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In defence of the week-end/wannabe Brahmins.

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ShivKC, don't try to wiggle out again. I don't care who you are or what you believe. Your identity is not what I want, I want your honesty. When you start questioning other members, then you have an obligation to be at least honest how you present yourself here.

Last time you went after another member's identity and that was when I exposed what a dishonest person you really are. You are now doing the same thing with Yamaka and that is why I am reviving the challenge.

You can collect the apology from me only if you state, without any ambiguity, that you don't take Jesus Christ is your savior. Say it ShivKC, what is the hesitation? Why are you unwilling to make a clean statement?

pls go back to that respective post (i couldnt locate that thread now or check if moderator has deleted those last few discussions). I have responded and savored your apology :) and subsequently reported to SM sh.krs.& praveen thorough various PMs and about some of the issues what members feel about you. its only you, who hasnt continued in that thread any further..I do have a think skin too !
pls go back to that respective post (i couldnt locate that thread now or check if moderator has deleted those last few discussions). I have responded and savored your apology :) and subsequently reported to SM sh.krs.& praveen thorough various PMs and about some of the issues what members feel about you. its only you, who hasnt continued in that thread any further..I do have a think skin too !
See Raghy, yet again he just wants to dance around, never upright and straight forward. Anyway, I will leave him alone until he starts challenging another earnest member about identity, purpose or some such thing.

See Raghy, yet again he just wants to dance around, never upright and straight forward. Anyway, I will leave him alone until he starts challenging another earnest member about identity, purpose or some such thing.


why sh.Ragy is dragged in to the picture here,sir? i have never asked YAMAKA about his identity, cos he has said it crystal clear. I was only questioning his objective here? is he says , Religion/Hinduism is all bad (of late shifted as orthodoxy is all bad) and are the cause for the plight of 800mn indians, and as you say, religion is all bad, including hinduism, and if the forum agrees to it, then whats the purpose of calling tamilbrahmins.com ?

without being a hindu, can there be a tamil brahmin? TB is essentially a hindu and also a brahmin, both are inter twined.

foot note:-
sir,in case you have any issues about my honesty, pls free to send a PM to moderator or praveen, but dont don the moderator cap, and pls dont again show your personal apprehensions in public.that's not being civil, i think so. practice what you preach, in the west they say!!

dont forget, a month ago, a member had to exit, for he was questioned about c his honesty and integrity. but i wont get worried and press the panic button here, about, you questioning my honesty, or not being upright. like you, i also do have a thick skin (!),sir.
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Dear ShivKC:

1. First I want to assure you that Mr. Nara is NOT writing for me!

a. I am talking about 800 million Indians who are trapped inside the orthodoxy of religions in India:These business people may be "religious" to outside world, but their day to day business practices could be far from the religious ideology::following that, I want to say that the Birlas, Tatas, TVS and Jains, if they are truly Orthodox Hindus, they are exceptions to the rule that I am talking about...

My prototypical family man that I described is the example of the 800 million Indians who are locked inside the Gates of Hell of Religious Orthodoxy, IMO.

3. You asked about my motive in coming to this site - a very bad question, IMO.


sh.yamaka, before reading this I would request you to have a re look on to my previous post again. i feel you missed few points while comprehending the whole picture.

1) pls accept my apologies, for me projecting you as a proxy of sh.nara!.. its not just a word, but i really mean it.. my apologies.

2) you seems to be not 'ok' with my premise of bench marking the top 20 Indian riches, as orthodox: here you need to give me (once again) the clear cut picture what orthodoxy is according to you? I have said, all those indian corporate top riches don their caste name, but you dont find that as orthodoxy (but sh.nara may do so)? having caste name in the end must be orthodoxy right!. and then you went on to say,they all believe in Karma, and blame their fate on something, and dont try for new things. and you dont seem to be convinced with my question, why the riches are also orthodox? Or, the 800mn poor or only orthodox..

i understand my view of your posts should be summarized back to 2 questions, so that we can have the discussion in a focused way.:-

1) [pls express in detail, your definition of Orthodoxy

2) if karma is the cause for those poor in villagers (as per your eg), would you accept my future argument/proof, that, the riches of India also believe in karma.

