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inter caste marriage wont solve only humanity way

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hi all,
i have not read all the post but only few of them. here is my reply to that inter caste marrige (ICM). i feel strange why goundamani continuously insisting on ICM.
ICM will not and should not be the solution for oppression on people. If ICM has been made as the solution then can u guarantee me that killings of fellow human beings, animals, oppression of people won’t happen? I doubt u have not correctly understood the Brahmins way of life. Every caste and every religion has its unique, beautiful way of life. Every caste is a living science. Better u study all religions correctly. Yes i accept that some of the other caste people are oppressed but this was not introduced voluntarily by Brahmins but to my knowledge I can say that this (caste oppression) was done in the middle or during the start of british era. Lets not talk detail about past.
This oppression problem was not because of caste system but because there is no HUMANITY in man kind. Each and every one becomes selfish and hence the problem. If every human being starts respecting and loving fellow human beings, animals, nature etc. then these problems wont occur. And this does not require ICM.
Does some of our great Brahmin souls propagated ICM, no instead they propagated humanity. Even today many persons are having good respect and understanding with other caste people and they also enjoy the same. They visit each others places and enjoy life and continue to live in their own caste way.
In today’s situation everyone tries to exploit Brahmins, tries to oppress us so in this situation u should not go for ICM but should go for humanity. Every one should go for humanity way and should see the difference. It will solve all the problem not only caste problem in India but all the problem surrounding the world.
I have a lot to say but time stops me. Will come back will full message.
I have a lot of friends and till now does not have any Brahmin friend. But all of my friends belong to other caste particularly SC, MBC. I visit them and they also visit us. Their family members are very kind to us and happy to be with us and their whole approach towards Brahmins have changed. And I still live as a Brahmin especially with vegetarian way of life and they never tried to make me non veg. so I say if you want to solve the problem have a humanity approach and don’t go for inter caste marriage.

Well said Thamizhan!

Besides ICM could be an experiment in terror. Marriage and life are not experiments. They are beautiful journey into purushaartha. If two castes fight bitterly find out the root cause instead of removing both by hook or crook. We should not confuse young minds of different castes infatuated by attraction of youth. This is terribly ehemeral, so it cannot be part of a solution of a general nature of caste conflict. Respect for each other and preserving one's own culture and heritage is a prudent basis of resolution of any conflict of this nature.

With Narayanasmrithi,
its correct

Anbu said:
Respect for each other and preserving one's own culture and heritage is a prudent basis of resolution of any conflict of this nature.

Ya. what u said is correct. Each caste/religion has its own culture and heritage thats why we call UNITY IN DIVERSITY and it shuld not be sacrificed simply. If concern persons and their parents are willing for Inter caste Marriage they can do the same. But we should not experiment it afterall its LIFE.

On the subject of Inter-Caste marriage, why is it that Brahmins are being asked to do this? I don't see this happening with other Castes?
Only the death of the man at the helm will ease the situation,it will dillute the irrationality that pervades the DMK and it will move towards becoming a fringe party.
There will be a massive exodus to the AIADMK fold, DMK ideals of Brahmin bashing will take a back seat and things will improve somewhat.
I am not sure if PMK, DMDK or even MDMK are as vehemently anti-Brahmin though.
Our religion stressed humanity only for upper segemnts in the varna hierarchy.

We,hindus talk about compassion to all,humanity,dharma and everything while doing great injustice to dalits.In this sense our religion is worse than nazism and fascism(sorry to say this)

Do you know that still 600,000 families live by cleaning toilets manually?And any guesses as of which they caste they belong to?100% of them are dalits.And imagine they are doing this for generations after generations.

Propenents of varnashrama talk of "karma yoga" where these dalits have to keep on cleaning toilets for generations to come.They should clean toilets "in name of god" "dedicating the fruits of their work to lord and doing their duty(cleaning toilets)".We had a seperate caste for prostitution also.They also should do their "duty in name of god,not worrying about results".

When people deviate from these "duties" whole earth was supposed to break open and vishnu will take avathar to "correct the world".He will ensure that prostitute will remain prostitute,toilet cleaner will remain toilet cleaner,vaisya will remain as trader,king will remain king and bhramin will remain as ministers,doctors ,priests and rajagurus.

Its a shame,a real shame for anybody to uphold this fascist caste system/varna system and talk about "kula dharma".

Kula dharma to a dalit means cleaning toilets and kula dharma for a prostitute is doing prostitution.If we want them to uphold their kula dharma in name of god,then such god is no god.He is satan.I would rather worship hitler and mussolini than worshipping such a god.

Nadar women were not allowed to wear anything on their upper body till early 20th century.They started a movement called as "thol seelai poorattam" meaning "right to wear saree on shoulders".Caste hindus opposed this,many nadars were killed and finally,finally british government granted the women the rights.

Do we need to uphold this fascist system in our religion?(sorry again,I cannot control my emotions when I read about these atrocities)
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You have obviously read the piece on Frontline,excellent piece of journalism.
That being said , what does a Brahmin forum have to do with this?

The Dalit scavengers are ruthlessly suppressed by Gounders, Nadars and Vellalars so maybe your ire is better directed in their respective forums.
No one is advocating varna dharna anymore, at least no Brahmin is.
Just because Brahmins are upholders of the Vedas doesnt mean they can be held responsible for every ill in Hinduism and take blame and punishment for everything.

BTW just curious will Karunanidhi or his sambandhi eat with a Scavenger family since they're so concerned about their welfare?
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Dear Goundamani:

Whoa! Hold on, there, big fella! Take it easy!
I am in total agreement with you; that was why people like Raja Ram Mohan Rai started the Arya Samaj and Brahma Samaj to clean up our society of its evils.

