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India summons US envoy Nancy Powell over arrest of diplomat in New York PTI

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Deploring the arrest of deputy consul general in New York, foreign secretary Sujatha Singh on Friday summoned US ambassador Nancy Powell to convey India's "shock" over "absolutely unacceptable" treatment meted out to the senior Indian diplomat.

Reacting strongly to deputy consul general Devyani Khobragade being arrested and handcuffed in public on visa fraud charges, the foreign secretary summoned Powell to South Block to lodge strong protest and convey India's displeasure over the arrest of its diplomat.

According to sources, Singh told Powell that the treatment meted out to the senior diplomat was "totally unacceptable" and she was entitled to the courtesies under various multilateral conventions dealing with diplomatic fraternity posted in foreign countries.

In a major diplomatic embarrassment, Khobragade, 39, was taken into custody on a street in New York as she was dropping her daughter to school at 9am yesterday and handcuffed in public on visa fraud charges before being released on a $250,000 bond after pleading not guilty in court.

He also said the ministry was working to resolve this matter at the earliest and if there were issues of legal nature they will be resolved separately, however, this sort of behaviour was "totally unacceptable".

"Nothing entails the humiliation of a young woman with two small children publicly. A person who has been a diplomat sent there to represent her country. We will take issue of legal nature separately but there is no justification or acceptability of what has happened to the young diplomat who had gone to drop her children in a school," he said.

This is the third case involving a senior official of the New York Indian Consulate in three years.

India summons US envoy Nancy Powell over arrest of diplomat in New York - The Times of India
one forgets the reason behind it.

did she commit the crime? it is a common one enough for indians to abuse their domestics, ie bring them from india, underpay them, use their names/cellphones for questionable purposes etc. these poor folks have no clue about their rights or what is going on.

they are held captive and basically 7x24 slaves of the masters.

if devyani did these things, she should be treated just like anybody else. especially so, because she is a diplomat and must show exemplary behaviour. india, instead of going to her assistance, should feel ashamed and disown such rascals for bringing bad name to the country.
I feel diplomatic privilege should have been accorded to her. Us could have asked India to withdraw her and she could have been tried in India. I presume that would be the normal proceeding for developed country's representative.
If she committed a crime and shamed India, she should be punished in India.

yes. unfortunately some of the shamefullest crimes are done under the coverage of diplomatic immunity.

Yes, almost all countries are guilty of misusing this privilege in every country. But still generally the diplomatic immunity is accorded to a diplomat.
Dear K sir,
However said the Americans should have informed to the Indian consulate before taking action. Everyone knows what all nonsense the Diplomatic immunity holders from Paki, eastern bloc countries does which goes under reported?
Its for our spineless goverment that such incidents happen...Shame
India summons US envoy Nancy Powell over arrest of diplomat in New York

I feel diplomatic privilege should have been accorded to her. Us could have asked India to withdraw her and she could have been tried in India. I presume that would be the normal proceeding for developed country's representative.
If she committed a crime and shamed India, she should be punished in India.

Agreed fully. What a shame ! The Dy. Consul General of World's largest Democracy , that too a lady, has been hand cuffed in Public like a third rate criminal. This shows what respect India has got in the US. It is unfortunate our response is highly inadequate and meek. We have just conveyed to the US Ambassador India's "shock" over "absolutely unacceptable" treatment meted out to the senior Indian diplomat.
How true the Korean Proverb " If an Elephant falls, even a frog will give a kick". We have the weakest Government
which will absorb any insult by anybody.
This spineless government added to its sycophancy to the U.S. cannot be expected to react other than in a meek manner. As Shri.Brahmanyan says it is a shame that a foreign country feels it ok to hand cuff a person of such high position that too a lady in public. This shows the respect other countries have for India. The basic thing needed is self belief. That will help in making the country progress and also help in building the image of the country.
. This shows what respect India has got in the US. .
Irrespective of the abominable behavior of the individuals in question they as diplomats are entitled to privileges that must be sacrosanct. But vassal states like India having voluntarily taken up a subservient status will have to accept whatever the master dishes out. You can't have it both ways. Stand up to the U.S. and take a bold and independent stand, or else, eat crow silently and hope the bones the U.S. throws in your way are worth the insults you have to endure. There is no middle ground in this dispute. For all the bravado India is no more than a convenient client state to be used as needed, and the Indians themselves make this all the more easy by bending down as and when commanded.

If you are upset with the way U.S. treats India now, just wait, you would be pining for the good old days of master-servant relationship if by ill luck Modi takes the reigns of power.
We are waiting for modi to take the reins and show the insidious powers their place.

