Insecure NRIs and India Bashing
Indians love to abuse their country. However, there is a particular type of NRI whose entire self worth is linked to having “escaped”from the hell hole of India. These obnoxious individuals will go out of their way to pick out the very worst of every aspect of our nation and completely deny any redeeming features whatsoever
A few days ago, my wife ran into one of these characters on her profile Some desi staying in San Fransisco took umbrage at her wanting to visit Delhi. Without any warning or provocation, he began attacking her choice. Here is how it went (reproduced with all spelling and grammar mistakes in tact
Notice two interesting phenomena pertaining to our combative NRI friend.
1. Name changed from“Jasvir” to “Jesse” in the signature even though he’s talking to an Indian who knows how to pronounce his name
2. Proud disclosure of his location in the US. This is no automated signature – he’s made damn sure everyone knows where he is.
Anupa’s Reply:
At this point, wifey gets pissed:
No reply this time!
So there we have it. Aprime sample of people whose only claim to fame is that they’ve moved to phoren land. Of course, the facade doesn’t fool anyone and is easily seen through. A massive inferiority complex underlies people like this because at the end of the day, they know who they are and where they came from. And they’ll always remain Indians
Indians love to abuse their country. However, there is a particular type of NRI whose entire self worth is linked to having “escaped”from the hell hole of India. These obnoxious individuals will go out of their way to pick out the very worst of every aspect of our nation and completely deny any redeeming features whatsoever
A few days ago, my wife ran into one of these characters on her profile Some desi staying in San Fransisco took umbrage at her wanting to visit Delhi. Without any warning or provocation, he began attacking her choice. Here is how it went (reproduced with all spelling and grammar mistakes in tact

Jasvirjr says:Well Anpa you might have reason to visit to New Delhi but It can’t be nobody’s dream destination. A polluted, unorganized,overcrowded city.
San Francisco
San Francisco
1. Name changed from“Jasvir” to “Jesse” in the signature even though he’s talking to an Indian who knows how to pronounce his name
2. Proud disclosure of his location in the US. This is no automated signature – he’s made damn sure everyone knows where he is.
Anupa’s Reply:
anupa_rk says:Jesse,every city has its charm. As does New Delhi. You may have your own reasons to dislike it, but I bet you’ll find that several people love it, look forward to visiting it, and even call it home
. In my experience it is usually Indians who undermine India and its charms. I dont think you would have made this comment of a city like Rome which is also considered to be unorganised and overcrowded!

Lets be fair travelers here!

Jasvirjr says: Well you can’t deny the truth or facts I dont’know how would you compare Rome with Delhi. Let us acknowledge that we have poor infrastructure, chaois rules virtually all roads in India. I am sorry I can’t admire something that does not meet an ordinary persons expectations. Why would I make this comment city like Rome because we don’t have same experience when we are in Rome Vs. Delhi. There are other cities worse than Delhi but at this point my opinion is about Delhi only. And IGI is nothing more than a rundown bus stand where chaois rules 24/7. I am not undermining Delhi because I am Indian but based on facts and our grueling experience everytime we land there.
anupa_rk says:Its all a matter of perception, isnt it?!
I for one, love the chaos and confusion of India. I greatly prefer it over the ultra sanitised and pedestrain unfriendly streets of the suburbs of the US.
And oh, while we’re at it, I love the chaotic traffic too.. esp with the straydogs and cows thrown in!!!
And oh, while we’re at it, I love the chaotic traffic too.. esp with the straydogs and cows thrown in!!!

Which is why I choose to live in India!
I understand that you may have had bad experiences, but its slightly inappropriate to attack a person’s home country on their profile, don't you think?
So there we have it. Aprime sample of people whose only claim to fame is that they’ve moved to phoren land. Of course, the facade doesn’t fool anyone and is easily seen through. A massive inferiority complex underlies people like this because at the end of the day, they know who they are and where they came from. And they’ll always remain Indians

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