3) you haven't answered my crystal clear point.sir, you blamed karma is the cause & demotivating factor for those 800Mn poor to come out of the plight, but you failed to address the point, that we have Goddess Lakshmi motivating to amaze Wealth too!

4) if you wish to analyse those 800Mn's, let me be more specific, those who are below BPL, and to find out the reasons for them being BPL, we can add this point also to our discussion. here you blame religious orthodoxy as a reason, and I object it..

5) your purpose of being hanging out here in this forum; though sh.nara tried his tricks, i am clear. will discuss this in detail too.

I have summarized all those old post in to 4 crystal points , so that our discussions don't shift out..

thanks you sh.Yamaka, for your detailed response. I like you !! :)
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Dear Sri.Raju Sir, Greetings.

I refer to your message in post #24 addressed to me, please. In all my messages, I always maintained that I am not targetting one particular comunity. I always mentioned all castes/religions. Although when this thread was started addressing in defence of one group of people in one particular community, my contributions were restricted to addressing any particular community. In the example shown in post #20, the persons happened to a particular community. That's all. Of course, I need not have mentioned the name of the community; I could have stated X-community.

But that does not change my point of views though. ( In fact, I thought, my views are the same as yours when it comes to defending the persons who are criticised both by the orthodox and the 'reformists').


sh.ragy, you being one of the best neutral person, i would like to address this concern

here is some one who once wanted to protect a NB lady, who was spewing venom on brahims, and when I countered, with all his flaunting language and convincing writing skill, he covered her, and to an extend they projected me as a proxy of some one, the history of which im yet to figure out from this forum.. but, i do have a thick skin too..

I dont care about that branding..,, but he was the cause for those who once emotionally exited from this forum (atleast 9 of my friends), and the tools used were, free speech & forcing others not to ask ones identity... but, but,but, the tables have shifted,for ones own benefit, and here is some who is behind my identity/honesty, and tagging me as christian (inspite of me addressing him, to moderator etc)... interesting..some one here is taking a quick shot with a wide brush and paint it all around, to amaze attention, and want to gather mass! as a anti-hinud, and anti-brahmin, ask scholarly proofs for every belief and on top of it self proclaimed non-seeker of ones personal identity etc..,what was his concern, even if i were a Taliban? isnt that of being Hippocratic ? That someone is taking great about TB's of being Hippocratic,esle where ?

i didnt want to entangle with him on all the religious talks, but when he claimed once that 'Religion is the cause for all bad ', i asked him a simple question in his own style to quantify the bad things religion has done with all scholarly proof, statistics and scientific historical proof.. i shot back in his own style.. and our man took a different technique to evade that, which every one knows.. sad , but true.

one admired EVR, and claims loud being an atheist,undermines every thing about hinduism & brahminism at the drop of the hat. fine its his view, but why he wants to post it here, saying, he was also once a S.V.. if he is true, he can do it without claiming his ancestoral past , and his ancestral attachments with S.V traditions? and he seems to OK for giving his parents the last rites as per S.V, just for the love sake towards his parents, but smells a Hippocratic attitude with the young gen weekend TB's who dine out wine/meat in 5 star hotels, for the compulsions of the corporate culture!!

I'm confused now.. What is the definition of being Hippocratic ?
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hi raghy sir,
im a conservative..orthodox....im very high hypocratic....im racist tooo....i admit with proud tamil brahmin......no doubt....i born

with hypocratic society.....hypocratic community...........i dont want double standards................i do have thick skin too....

"one admired EVR, and claims loud being an atheist,undermines every thing about hinduism & brahminism at the drop of the hat. fine its his view, but why he wants to post it here, saying, he was also once a S.V.. if he is true, he can do it without claiming his ancestoral past , and his ancestral attachments with S.V traditions? and he seems to OK for giving his parents the last rites as per S.V, just for the love sake towards his parents, but smells a Hippocratic attitude with the young gen weekend TB's who dine out wine/meat in 5 star hotels, for the compulsions of the corporate culture!!"- wrote ShivKC

The person referred (here I believe Mr. Nara) has all the right to talk about his life, his experience and his opinions now and earlier in his life...