"The moment a new government comes to power in 2014, one entire floor of a five-star Delhi hotel, occupied by enigmatic foreigners, may be raided, although it is more than likely that it will be vacated before the election results are announced. These foreigners are local controllers of a number of North Atlantic Treaty Organization countries, straining to prevent Narendra Modi from ejecting their Indian nominees from political power in Delhi. There are good reasons to believe that they were involved in the attempt to assassinate Narendra Modi at the recent Bihar rally, because these countries retain intimate ties with jihadi groups worldwide. This is known from their role in facilitating terrorist outrages in Chechnya and from the presence of Pakistani Taliban trainers in Syria, who are assisting the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to overthrow president Bashar al-Assad.

These imperialist powers are finding it intolerable that Narendra Modi will wish to restore India’s once jealously defended autonomy, and he will doubtlessly begin by snapping their insidious links with the establishment facilitated by the predecessor regime. This is why elections to the Lok Sabha in 2014 will be the moment of India’s rebirth, equal in significance to the transfer of power in 1947. One of the first tasks of a new government will have to be to appoint a high-powered judicial commission to examine the gross acts of illegality committed by the United Progressive Alliance, not least attempts to frame political opponents, as well as examine evidence of high treason."

What a life? Some hate the kula and families (parents included) they are born in, the country of birth, the country that gives them sustenance, and assume rationalistic professorial roles to justify hatred and venom. More to be pitied than censured!
In as much I agree with post #7, I have to agree with post #9 too, but I would rather not lose my amour propre, albeit brash, than be a bootlicker... Modi or no Modi.

In this aspect, Nigeria seems to be better than India.
Would they do it if the Diplomat was from Saudi Arabia, Israel or even Pakistan? These are allies of the U.S. Indian government is treated as bought and paid for. That is why they do not want any nationalistic party like BJP.

Indian Americans have not helped matters. They have repeatedly been asking the U.S Government to meddle in the internal matters of India. In their opinion the U.S has the right to do it. They have cheapened India.

The ruling politicians of India and the Indian Americans have sold India. One for investments and the other for Visas., and survival in U.S.
Diplomats privilege and immunity are sacrosanct principles. If you can arrest a kobargade for ill treating her servant maid (already there is a dispute between this servant and the master and it is a case under investigation in the court in India) India can arrest tomorrow a US consul in Chennai for wearing a bermuda during the morning walk while there were college girls going in a bus that way. For arresting a diplomat what will be needed will only be a reason and it can be easily found. Even if the diplomat's behavior violates the law of the host country, the remedy is to take it up with the Government and ask for the withdrawal of the person concerned. If US wants to know the contents of a Camera kobargade had collected from an Afghan citizen all that is needed is to say that she had maltreated her servant maid or her own child and arrest her. India should keep this in mind so that it can use it when an opportunity demands it in future.
Kobargade is a criminal with a rich history of law-breaking. She deserves to be punished under the fullest extent of the law for harboring an illegal immigrant, and misusing her diplomat passport. I know someone who paid a very hefty bribe to be posted in a European country, and she said she'd make up for the bribe by accepting bribes herself.

Kobargade must be one such case. India ought to realize no mercy is shown to criminals in any country except India. Why, Sanjay Dutt has again been released from jail. Indian government is of the criminals, by the criminals, for the criminals.
There was a mini news leak that she owns a block in adarsh society in mumbai.

Her father says that the help wanted permanent stay in US and hence complained.
Kobargade is a criminal with a rich history of law-breaking. She deserves to be punished under the fullest extent of the law for harboring an illegal immigrant, and misusing her diplomat passport. I know someone who paid a very hefty bribe to be posted in a European country, and she said she'd make up for the bribe by accepting bribes herself.

Kobargade must be one such case. India ought to realize no mercy is shown to criminals in any country except India. Why, Sanjay Dutt has again been released from jail. Indian government is of the criminals, by the criminals, for the criminals.

India can deal with Indian diplomat when she comes back to India. She is a diplomat, US should have asked her to be removed. This action in US is breaking the immunity diplomats are accorded. India should take stronger action.

Fact is Devyani was not an absconding criminal and also not involved in any anti-USA activities.Even if she does not enjoy immunity,she should have been served with Court' Summons before making arrest. Secondly, while arresting, she should have been asked to accompany by some one. Why a foreign dignitary that too a woman be handcuffed on road like a professional criminal? High degree of insensitivity insult by US law enforcing persons. USA can't justify this.
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Announcing the Indian diplomat's arrest in New York, Manhattan's Indian-American US attorney Preet Bharara alleged that she had caused "materially false and fraudulent statements" to be made in support of a visa application for an Indian national employed as a babysitter and housekeeper at her home in New York.