Regarding your statement: "When people deviate from these "duties" whole earth was supposed to break open and vishnu will take avathar to "correct the world".He will ensure that prostitute will remain prostitute,toilet cleaner will remain toilet cleaner,vaisya will remain as trader,king will remain king and bhramin will remain as ministers,doctors ,priests and rajagurus."

Your interpretation of our Vedas (Karma Yoga?) is similar to the Taliban interpreting Quran!! These were written thousands of years ago by MEN! And who knows? maybe people made changes or inserted their own biases along the way. Your statement was extreme; but I understand that you got emotional!
I think PMK and MDMK are even worse.

MrJustice said:
Only the death of the man at the helm will ease the situation,it will dillute the irrationality that pervades the DMK and it will move towards becoming a fringe party.
There will be a massive exodus to the AIADMK fold, DMK ideals of Brahmin bashing will take a back seat and things will improve somewhat.
I am not sure if PMK, DMDK or even MDMK are as vehemently anti-Brahmin though.

Definitely PMK is worse compared to DMK. There is no need to trust ADMK also. We should be in a position to bargain for power and not beg for it.
Tamilnadu Brahmins have a party called MDJK. Please refer to Tamilnadu Brahmin association website for details.
I read the tambraas.com About Us information.
Refering to the following from the site,
"Most unfortunately we reached a stage during 1980s when the anti Brahmin movement took an ugly turn by wall writings and other methods demanding nationalization of Brahmin ladies. At this juncture, normally the most passive and tolerant Brahmins of Thamizhnadu, reacted ferociously and decided to form an association for Brahmins at long last in Thamizhnadu."

Can someone please explain what exactly nationalization of Brahmin ladies alludes to?

Makkal Desiya Jananayaga Kazhagam

silverfox said:

What does 'MDJK' stand for? Who founded this party? Thanks!

I think the ******* president is clear with what he is doing.
For example "Even if a brahmin competes from another party's ticket, it still means he is not for brahmaneeyam. So we should vote only for MDJK's candidates." I think, once we have that mentality, we can be in a bargaining position.
I was around in 80s

MrJustice said:
I read the tambraas.com About Us information.
Refering to the following from the site,
"Most unfortunately we reached a stage during 1980s when the anti Brahmin movement took an ugly turn by wall writings and other methods demanding nationalization of Brahmin ladies. At this juncture, normally the most passive and tolerant Brahmins of Thamizhnadu, reacted ferociously and decided to form an association for Brahmins at long last in Thamizhnadu."

Can someone please explain what exactly nationalization of Brahmin ladies alludes to?

Though I am not sure of the exact situation, as I was a kid, I remember our hindi teacher having his kudumi pulled and poonal cut. And there was a statement that "madisaar katra maami podavaya vuruvanum". So things were really worse. My mom was afraid even to wear madisaar on special occasions.

Justice party and its latest avathars are nothing but buffons and talibans.They shifted the blame of dalit oppression entirely on bhramins and 'liberated' BC's/MBC's and FC's from that sin.

In reality in kandadevi its thevars who prevent dalits from pulling temple car.And then they call themselves as "backward caste" and go and ask for reservations.Shame on them.

I personally have seen bhramins being ill treated for no mistake of theirs.I feel that is equal to fascism too.Nobody should be punished for being born in a certain caste.
goundamani said:
Do you know that still 600,000 families live by cleaning toilets manually?And any guesses as of which they caste they belong to?100% of them are dalits.And imagine they are doing this for generations after generations.

According to sulabh international, the toilets run by them in Delhi are cleaned manually by brahmins. It is pity that in india this low and mean job is still being done manually. But it is just not the Dalits who are doing it even the brahmins are doing it.
Hey guys!
My question "what is MDJK" and what is it all about hasn't been answered.

What does 'MDJK' stand for? Who founded this party? Thanks!
silverfox said:
Hey guys!
My question "what is MDJK" and what is it all about hasn't been answered.

What does 'MDJK' stand for? Who founded this party? Thanks!

Dear Silverfox,

From a news item in April16, 2006 Hindu:
"The Makkal Desiya Jananayaka Katchi (MDJK), a constituent of the Bharatiya Janata Party-led front, will put up its candidates in T. Nagar and Thiruvidaimarudhur constituencies.
Muktha V. Srinivasan will contest in T. Nagar and Sowrirajan, a Dalit, in Thiruvidaimarudhur, according to a press release issued by N. Narayanan, founder-president of the MDJK. — Special Correspondent "

Hope this helps.

Sorry I might not have been clear.

silverfox said:
Hey guys!
My question "what is MDJK" and what is it all about hasn't been answered.

What does 'MDJK' stand for? Who founded this party? Thanks!

Dear Silverfox,
Sorry, I might not have been clear. The title of the post says what it is.
I go through Thambras magazine regularly, and the good thing is, they have a definite vision. Hope it all turns out good.
We cannot stay away from mainstream politics for any longer.
Hi Friends,
The Makkal Desiya Jananayaka Katchi (MDJK), which you say it contested with BJP in last T.N state election, can any one tell me how much votes it got it that election? Did brahmins voted for that party?

can any one tell me how many votes these candidates got in there constituencies?
brahmins community never voted more than 30% their votes. Always wasted our community votes by not casting the vote.
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Dear friends,
wish you all a happy and prospers navaratri and vijayadasami.

I read the news that MDJK(Makkal desiya jananayaka katchi) a political party floated by ******* got registered by election commission on friday(29/9/06). But the registration of party will not get any exclusive symbol for the party. But MDJK candidates will get preference over independent candidates.
Any way wish the party all the success with the blessings off goddess Durga devi.
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