Where's the problem?

In an Open Forum which specifically accepts "all sorts of views and opinions concerning TBs and others in TN" this is perfect, IMO..

My criticism of the crying babies here is, they want this Forum to be the Exclusive Club of Orthodox Brahminism and Hindu Fundamentalists!

Unfortunately, this is NOT..they MUST start their own Domains and Kingdoms for that Specific purpose! Lol

ps. In my few months of "hanging out with this site", I found Mr. Nara and Mr. Sangom to be very prolific and lucid writers with very clear understanding of the matters they write about, although I may not agree with EVERY thing they say! They are very persuasive and thoughtful in arranging their arguments to counter any weak and phony positions of others! Good....
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Dear Sri.Shiv, Greetings.

I am addressing your message in post #55, please.

I have to say, I am not a neutral person. My wife always says I am a hypocrite who just cheats myself and others with my write up in this forum. I am not best in anything.

Regarding the message, I can only convey my personal opinions. It may or may not be aggreable to you (or to others, for that matter).

To startwith, if you like to speak about Sri.Nara, kindly address the gentlleman by his chosen handle. That saves a lot of beating around the bush. Personally, if I have a concern with a member, if I have to complement member, then I openly mention the members name. There will be no ambiguity.

(If Sri.Shiv is not mentioning about Sri. Nara, I request Sri.Nara to kindly pardon me for the misunderstanding, please).

here is some one who once wanted to protect a NB lady, who was spewing venom on brahims, and when I countered, with all his flaunting language and convincing writing skill, he covered her, and to an extend they projected me as a proxy of some one, the history of which im yet to figure out from this forum.. but, i do have a thick skin too..

Sowbagyavathy Happy Hindu was not 'spewing venom'. It is not very hard to consider this forum as a family; it is not that hard to consider all the lady members as our sisters. Sowbagyavathy HH did not write anything ill about brahmins per se; Her write ups, sometimes questioned the orthodoxy like the Matams and institutions. I personally had discussions in this same forum with Sowbagyavathy HH on these matters; we agreed to disagree with many issues (in fact, I have not addressed her last message to me... I didn't want to get into an argument for something we both agree upon!). She clearly mentioned in as many words that she is not against any brahmins. I have written messages in support of Sowbagyavathy HH too. I am not surprised Sri.Nara wrote in support of Sowbagyavathy HH. I humbly request you to consider all the lady members as your own sister, please.

I know, you already mentioned that you are not a proxy to anyone else. You have a choice to ignore such allegations. When asking about the identity or motivation in taking part in this forum irritates yourself, I wish to point out, any such allegations coming from you would irritate others too. I refer to your asking Sri.Yamaka for his motivations. Sri.Yamaka is just one more member. It does not matter what he has to say. You may not like his point of views; but, words can't hurt.

I dont care about that branding..,, but he was the cause for those who once emotionally exited from this forum (atleast 9 of my friends), and the tools used were, free speech & forcing others not to ask ones identity... but, but,but, the tables have shifted,for ones own benefit, and here is some who is behind my identity/honesty, and tagging me as christian (inspite of me addressing him, to moderator etc)... interesting..some one here is taking a quick shot with a wide brush and paint it all around, to amaze attention, and want to gather mass! as a anti-hinud, and anti-brahmin, ask scholarly proofs for every belief and on top of it self proclaimed non-seeker of ones personal identity etc..,what was his concern, even if i were a Taliban? isnt that of being Hippocratic ? That someone is taking great about TB's of being Hippocratic,esle where ?

Sir, there is no need to get worked up so much, please. When someone demands you to accept something, you have a choice to request that person very politely to lay-off or back-off. You also have an option of ignoring such demands. Kindly consider this as a suggestion, please.

one admired EVR, and claims loud being an atheist,undermines every thing about hinduism & brahminism at the drop of the hat. fine its his view, but why he wants to post it here, saying, he was also once a S.V.. if he is true, he can do it without claiming his ancestoral past , and his ancestral attachments with S.V traditions? and he seems to OK for giving his parents the last rites as per S.V, just for the love sake towards his parents, but smells a Hippocratic attitude with the young gen weekend TB's who dine out wine/meat in 5 star hotels, for the compulsions of the corporate culture!!