A NRI, and that too an up and coming politician of Indian decent. This is shocking. Did he overstep his boundary?

The embassy statement said: "The Delhi High Court had issued an-interim injunction in September to restrain Richards from instituting any actions or proceedings against Khobragade outside India on the terms or conditions of her employment."

"The US Government had subsequently been requested to locate Richard and facilitate the service of an arrest warrant, issued by the Metropolitan Magistrate of the South District Court in New Delhi under Sections 387, 420 and 120B of the Indian Penal Code," it said.
Anyone working in the indian embassy or any other country's embassy pay 4500 dollars per month for a forty hour week for the domestic help brought from their native land?
What a life? Some hate the kula and families (parents included) they are born in, the country of birth, the country that gives them sustenance, and assume rationalistic professorial roles to justify hatred and venom. More to be pitied than censured!
Thanks my dear brother sarang, I love you too, very much ....
What a life? Some hate the kula and families (parents included) they are born in, the country of birth, the country that gives them sustenance, and assume rationalistic professorial roles to justify hatred and venom. More to be pitied than censured!
my dear borther sarang, of all the people who routinely disagree with my views, you are the most persistent. Even though I offer olive branches every time you say things like the above, you come back with more of the same.

Don't deny you did not mean me and that if the shoe fits I have to wear it, that is a tired old cop out. Stand up and own it, that is the least you should do.

Now, you seem to assume a certain level of intimate knowledge about me, which is not only false but surprising because you state it with so much confidence.

Take for instance, you say "Some hate the kula and families (parents included) they are born in". "Hate" is a very destructive and irrational emotion and you say I have such an emotion towards my kulam, family, and parents. Why bring my family and parents into this? It is a new low. As for kulam, I think such tribal thinking is anachronistic and not useful, and can give rise to undesirable attitudes and behavior. So, I rather subscribe to the first part of the adage "ஒன்றே குலம் ஒருவனே தேவன்". It is surprising to me that you see "hate" in this outlook.

Next, you say, "Some hate [.....] the country of birth, the country that gives them sustenance,". You are making a very rash judgement about my emotional attachment to India on the basis of my criticism of Brahminism, BJP/Hindutva, Modi, etc. You need to allow me the freedom to have a contrary opinion without attaching the "hates India" label.

Next hatred you want to tag me with is hatred of my adopted country, the one that gives me and my family sustenance. What do you know about what I and my family have contributed for the country we live in, USA? My criticism of the US government foreign policy and domestic policy is shared by millions of Americans who want to see USA change their destructive policies. It is completely irrational to say I hate USA because I disagree with the policies of the US government. You disagree with not only the policies of the Congress government, but some aspects of the Indian Constitution as well, that could hardly make you a India Hater, would it?

You top it all with this strident statement, "Some hate [.....] and assume rationalistic professorial roles to justify hatred and venom." I just don't understand this anger. What is the problem my dear brother sarang? Do you really see hatred and venom in my views? It is easy to throw around such harsh words in a general way, but before you do, I wish you stop for a moment and think, do you really mean it, or is it just another bombastic take down of the one who makes cogent arguments against your views that you don't want to take the trouble to rebut in a civil and rational way?

Finally you say, "More to be pitied than censured!", dripping with irony!!!

I don't want to censure anyone, in an open forum everyone must be allowed to say whatever they want on any topic, on any personality. Let the members be respected or ridiculed based on what they say. If there is genuine pity I don't think it would be openly expressed in this condescending manner.

My dear brother sarang, I don't want to fight with you word for word. I would like to discuss topics of interest with you in a meaningful way, for that to happen, you need to stop making posts like this one.

-- Dileepan
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Finally you say, "More to be pitied than censured!",...!!!

dear nara,

the word 'pity' caught my imagination.

checking with the online dictionary, i came up with this, 'the feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the suffering and misfortunes of others.'

so from brother sarang's post, that he suggests that you be pitied as opposed to being censured

"More to be pitied than censured!"

in order to heap my bountiful pity on you, per S's recommendation, i would like to know the nature of your sorrows and misfortunes. based on that, moi (and several other generous parties here) could channel the nature of our pity, to assuage your 'sorrows and misfortunes'.

hope you dont mind this request of mine and rest of the public (i agree it is indeed presumptuous of me to talk on behalf of the public). but this is a season of goodwill in this continent, as you yourself are very well aware. and i was thinking of doing my share of goodness, and where but the best place to start, that in your own cyber chinna veedu, which this forum is.

looking forward very much to your detail. in the meanwhile, wishing peace to all, malice to none. :)
...., and where but the best place to start, that in your own cyber chinna veedu, which this forum is.
Ha, cultivating a real life chinna veedu is one sorrow I managed to avoid, though she who should be obeyed taunts me that nobody but she would want me, there is some real pity LOL.

