builds. And of course,

we can heat it for a minute to make it more dry! I know the 'puLi thaNNi' trick but it gives a dull brown colour which I don't like.

And, I used to like the garam masala curry when I was young. In fact, my elder B I L asked for the garam masala brinjal + onion

fry, whenever he came to Sing. Chennai! Now, my senior citizen tag makes me avoid garam masala stuff! :D

dear raji, good lady i am thoroughly confused now.

i like crisp vendakkai upperi. my children like it too. someone suggested to add some thayir to get it crispy. not much success there.

so, how do you go about it?

sautee it in oil first? (to remove kozha kozha) ; then pressure cook it? then saute again? :) pray enlighten me. thank you.
......... sautee it in oil first? (to remove kozha kozha) ; then pressure cook it? then saute again? :) pray enlighten me. thank you.
You got the point, Sir! But this process will give the SOFT 'green curry' only and not the crispy one!

My M I L used to fry it so much in oil that the 'uppEri' will turn 'karuppEri'. Thayir will only take away the 'kozha kozha'

stuff but won't make the curry crispy. You can try adding lightly fried 'arisi maavu' along with garam masala for crispness.

I like soft green currys and use this process for other veggies like beans, avaraikkAy, green peas and karAmaNi. :)

Nice to read your post P J Sir! Have great time with your grand kids...

You are a blessed soul! :angel:

Dear Renu,

Yes... Some ladies become grannies at a very young age! I got one invitation from Ram's friend for his granddaughter's wedding.

The name of the bride's grandma was Fabiola and I thought, 'This name is a rare one! May be she is my classmate! But how can

she get her granddaughter married, since my son's wedding was just over?' So, with a thumping heart I went with Ram to the

reception and LO and behold! She was my friend 'Fabi', who got married, when we were in the II B Sc. :lol:

One more ladies special idea! Recently I was purchased sticker pottu in red colour at night and it appeared OK.

I found it in the day light to be a frightening blood red colour! Why worry when I have the eyebrow pencil?

Just smeared some black colour with that pencil over the pottu and got both light and dark maroon ones!

The top and bottom rows are in the original colour and the changed ones are in the middle rows.


Lizards help us by eating mosquitoes but they are scary if they run up and down the walls . The best hiding place for them

is behind the pictures that we hang in the rooms and behind the Godrej almirahs. By placing a couple of naphthalene balls

in their hiding places, we can drive them away. It also reduces the mosquitoes to some extent. :cool:
Raji Madam

i was told that keeping Peacock feathers will drive away these Lizards.
We did not try this, but we saw many pavement shops selling Peacock feathers in Pondy Bazar.

Dear P J Sir,

Sorry for the late reply... Was away on a short trip! :)

I also heard about the peacock feathers treatment. Even egg shells kept without cleaning the inner side, seem to drive away

lizards. In Bangalore, I found absolutely no cockroaches or lizards in Ram's nephew's apartment. He says that once in six

months, he asks for herbal pest treatment and it works well!

One of my friends told that naphthalene balls are used to keep away rats! She is trying it out now! :cool:

Dear P J Sir,

Sorry for the late reply... Was away on a short trip! :)

I also heard about the peacock feathers treatment. Even egg shells kept without cleaning the inner side, seem to drive away

lizards. In Bangalore, I found absolutely no cockroaches or lizards in Ram's nephew's apartment. He says that once in six

months, he asks for herbal pest treatment and it works well!

One of my friends told that naphthalene balls are used to keep away rats! She is trying it out now! :cool:

Raji Madam

If somehow a couple of Lizards are seen in any home in US. they will surely find a repellent for Lizards just like they found for cockroaches!!!
Hello RR Mam, My best wishes and Happy Women s Day. I convey the wishes to one and all in our forum ,were age does not matter, All my dear ladies in our forum, :yo: :hug: :peace::cheer2:
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