Sir, this site does not promote 'brahminism'; it is just the opposite. This site promotes equality. The culture and 'samskaras' followed by brahmins is not 'brahminism'. I see many members are confused about 'brahminism'. In fact, today, more 'brahminism' is followed by other high caste hindus. (Sowbagyavathy Happy Hindu wrote this exact mesaage in one of her posts too; I don't see why such messages are not noticed).

Sir, being an athiest (by the way, I am one too), supporting EVR's views are not hinderences to post in this forum. If Sri.Nara chooses to be a staunch S.V and an athiest in the alternating weeks, every week and post messages accordingly, still such messages would be welcome in this forum. Guess what, still personally I will not call such a person as 'hippocrite'. Eating meat, drinking scotch on regular basis and following brahmin 'samskaras' do not make one 'hippocrite'; I humbly request you to go through this thread once again, please. The week-end brahmins mentioned by Sri.Nara is grossly misunderstood. I mentioned that in one of my messages in this same thread.

Who is an hypocrite? Sir, that is something for you to sort out; because, most often than not, it is a personal opinion.

Sir, I can see, you are quite upset. But if you refrain from reacting to such worries, I don't think that could escalate into a situation.

I just expressed my personal opinions. In this forum of scholars, there would be many disagreements; difference in opinions. But then, I suppose that is the nature any active forum. Kindly pardon me if I have not addressed your concerns to your satisfaction, please.

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hi raghy sir,
im a conservative..orthodox....im very high hypocratic....im racist tooo....i admit with proud tamil brahmin......no doubt....i born

with hypocratic society.....hypocratic community...........i dont want double standards................i do have thick skin too....


Dear Sri.tbs Sir, Greetings.

Sir, being conservative and following orthodoxy do not make someone a hypocrite. From many messages I read, you are disclosing your values and beliefs and standby your choices; I have not witnessed any cover-up or falsity in your messages. So, from what I have observed, you may not qualify to be a hypocrite...sorry for the disappointment!

Racist? What racist? Didn't you say you served in the army? were you safe-guarding only one group of people? I think not. You could be standing up for the human 'race'.. that does not make you a racist.

Hipocrisy is a personal opinion. All communities are hypocritic at one point of the other; otherwise it may not survive.

Dear all,

By going through all the posts, I think, I am now confident enough to express my views about hyprocrisy...

People have different perceptions, different taste, interests and choices and they live by the way that can keep them contented and happy.

So, it would be much civil, if we dont establish hyporcisy by what one practices for his life, for his living, for his satisfaction.

It is not at all descency to strike some one, conclude and propogate that some one/some goup of people are hyprocrite by the way they lead their life.

Hypocrisy is one of the many essential qualities of human behaviour that helps human to live himself comfortably and also helps him to do good for otheres (by way of his hyprocrisy).

All the qualities and senses of humans are only for the good of humans. Thats why humans are considered higher than any living being on this Earth. We may end up down grading ourself only when we use our senses in a wrong way and harm ourself and others.


i think you have come closest to defining a hypocrite in your post #60.

it is not how we live. as long as we keep our attitudes and practice to ourselves, and do not preach superiority over or contempt towards others or do no harm to people either through words or actions, to me these are good people.

others? for want of a better terminology, and to use a mild word, i will call them a hypocrite.
Dear Yamaka,

Your post #35 above:

I was brought up in a very religious household in the rural Ramanathapuram district. Because of my mother (I was a Mom's Boy till she died of stomach cancer) I used to pray very frequently. But I had lot of doubts. When I was in Madura College, I approached a self anointed Godman to explain to me why we do certain things during prayers.

This supposedly pious popular well respected Godman got very angry for I was asking all sorts of "confusing" questions.. he cursed me "Nee Naasama Povai"... then it occurred to me that all this facade of religiosity is a gimmick, just to control people's mind... I walked away from the Orthodox Religiosity and became a Naturalist..

May I know what were the questions you asked? If it is something too private to be revealed you need not post here. Otherwise please let us know. Just curiosity!!


