Indian Muslims have to do this, do that etc.
Similarly, now can you ask your favourite party leaders to stop - spewing hatred against Muslims, stop building detention centres - eerily spine chilling similarity with nazis, etc. ??
And can you ask them to - reverse CAA, proposed NRC, reach out to Muslims, and build a inclusive society ??
What a load of crap. There are no detention centers. They are not behaving like Nazis etc. Why should CAA be reversed? Should not the persecuted minorities in islamic countries be given preference over the very people who are persecuting them?
It is astonishing really. You people want 370 to be abrogated - because you don't want other indian citizens to get settled in Kashmir but you oppose CAA because you want muslims from other countries to have a free pass to India?
Why do you pretend that you are a liberal? Why don't you openly say that you want Sharia to be installed everywhere in India?
No we simply cannot as per constitution. You can write a bill saying- all persecuted people will be given citizenship including Muslims !! You cannot exclude Muslims or any religious groups.
First of all, just because, we oppose CAA and NRC does not mean, we want sharia law. Let's not go to extremes.
Abolishing article 370 without consent of the state govt and its people is unconstitutional. Let's first get this correct. Hence this has to be reversed. No one is against anyone settling in Kashmir.
You are allowed to make a reference to Nazism but a reference to Sharia is extreme? Sorry. The fiberals' behavior is much more akin to jihadis than hindutva to Nazis. When you drop the extreme language i will drop it too.
Kashmir is an integral part of India. And article 370 affected all people of india not just those from Kashmir. It was appropriate that the decision to abrogate that was made by a democratically elected govt of India.
Well, If you are not seeing yet, the entire international media both liberal and conservative is going hammer and tong about the nazi comparison. If this detention centre thing had come to light before the Loksabha elections, the results would have been different. So much for paid media hiding and obfuscating such critical information.
In a federal democracy, the centre cannot take unilateral action without consent and approval of state legislature.
Do you want us to believe that the so called international media has the interest of indian people in mind? Such astonishing naivete on your part.
And you are still in denial the last LS elections. You always question legitimacy of elections EVM hack etc which proves you refuse to accept reality. Abrogation of article 370, CAA, were all part of BJP manifesto - so one can say people voted FOR them.
The obfuscation is from the fiberals because that is the only way they can capture power. Not the other way around.
3. Demolish the detention centres or give it to some charity organisations. How on earth and that too in gods name, can we even talk about detention centre forget building one, after the horrific holocaust that marred the last century ??
What is astonishing is that the fiberals never talked about detention centers all these years.
The detention centers were first set up to tackle the problem of infiltration along the Bangla border by the then "Congress" government. These were created in 2012. Refer to the white paper document released by the then Congress govt on this issue.
This was very specific to problems faced by Assam. The detention centers are at Goalpara, Kokrajhar and Silchar.