Now, my sufferings and misfortunes, where do I start, I was a very religious man at one time, though I didn't demand anything from other members of my family, the superstitious restrictions I placed upon myself surely caused sorrow and misfortunes to them, for which I feel sorrow now, how stupid of me, how come I didn't see the light soon enough. Pity me for that.

I wasted a lot of money, a boat load of money supporting religious activities, what a waste, money that could have been spent on relieving the suffering of truly oppressed and deserving people, and I feel sorrow for that now, how stupid of me, I should have known better. Pity me for that.

Didn't stand up to some people in defense of some others, I foolishly respected silly old ancient tradition aka sanatana dharmam, and I feel sorrow for that now, how stupid of me, it was unconscionable. Pity me for that.

Borrowing the words of திருமங்கை ஆழ்வார் and twisting the meaning for my context, "கள்வனேனானேன் படிறு செய்திருப்பேன், கண்டவா திரிதந்தேன்". So, there is lot to pity me, thanks for asking dear K. But alas, the kind of pity my dear brother sarang dishes out, is intended to cause more sorrow, not alleviate any.

But then, it doesn't bother me any more. I have crossed the ocean of religious and theistic ignorance. I am now free of all sorrow, and the misfortune of religious superstition is behind me. Continuing on திருமங்கை words, "தெள்ளியேன் ஆனேன்". I am a happy man now. Very happy. I am truly able to put to practice the maxim யாதும் ஊரே யாவரும் கேளிர். And, that brings me to the last point, which is, I only have pity for those who are swayed by the demagoguery of fundamentalist religious nationalism like that of BJP, RSS, Hindu Munnani, etc.

So, dear K, there you have it, pity me if you must for the times I wasted in the past, and your pity will be well placed and much appreciated, but also, join me in the present, for joyful celebration of the present, free of superstitions, with lots of friends engaged in what I would like to call enlightened hedonism ....
Ha, cultivating a real life chinna veedu is one sorrow I managed to avoid, though she who should be obeyed taunts me that nobody but she would want me, there is some real pity LOL.

Now, my sufferings and misfortunes, where do I start, I was a very religious man at one time, though I didn't demand anything from other members of my family, the superstitious restrictions I placed upon myself surely caused sorrow and misfortunes to them, for which I feel sorrow now, how stupid of me, how come I didn't see the light soon enough. Pity me for that.

I wasted a lot of money, a boat load of money supporting religious activities, what a waste, money that could have been spent on relieving the suffering of truly oppressed and deserving people, and I feel sorrow for that now, how stupid of me, I should have known better. Pity me for that.

Didn't stand up to some people in defense of some others, I foolishly respected silly old ancient tradition aka sanatana dharmam, and I feel sorrow for that now, how stupid of me, it was unconscionable. Pity me for that.

Borrowing the words of திருமங்கை ஆழ்வார் and twisting the meaning for my context, "கள்வனேனானேன் படிறு செய்திருப்பேன், கண்டவா திரிதந்தேன்". So, there is lot to pity me, thanks for asking dear K. But alas, the kind of pity my dear brother sarang dishes out, is intended to cause more sorrow, not alleviate any.

But then, it doesn't bother me any more. I have crossed the ocean of religious and theistic ignorance. I am now free of all sorrow, and the misfortune of religious superstition is behind me. Continuing on திருமங்கை words, "தெள்ளியேன் ஆனேன்". I am a happy man now. Very happy. I am truly able to put to practice the maxim யாதும் ஊரே யாவரும் கேளிர். And, that brings me to the last point, which is, I only have pity for those who are swayed by the demagoguery of fundamentalist religious nationalism like that of BJP, RSS, Hindu Munnani, etc.

So, dear K, there you have it, pity me if you must for the times I wasted in the past, and your pity will be well placed and much appreciated, but also, join me in the present, for joyful celebration of the present, free of superstitions, with lots of friends engaged in what I would like to call enlightened hedonism ....

We all have troubles, HUGE insurmountable issues.. I prefer remaining a loner and not bore others with my bundles of misery (notwithstanding, misery needs company).

I did suggest the get together must have ample supplies of certain fermented beverages, but the members would prefer milk instead. sad.
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