.....a Christian need not be against Hindu faith. I still remember Mr.Maria Joseph, my Tamil teacher from year 9 to year 11; He used to mesmorise us with his explaining Divya Prabhandam poems and Kamba Ramayanam; he actually brought in 'Bakhti rasam' to the class. We always looked forward for his class. He was born as Catholic, grew up as a Catholic.

I can also remember the Jesuit Catholic priest in the years 7 and 8 who used to explain Devaram and Thirukkural.


One day in Kerala (Kaloor in Eranakulam), the bus I was traveling in halted(due to traffic jam) for a few minutes in front of a church where the morning sermon was going on.There was a huge crowd, even spilling into the road. The priestwas actually quoting a few lines from the Vedas and explaining the essence and exhorting the audience to follow those principles in life.

A true religious man does not hate other religion. I have seen this at the grassroot level in villages where I had my childhood(an many other places).The love and affection among all faiths is very common.Hatred is injected by only vested interests.

We used to be present for many events in churches and my christian friends used to witness the entertainment and festivities connected to temple festival.

Sometimes I feel, the more a person becomes educated, the more compartmentalised he becomes..
Dear Sri.tbs Sir, Greetings.

Sir, being conservative and following orthodoxy do not make someone a hypocrite. From many messages I read, you are disclosing your values and beliefs and standby your choices; I have not witnessed any cover-up or falsity in your messages. So, from what I have observed, you may not qualify to be a hypocrite...sorry for the disappointment!

Racist? What racist? Didn't you say you served in the army? were you safe-guarding only one group of people? I think not. You could be standing up for the human 'race'.. that does not make you a racist.

Hipocrisy is a personal opinion. All communities are hypocritic at one point of the other; otherwise it may not survive.



Realist words..

Dear Sri.tbs Sir, Greetings.

Sir, being conservative and following orthodoxy do not make someone a hypocrite. From many messages I read, you are disclosing your values and beliefs and standby your choices; I have not witnessed any cover-up or falsity in your messages. So, from what I have observed, you may not qualify to be a hypocrite...sorry for the disappointment!

Racist? What racist? Didn't you say you served in the army? were you safe-guarding only one group of people? I think not. You could be standing up for the human 'race'.. that does not make you a racist.

Hipocrisy is a personal opinion. All communities are hypocritic at one point of the other; otherwise it may not survive.

hi Raghy sir,
Thank u for ur kind words.....thank u so much again....

here is some one who once wanted to protect a NB lady, who was spewing venom on brahims, and when I countered, with all his flaunting language and convincing writing skill, he covered her, and to an extend they projected me as a proxy of some one, the history of which im yet to figure out from this forum.. but, i do have a thick skin too..
ShivKC, just read this. Since it involves me, i thot of writing in, to address this concern of yours. First, i wud like to thank Shri Raghy (Raghy sir, you have been too kind though i do not deserve it).

Shiv, so far as i understand i was not "spewing venom" on any specific community. I questioned a specific mutt, its practices, and most importantly, i questioned the preachings / teachings of the orthodox view. None of this wud have hurt the liberal-minded folks (amongst both Bs and NBs). But definitely it must have hurt orthodox people. Am unsure how to handle that.

I realise honesty is not always the best policy. There is no necessity to speak of certain things, no matter how true they are; for there is nothing to be got by speaking about them. When one is deep down in the lows, all of his / her mistakes start appearing as huge boulders pushing one down into an abyss.

I deeply regret regret my words. I made a huge mistake by involving in protracted arguments. I should not have joined this forum at all. Esp when i cud have been blogging.

But now that all those hurtful words are out, am wondering what can i do abt it. I cud offer an unconditional apology, which i do. However, i do not know if that will work. Words like arrows cannot be taken back once they are out.

I cud take solace from the fact that everyone is not a follower of orthodox teachings. So surely there must be a mature, well-read, group out there (iirespective of caste) who understand social dynamics of the past and present, and are not hurt by my writings (i sincerely hope so).

I dont care about that branding..,, but he was the cause for those who once emotionally exited from this forum (atleast 9 of my friends), and the tools used were, free speech & forcing others not to ask ones identity...
Of those who were banned some names come to my mind....one was Ramaa (i did quite like her though i did not agree with some of her views). Then there was Spectator. There were Saab, Jamadagni, etc. But Nara came after all these people were handled by either Chintana, KRS ji and Praveen. So its not clear who were those "atleast 9 friends" you are speaking of.

Anyways, whatever may be the reasons for your friends' exit, that however, hopefully need not mean you take up cudgels on your friends' behalf. There simply is nothing to be got by demanding the identity of any poster on this forum. It is childish, immature, and wud only show your vengeful attitude. Since this thread has ended peacefully, i suppose you too have found your answers in the posts of Yamaka, Raghy and others. So hopefully you will never again think of asking anyone their identity on this forum (unless ofcourse you are authorized by the owner of this forum to do so).


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ShivKC, just read this. Since it involves me, i thot of writing in, to address this concern of yours. First, i wud like to thank Shri Raghy (Raghy sir, you have been too kind though i do not deserve it).

Shiv, so far as i understand i was not "spewing venom" on any specific community. I questioned a specific mutt, its practices, and most importantly, i questioned the preachings / teachings of the orthodox view. None of this wud have hurt the liberal-minded folks (amongst both Bs and NBs). But definitely it must have hurt orthodox people. Am unsure how to handle that. .

Dear happy,

I read this rather poignant note from you with a lot of feelings. I realize that you do not come here any more or seldom do. Which was not like you. Like many of us here, you provided another hue in the rainbow ideas that this forum entertains, and with your absence, that colour is fading.

I do not agree with shiv that you spew venom. The venom, in my opinion, came from those who were unsure of their views and frightened, and not from those who cared deeply and wished to move ahead and change. Change is always for the better, in my view.

I realise honesty is not always the best policy. There is no necessity to speak of certain things, no matter how true they are; for there is nothing to be got by speaking about them. When one is deep down in the lows, all of his / her mistakes start appearing as huge boulders pushing one down into an abyss. .

I have to think that unless one is honest, one cannot live. One may survive, but one has to be honest to look at oneself in the mirror, straight in the face. Again it does not necessarily mean, that one has to face head on every instance of obstinate orthodoxy. I simply walk away, for some are not worth exchanging views. We have to pick our battles.

I deeply regret regret my words. I made a huge mistake by involving in protracted arguments. I should not have joined this forum at all. Esp when i cud have been blogging.

But now that all those hurtful words are out, am wondering what can i do abt it. I cud offer an unconditional apology, which i do. However, i do not know if that will work. Words like arrows cannot be taken back once they are out. .

I think you are overacting. This is coming from one, yours truly, who has probably ‘killed’ a few, maybe a many, with the English language. Cheer up. No need for such deep introspection. These end in no where. Ok?

I cud take solace from the fact that everyone is not a follower of orthodox teachings. So surely there must be a mature, well-read, group out there (iirespective of caste) who understand social dynamics of the past and present, and are not hurt by my writings (i sincerely hope so). .

Way to go. There is bright light at the end of the tunnel. If you notice, another thread was started by one meghavarshini. There is always an outlet. Always someone who is dissatisfied enough with the status quo of injustices, and will not put up with it any longer. I see it as my duty, to support and succour such folks. I will be there.

Of those who were banned some names come to my mind....one was Ramaa (i did quite like her though i did not agree with some of her views). Then there was Spectator. There were Saab, Jamadagni, etc. But Nara came after all these people were handled by either Chintana, KRS ji and Praveen. So its not clear who were those "atleast 9 friends" you are speaking of. .

Folks like ramaa and jamadagneya deserved it. You and I had nothing to do with it. KRS, chintana and Praveen were superb in their handling of the scum of the forum. I sometimes felt, that these were given too long a rope. In my brief period as a moderator, one function I enjoyed the most was terminating whomever I suspected of mischief, fairly early in the game. Not a good habit for a moderator, as I discovered later. :)

Anyways, whatever may be the reasons for your friends' exit, that however, hopefully need not mean you take up cudgels on your friends' behalf. There simply is nothing to be got by demanding the identity of any poster on this forum. It is childish, immature, and wud only show your vengeful attitude. Since this thread has ended peacefully, i suppose you too have found your answers in the posts of Yamaka, Raghy and others. So hopefully you will never again think of asking anyone their identity on this forum (unless ofcourse you are authorized by the owner of this forum to do so).



Happy, I have found shiv a very decent person, and much could be said of his feelings towards you, but I do not believe he is of the vengeful kind. We are, are we not, our best, when we fight, not for ourselves or our families, but for our friends or for a cause. Like it is for me and you, so too it must be for shiv. I think it takes a lot of skill to maintain friendship and regard, and disagree to the hilt. I have a long way to go on that front, but once in a while I do look back – I am gratified that I have come a long way in the right direction, from where I once was.

happy hope we see you more here. Till then, au revoir.
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Dear Happyhindu:

Whenever possible, please visit this site and give your critique of my posts and others...

I didn't get a chance of knowing you much.



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i always say, this is essentially a Tamil Brahmin forum, set for the welfare of the TB community , and all are welcome here, provided the values are respected. I think you failed here, in spite of all your tactic attempts to defame me wrongly, working in tandem with another esteemed member. Truth prevails right!

on top it, you tried your time tested standard tricks with me (when I joined here), as you did with many in the past(heard history from members by PM ), esp, in the incident of your threesome story asking your identity. Any sane person, who had gone through the posts would have stood up and said on your face that you are wrong on that part, esp,when you claimed on public that I was behind your identity..sad, after you left, the patron also did the same thing, running behind identities, though you all claimed tall that they are only behind the posts, but not the posters.

finally, you have not questioned orthodoxy! rather you failed to understand what orthodoxy mean..That's the mistake! some one said, hitler is very liberal minded person against the orthodox europeans :)

anyways, i think this place is better now a days (without...).. dont worry, there are lot of forums in internet which would quench your knowledge thirst. you are always welcome here , always


i wish you had reciprocated in the same tone as happy. she was calling for peace and 'live let live'. atleast that is what i understood from her post.

i am seeing a sort of vindication now re vengefullness, which i dont think is warranted.

also, your last para, ' anyways, i think this place is better now a days (without...).. dont worry, there are lot of forums in internet which would quench your knowledge thirst. you are always welcome here , always ...' to me is in poor taste. the last statement speaks volumes of hollowness, as they are direct contradictory to the previous line, which just about says 'get lost'.

i do not know if anyone in this forum, barring praveen, has that authority.

now, just for that alone, i wish happy would be back here in full swing.

i am disappointed shiv. why all this repeat revamping of hatred?
... i wish happy would be back here in full swing.
K, I really appreciate your post. We don't have a lot of active women posters. There have been some wonderful members like Revathi and now Megh. The problem is time, women generally have to juggle many more things than we men. This, I am sure, is the reason we don't see Revathi more regularly. Hope Megh finds time to remain active.

We do have Renu, RR and VR, I appreciate their participation, but Happy brings a completely different perspective, a critically scholarly one. She introduced me to some really incisive scholarly research for which I can't thank her enough.

Happy, your presence in the forum adds value. Don't stay away from the forum because of detractors who stand exposed as dishonest. You will always have friends here.

It would be good if members do not indulge in one on one personal attacks. If at all you want to do that, please take it via private message away from others. It does not bode well that each time someone has to step in to calm things down.

I will leave this thread open for now. If it again ventures into the area of personal attack, i will have to close this thread and eventually have to enable moderation on all topics, how ever time consuming it might be, that will be last resort.
i edited out the last 2 posts by shivkc and hh.

I am disappointed that Shivkc would want to repeat what is becoming a constant issue.

As i have said many times over, i dont think it is a right idea to be an exclusive brahmins forum. What does it give apart form the exclusivety? The kind of discussions that will take place will most likely be conservative in nature and does not look at anything beyond what we know already and beyond what has been accepted. We need to keep an open mind and talk beyond the norm/tradition.

If members cannot do that, please refrain from participating. You do not have to participate for the heck of it and start getting involved into a mudslinging competition.
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